Lasagne (also lasagna) is a wide, flat pasta shape and possibly one of the oldest. Krista James promised to make Teal'c a lasagne for fixing her plumbing. (SG1: "Affinity")
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| - Lasagne är en bred, platt pasta form. Under 2004 efter Teal'c hade hjälpt Krista James med laga några av hennes rör så erbjöd hon Teal'c Lasagne som ett tack för hjälpen. (SG1: "Affinity")
- Lasagne (also lasagna) is a wide, flat pasta shape and possibly one of the oldest. Krista James promised to make Teal'c a lasagne for fixing her plumbing. (SG1: "Affinity")
- Lasagne (singular: lasagna) are wide, flat sheets of pasta typically served in alternating layers with cheese, béchamel sauce, tomato sauce, and other ingredients such as meat and vegetables. Luchino Caffe, an all-night Italian café in London, served meat lasagne and vegetable lasagne, where either costs £3.20 takeaway or £3.60 eat-in.
- Le lasagne sono un piatto terrestre costituito da formaggio, pasta, e carne o verdura. Lunedì 16 agosto 2152, lo chef voleva servire le lasagne della nonna DeRosa, insieme al pane all'aglio ed all'insalata verde mista. (ENT: "La singolarità") Nel 2377, Neelix chiede ad Harry Kim se volesse un soufflé al formaggio tula o delle lasagne. Kim rispose di non essersi deciso. (VOY: "La Nightingale")
- Lasagne ist eine Speise. 2377 bietet Neelix Harry Kim im Kasino Tulakäsesoufflé und Lasagne zum Essen an. Kim antwortet, dass er sich nicht sicher ist, was er essen möchte. (VOY: )
- La lasagne est un légume de la famille des psychotropes qui pousse sur les lasaniers, ces grands arbres aux feuilles jaunes en forme de papillotes. Elle est le résultat d'une expérience scientifique dont le but était de créer une nouvelle forme de viagra, mais qui a mal tournée. Depuis, elle est restée dans les mœurs comme reste une tache de myrtille sur une chemise blanche, pour notre plaisir culinaire.
- Lasagne was the legendary ship of Captain Mosey and his pirate crew. It is a classical Egyptian boat, and sailed down the Nile river and Mediterranean. Egyptians pioneered the development of river craft and there were many different types built for various uses. Agricultural produce, troops, cattle, stone and funeral processions were all carried on the Nile and its canals. These boats were made of bundles of bound papyrus reeds. Papyrus is different from paper because papyrus is a laminated material made from thinly cut strips from the stalk of Cyprus Papyrus plant it was believed to be first used about 4000 B.C., and became Egypt's major exports.
- Wikipedia Article About Lasagne on Wikipedia Lasagne, also lasagna, is both a form of pasta in sheets (often rippled in North America, though seldom so in Italy) and also a dish, sometimes named Lasagne al forno (meaning "Lasagne in the oven") made with alternate layers of pasta, cheese, and ragù (a meat sauce). While it is traditionally believed to have originated in Italy, evidence has come to light suggesting that a very similar meal known as "loseyns" (pronounced 'lasan') was eaten in the court of King Richard II in the 14th Century. The recipe was also featured in the first cookbook ever written in England. However, the claim is far from universally accepted, the Italian Embassy in London particularly speaking out against it for Italy.
- The lasagne is also notable for being the second most consumed dish in the world (the first are cheeseburgers), due to its questionable look. Most of the consumers are, evidently, meat lovers because a typical lasagne contains nothing other than meat and cheese. 23% of consumers of lasagne are surprisingly first time lasagna eating vegetarians who are often noted to have mistook the red sauce and meat sandwiched between the melted slices of cheese for crushed cherries. The slices of cheese were also, noted to have been mistaken for "incredibly thin slices of bread", as claimed by the vegetarians.
