| - Cinderkit, Cinderpaw, Cinderpelt, She that should have been a warrior, With one blow Tigerclaw delt, Her leg was crippled forever. Would that stop her? No not she! A medcine cat, She would be. She made the Great Jorney, And healed her clan. Then bravely bore her destiny, Knowing it was Starclans plan. And when it was her time to die, Did she ever stop and cry? Never once, Oh no not she, A warrior she was ment to be. And as she drew in her last breath, As her blue eyes closed in death, The tiny kit she'd helped to save, In turn saved her from the grave. Cinderkit, Cinderpaw, Cinderheart, Cinderpelts second chance,
| - Cinderkit, Cinderpaw, Cinderpelt, She that should have been a warrior, With one blow Tigerclaw delt, Her leg was crippled forever. Would that stop her? No not she! A medcine cat, She would be. She made the Great Jorney, And healed her clan. Then bravely bore her destiny, Knowing it was Starclans plan. And when it was her time to die, Did she ever stop and cry? Never once, Oh no not she, A warrior she was ment to be. And as she drew in her last breath, As her blue eyes closed in death, The tiny kit she'd helped to save, In turn saved her from the grave. Cinderkit, Cinderpaw, Cinderheart, Cinderpelts second chance, A warrior from the start. The cat called Cinderheart. Oh may Starclan watch her well, May they never part, From their protective vidgle, Held over Cinderheart. The cinders, the cinders, The ledgend of the cinders, A tale is told, Through two cats bold, Whose hearts are made of gold. SaynaSLuke (talk) 18:53, September 14, 2013 (UTC)