| - --returning to plot-- Following Mabel's raft for 5 hours was no easy task, but eventually they reached an island. But the things ON IT were most surprising! There stood Star Kirby12 and P4, ready to finish Mabel with a time machine and send her to last millenium. As the moon rose and Mabel docked, she asked them what was going on. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF Ωㆱ* ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" yelled Mabel. "Oh, just something. If you like December 5, 199-" "I HATE YOU ΔΩϠ‽Я҂Ӷ۩!!!" Mabel yelled as she tackled P4, sending him flying into a button in the hourglass. "UH-OH……" said P4. "AAAAARGH-"
| - --returning to plot-- Following Mabel's raft for 5 hours was no easy task, but eventually they reached an island. But the things ON IT were most surprising! There stood Star Kirby12 and P4, ready to finish Mabel with a time machine and send her to last millenium. As the moon rose and Mabel docked, she asked them what was going on. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF Ωㆱ* ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" yelled Mabel. "Oh, just something. If you like December 5, 199-" "NO I DON'T!! EXPLORER USED ME FOR A ♟ⶹ﷼Δ♙ⶹஇ BASEBALL THAT DAY IN FRONT OF THE SOUTH POLE COUNCIL! HE HIT A HOMER WITH ME AND I STILL HAVE THE SCAR TO PROVE IT!!" screamed Mabel. A snicker came from Explorer's boat, floating around 7 feet offshore. Mabel thought for a minute, looking at the button and the design of it. Then came an idea. "I HATE YOU ΔΩϠ‽Я҂Ӷ۩!!!" Mabel yelled as she tackled P4, sending him flying into a button in the hourglass. "UH-OH……" said P4. Immediately, the hourglass turned around and P4 was thrown up into the air, where an hourglass appeared around him. The clock dial, being on the present date, turned counter-clockwise all the way to December 5, 1999, just shy of the 2000 mark. As the time drew near, Star, in his aghastness, cried: "AAAAARGH-" A cage drew around him, and suddenly P4 was out in the daylight. Looking around, he saw he was about 100 feet above the streets of South Pole City. Everyone surrounding looked up, notably Explorer on the steps leading up to the capital building. 4 years after the incident P4 suddenly transported to Darktan's Realem where he was held prisoner. Darktan had gotten a hold of the hourglass and installed it into the petshop causeing the error in puffle oxeygen which made the puffles scream which the soundwaves triggered the emergancy sound activator on the prison wall generateing enough energy to teleport a random penguin into prison. From his cage all P4 could see was a mist be then a voice was heard: well well well look at who got trapped. The mist cleared up and standing there was Darktan himself and Sthomas the dark blue penguin. The next chapter will be created soon.