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| - Lasagne är en bred, platt pasta form. Under 2004 efter Teal'c hade hjälpt Krista James med laga några av hennes rör så erbjöd hon Teal'c Lasagne som ett tack för hjälpen. (SG1: "Affinity")
- Lasagne (also lasagna) is a wide, flat pasta shape and possibly one of the oldest. Krista James promised to make Teal'c a lasagne for fixing her plumbing. (SG1: "Affinity")
- The lasagne is also notable for being the second most consumed dish in the world (the first are cheeseburgers), due to its questionable look. Most of the consumers are, evidently, meat lovers because a typical lasagne contains nothing other than meat and cheese. 23% of consumers of lasagne are surprisingly first time lasagna eating vegetarians who are often noted to have mistook the red sauce and meat sandwiched between the melted slices of cheese for crushed cherries. The slices of cheese were also, noted to have been mistaken for "incredibly thin slices of bread", as claimed by the vegetarians. Many skeptics have however, refuted this claim, arguing instead that "No matter how vegetarian one can be, one can simply NOT resist the urge of even nibbling on those little slices of delicious melted cheese on top of the lasagna. The aroma of the ketchup and burnt onions appears to have added insult to the injury of resistance. The final straw, would be how the lasagne would wobble, when touched, just like an amazing tower of jelly".
- Lasagne (singular: lasagna) are wide, flat sheets of pasta typically served in alternating layers with cheese, béchamel sauce, tomato sauce, and other ingredients such as meat and vegetables. Luchino Caffe, an all-night Italian café in London, served meat lasagne and vegetable lasagne, where either costs £3.20 takeaway or £3.60 eat-in.
- Le lasagne sono un piatto terrestre costituito da formaggio, pasta, e carne o verdura. Lunedì 16 agosto 2152, lo chef voleva servire le lasagne della nonna DeRosa, insieme al pane all'aglio ed all'insalata verde mista. (ENT: "La singolarità") Nel 2377, Neelix chiede ad Harry Kim se volesse un soufflé al formaggio tula o delle lasagne. Kim rispose di non essersi deciso. (VOY: "La Nightingale")
- Lasagne was the legendary ship of Captain Mosey and his pirate crew. It is a classical Egyptian boat, and sailed down the Nile river and Mediterranean. Egyptians pioneered the development of river craft and there were many different types built for various uses. Agricultural produce, troops, cattle, stone and funeral processions were all carried on the Nile and its canals. These boats were made of bundles of bound papyrus reeds. Papyrus is different from paper because papyrus is a laminated material made from thinly cut strips from the stalk of Cyprus Papyrus plant it was believed to be first used about 4000 B.C., and became Egypt's major exports. There were many types of boats that Egyptians used. Papyrus boats were used by . Papyrus boats were built with bundles of papyrus. They were steered with oars. Sailboats were used a lot by Egyptians. Sailboats were steered by two oars. Sailboats usually only had one square sail. Funeral boats carried dead people down river. They were used to carry the dead across the Nile River. The funeral boats were very elaborate. The earliest record of a ship under sail is depicted on an Egyptian pot dating back to 3200BC. These Egyptian boats were made of either native woods or conifers from Lebanon. Papyrus boats were useful for hunting or crossing short stretches of water, using a paddle or a pole. These boats were made of bundles of bound papyrus reeds, and were lashed together into a long thin hull form in the style of a slight crescent. This lifted the ends out of the water. The bundle was made as wide as possible for stability, and an extra bundle was put on top so that the cargo and crew were kept reasonable dry. ( Reed vessels like these of Ancient Egypt are still in use in Peru today.)
- Wikipedia Article About Lasagne on Wikipedia Lasagne, also lasagna, is both a form of pasta in sheets (often rippled in North America, though seldom so in Italy) and also a dish, sometimes named Lasagne al forno (meaning "Lasagne in the oven") made with alternate layers of pasta, cheese, and ragù (a meat sauce). While it is traditionally believed to have originated in Italy, evidence has come to light suggesting that a very similar meal known as "loseyns" (pronounced 'lasan') was eaten in the court of King Richard II in the 14th Century. The recipe was also featured in the first cookbook ever written in England. However, the claim is far from universally accepted, the Italian Embassy in London particularly speaking out against it for Italy. This flat rectangular pasta resembles small corrugated sheet. It is boiled, used in layers with fillings of many kinds in between. This is unique and can be baked.
- Lasagne ist eine Speise. 2377 bietet Neelix Harry Kim im Kasino Tulakäsesoufflé und Lasagne zum Essen an. Kim antwortet, dass er sich nicht sicher ist, was er essen möchte. (VOY: )
- La lasagne est un légume de la famille des psychotropes qui pousse sur les lasaniers, ces grands arbres aux feuilles jaunes en forme de papillotes. Elle est le résultat d'une expérience scientifique dont le but était de créer une nouvelle forme de viagra, mais qui a mal tournée. Depuis, elle est restée dans les mœurs comme reste une tache de myrtille sur une chemise blanche, pour notre plaisir culinaire.
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