| - The origins of latte art are shrouded in mystery, but historians have unearthed clues that prove the art form is thousands of years old. Assyrian reliefs from nearly 1000 BC show the great King Ashurnasirpal II partaking of this activity, perhaps as a leisure interest in between conquering the lands of the ancient Near East, murdering his enemies and stealing ideas from the Sumerians. By all accounts, however, Ashurnasirpal's attempts at the "godly art" were quite dismal - a fact undoubtedly vexing to the ruler, and perhaps the source of the furiously warlike tendencies his civilization is today remembered for.
| - The origins of latte art are shrouded in mystery, but historians have unearthed clues that prove the art form is thousands of years old. Assyrian reliefs from nearly 1000 BC show the great King Ashurnasirpal II partaking of this activity, perhaps as a leisure interest in between conquering the lands of the ancient Near East, murdering his enemies and stealing ideas from the Sumerians. By all accounts, however, Ashurnasirpal's attempts at the "godly art" were quite dismal - a fact undoubtedly vexing to the ruler, and perhaps the source of the furiously warlike tendencies his civilization is today remembered for. The Egyptians soon learned of this wondrous way of life, but not soon enough to save their ailing culture. After wandering in a haze through the periods historians now call the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms, the Latte Period, when the Egyptians discovered and explored the terrific power of the Art, proved to be only a last gasp before the Persians conquered the kingdom. But what a mighty gasp it was! Hieroglyphics record the great introduction of latte art into Egypt and the hope it seemed to bring. What use had the Egyptians for denial any longer, with this new savior now in their apparently capable hands? Alas, it was the very power of the latte itself that proved the undoing of this great civilization. The hands and minds that built the pyramids were yet too weak to control the possibilities of latte art, and they perished at the hands of anti-lattate barbarians. For centuries the secret of latte art was believed to have been buried with the Egyptians. “Crocodile stick box bird coffee mug scepter” ~ Egyptian hieroglyphics