| - The son of Angelo Paoli and Santa Morelli, as a young man he spent the greater part of his leisure time in teaching Catholic doctrine to the poor children of Argigliano. At eighteen, he was admitted to the novitiate of the Calced Carmelites at Siena. After making his vows he spent six years at his studies, was ordained priest, and appointed to the community at Pisa. He was subsequently transferred to Cupoli, Monte Catino, and Fivizzano. Specially devoted to the Passion, he caused wooden crosses to be erected on the hills around Fivizzano (and afterwards in the Coliseum at Rome) to bring the sacred tragedy more vividly before the minds of the inhabitants. In 1687, he was called to Rome and stationed at the Convent of St. Martin. The remaining years of his life were divided between the care of the sick poor in the city hospitals and the office of Master of Novices. His virtues were declared by Pope Pius VI in 1781 to be heroic. In a July 2009 meeting with the Prefect of the Sacred Congregation For The Causes Of Saints, Archbishop Angelo Amato, a miracle (that had been separately reviewed and voted by the medical, theological, and then prelate members of the Congregation as valid) was formally approved by Pope Benedict XVI, clearing the way for the date to be set for his beatification.