Gaturro is a cat and the protagonist of the comic. He lives with his owners who have raised him since he was young. While his house is a charming place, he also enjoys roaming the rooftops of his neighborhood. Among the rooftops, Gaturro can interact with other characters from neighboring houses. Gaturro's owners send him to school every now and then, not for the education, but to get him out of the house. In school, Gaturro is a bit of a troublemaker and makes life difficult for his teacher, Ms. Ruda Vinagreti. Gaturro has also appeared dressed in formal clothes at his owner's office in some strips to issue a punchline in the form of a thought bubble, but what he does there has not really been explained.
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| - thumb Gaturro es un gato marrón, con unos grandes cachetes amarillos. La serie trata sobre la vida de un gato del mismo nombre que la serie, quien está perdidamente enamorado de una gata llamada Ágatha, pero ésta no le presta atención.Gaturro vive en la casa de una familia de clase media compuesta por un matrimonio y dos hijos.
- right|270px Gaturro es una serie animada argentina hecha en 3D creada por QB9 Entreteniment realizada en el 2013. Con 20 episodios producidos de 5 minutos, fue adquirido por Cartoon Nerwork en febrero. Aunque no es la primera vez que se encuentra en este canal, se estreno su película el 7 de Marzo en un especial de gatos con mala suerte. El contrato de la serie será de 2 años, lo cual significa que estará hasta el 2016. Actualmente se puede ver los viernes a las 15:00 hs.
- Gaturro is a cat and the protagonist of the comic. He lives with his owners who have raised him since he was young. While his house is a charming place, he also enjoys roaming the rooftops of his neighborhood. Among the rooftops, Gaturro can interact with other characters from neighboring houses. Gaturro's owners send him to school every now and then, not for the education, but to get him out of the house. In school, Gaturro is a bit of a troublemaker and makes life difficult for his teacher, Ms. Ruda Vinagreti. Gaturro has also appeared dressed in formal clothes at his owner's office in some strips to issue a punchline in the form of a thought bubble, but what he does there has not really been explained.
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- es.mundogaturro
- es.gaturro-fanon
- es.mgrespuestas.answers
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| - Wiki Gaturro fanon es un proyecto de la Comunidad Wikia.
La wiki fue fundado por el usuario DragonfansZ Mejor conocido como EnderfansZ en el 31 de diciembre del año 2013, En esta wiki puedes crear de todo, como Personajes, Libros, objetos, Historia y muchos artículos mas.
- Es una wiki dedicada al juego online del Mundo Gaturro.
- Una comunidad para responder preguntas acerca de Gaturro
- Gaturro Wiki es un proyecto que tiene como objetivo recopilar la mayor cantidad de información sobre el cómic, las pelis y los vídeos de Gaturro, y lo mejor es que ¡tú nos puedes ayudar!.
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- 25(xsd:integer)
| - Fallin'
- EnderfansZ
- V-Damimon
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| - Gaturro Wiki
- Wiki MundoGaturro
- MundoGaturro Respuestas
- Wiki Gaturro Fanon
| - Gaturro is a cat and the protagonist of the comic. He lives with his owners who have raised him since he was young. While his house is a charming place, he also enjoys roaming the rooftops of his neighborhood. Among the rooftops, Gaturro can interact with other characters from neighboring houses. Gaturro's owners send him to school every now and then, not for the education, but to get him out of the house. In school, Gaturro is a bit of a troublemaker and makes life difficult for his teacher, Ms. Ruda Vinagreti. Gaturro has also appeared dressed in formal clothes at his owner's office in some strips to issue a punchline in the form of a thought bubble, but what he does there has not really been explained. Ágatha is Gaturro's neighbor. They have known each other for a long time and the relationship has always been the same: Gaturro is totally in love with Ágatha, but she never pays him attention. She is very jealous, selfish and she wants to be the only one rejecting him. Gaturrín is the baby of Gaturro's household, and Gaturro adopts him as a nephew. Gaturro tries to instruct Gaturrín but often ends up learning from the baby cat. He is a very good observer of reality, and the weakness of Ágatha. He is often seen sucking on his pacifier, except when he is too busy sucking on his baby bottle instead. Canturro is the dog of the comic strip (the "can" prefix being derived from Latin canis, "dog"). Having taken the phrase "man's best friend" too much to heart, he is convinced that he is the protagonist of the strip. Believing that he looks too much like Gaturro, he undergoes cosmetic surgery to become more "doglike". With this new face, he thinks that he can appear more frightening. Emilio is the fish of the family and a friend of Gaturro and Gaturrín, who always look for a way to amuse him, although often that "fun" transforms into great "dangers" for the poor Emilio. He lives in a round fishbowl, in the living room of the house, near the armchair for the TV. Gateen is the adolescent cat macho o hembra of the roofs. Gateen is an authentic "teen", with all adolescent skills that can be imagined. For instance, she is a money changer and a rebel (still does not know very well why, but wants to be rebellious). She is in the age of the great changes, and it shows. Deep down, she feels that nobody understands her.
- thumb Gaturro es un gato marrón, con unos grandes cachetes amarillos. La serie trata sobre la vida de un gato del mismo nombre que la serie, quien está perdidamente enamorado de una gata llamada Ágatha, pero ésta no le presta atención.Gaturro vive en la casa de una familia de clase media compuesta por un matrimonio y dos hijos.
- right|270px Gaturro es una serie animada argentina hecha en 3D creada por QB9 Entreteniment realizada en el 2013. Con 20 episodios producidos de 5 minutos, fue adquirido por Cartoon Nerwork en febrero. Aunque no es la primera vez que se encuentra en este canal, se estreno su película el 7 de Marzo en un especial de gatos con mala suerte. El contrato de la serie será de 2 años, lo cual significa que estará hasta el 2016. Actualmente se puede ver los viernes a las 15:00 hs.