| - The Starfleet uniforms that were introduced in the 2240s would share similarities with many uniform designs that were worn in the future. In a move away from the previous designs before it, this design featured a new set of rank stripes and division colors, which were rather dull mustard, tan, and blue colors, which compared to the bold colors of later uniforms, was rather muted. (TOS novel: Final Frontier; TOS episode: "The Cage")
| - The Starfleet uniforms that were introduced in the 2240s would share similarities with many uniform designs that were worn in the future. In a move away from the previous designs before it, this design featured a new set of rank stripes and division colors, which were rather dull mustard, tan, and blue colors, which compared to the bold colors of later uniforms, was rather muted. (TOS novel: Final Frontier; TOS episode: "The Cage") This design began use in the 2240s, and was seen in use to 2267, although new design began to be phased in throughout 2265 to 2267. When the USS Enterprise stopped off for repairs at Vanguard in 2265, they were issued with the new uniforms. (TOS episodes: "The Corbomite Maneuver", "Charlie X", "The Trouble with Tribbles"; VAN novel: Harbinger)