| - Laserbeak is one of Soundwave's heroic Decepticon Mini-Cassettes. He seeks an understanding with the Autobots that will help them end their war, but that doesn't mean he's unwilling to fight on the Decepticons' behalf when called on. No matter what the odds are, Laserbeak is clearly very brave. He'll fly into danger in a nanosecond if the Decepticons, especially Soundwave, need him. Decepticon Leader Megatron has a special appreciation for Laserbeak's combination of intelligence and loyalty. In condor mode, Laserbeak can fly at speeds of up to 250 mph with a range of 1500 miles. He has two independently targetable laser cannons which can emit a beam able to pierce 2-inch thick plate steel at a distance of 30 miles. Laserbeak uses these beams like a surgeon uses his scalpels - with extreme precision. He can use them in battle against the Autobots, and does so when necessary, but whenever possible he prefers to fight with words instead of firepower. In microcassette mode, Laserbeak can record hours of information from successful interrogations. In electric guitar mode, Soundwave can play him to create harmonic music or audio-shattering sonic attacks. The Autobots are well aware of Laserbeak's bravery and can take advantage of that trait to lead him into traps if they can put his allies in danger. Luckily, Laserbeak has a steady supply of ruby crystals, which empower his lasers. If he gets into a situation over his head, he can usually shoot his way out any situation where smooth words won't get results.