| - This is where you can add all of your awesome pictures so we can look at them!
- Magazines, or an array of pre-selected pictures and postcards.
- This page contains a collection of images from every session of Cowboy Bebop plus the feature movie. All images are categorized by Session.
- Pictures is the tenth track on System of a Down's third album.
- This page is where you can post pictures of your own model railroad,locomotive information.Image:50201.jpg
- Paintings: style : abstract, cubist, pop, realistic subject: landscape, portrait, urban views, war colours: bright, light/ dark, lively, silvery, soft shapes: geometric, round, square lines: clear, straight, strong Painters: to develop as a painter, to be encouraged by ..., exhibition, to experiment, to be influenced by ..., visual effects, (a painter's ) work Photography: equipment : camera, flash, tripod, zoom lens light: bright light, poor light, in the dark Preposition of time: at, between ... and ..., during, from...to...,in on Prepositions of movement: across, along, over, though, under
| - Paintings: style : abstract, cubist, pop, realistic subject: landscape, portrait, urban views, war colours: bright, light/ dark, lively, silvery, soft shapes: geometric, round, square lines: clear, straight, strong Painters: to develop as a painter, to be encouraged by ..., exhibition, to experiment, to be influenced by ..., visual effects, (a painter's ) work Photography: equipment : camera, flash, tripod, zoom lens light: bright light, poor light, in the dark Phrasal verbs (1) : come between, come out, get near to ( something/ someone), go with (somebody), look around (a place), think about ( something) Phrasal verbs (2): be in love with (somebody), fall in love with (somebody), go back (years/months/weeks) go by, make up for (something) Expressions: to become obsessed with( something), to bring(bad/ good) news, to get rid of (something), to go for a walk, to grow old, to let( someone) go, how lucky you are! Describing Scenes: postion: behind, in the background, in the foreground, in the midle of the picture, on the right/ left of the photo, vague language: a kind of cliff, a sort of small lake, a type of African tree, appereance: they look as if they're relaxed, they look like umbrellas Preposition of time: at, between ... and ..., during, from...to...,in on Prepositions of movement: across, along, over, though, under Prepositions of place: above, at, behind, between, in, near, on Prepositions with adjectives: afraid of, different from , famous for, good at, interested in, proud of, similar to, sorry about Prepositions with verbs: to apologise for, to ask (someone) for (something), to borrow from, to complain about, to listen to, to look up at, to take care of
- This is where you can add all of your awesome pictures so we can look at them!
- Magazines, or an array of pre-selected pictures and postcards.
- This page contains a collection of images from every session of Cowboy Bebop plus the feature movie. All images are categorized by Session.
- Pictures is the tenth track on System of a Down's third album.
- This page is where you can post pictures of your own model railroad,locomotive information.Image:50201.jpg