| - Malleigh Rason was a male Stellan fence. Born on Stellan, Malleigh was rejected shortly after birth as possessing unfit mental patterns for the peaceful, pacifistic society on Stellan. He was, in keeping with tradition, ejected into space, but was saved by the Stellan Mercy Foundation and brought to an orphanage on Coruscant. The end of the Sith-Imperial War and the overthrow of the government by the One Sith threw many aspects of the capital's bureaucracy into chaos, and adoptions dropped off precipitously. As a result, Malleigh grew up in the orphanage, finally running away at the age of fifteen. He fell in with a swoop gang in Coruscant's underlevels, learning a variety of underworld trades and skills. Though fit and of average height for a humanoid, he had far more skill as a thief than an enforcer, and began to mingle with fences, thieves, pickpockets, and black market dealers. Malleigh was a frequent presence in the Ploughtekal Market, the Crimson Corridor, and the Outlander Club. By the time he was twenty, Malleigh had done time in correctional facilities for several petty offenses. As he developed skill in the business, Malleigh became a fence himself. It was through this work that he made the acquaintance of Balosar antiquities dealer Synix Fer'faloon. He also befriended the Wookiee Grumyukkan, a fellow criminal who had found success as an enforcer for the gang of Malleigh's youth. Contrary to popular belief, the two were not bound by a life debt, but merely friends and business colleagues. In 154 ABY, Synix asked Malleigh to serve as an intermediary for his sale of two highly illegal Sith holocrons, receiving those potential purchasers vetted by Wonga Vurb and soliciting their bids. He failed almost immediately, being charmed and mind tricked by former Jedi Eche Parunam and giving her Synix's contact information. Realizing how badly he had botched what could be a lucrative job, Malleigh hired Grumyukkan as a bodyguard to help him as he took further bids. His meeting with Rahli and Wek Lekatro went off without a hitch, but when Evangelia Maxico and her Mecrosa Order team arrived, they had no intention of arranging a fair exchange. After killing Grumyukkan, they tied Malleigh up and beat him until he gave up Synix's information and his suspicions about the holocrons. The Mecrosa killed him before rigging his apartment to explode; Breek Zagrev and Kyriel Windrunner discovered his body hours later.