| - lol
- Laughing Out Loud
- lol.
- Elo
- LoL
- LOL Categorie:Beantwoorde vragen
- LOL ~ PH
- There once was a Clan in a valley far away. This Clan laughed, and sang, and pranked all day. In a mystical land, far far away. Okay, people, now we can cut the crap and get to the story!
- LOL oftewel Laughing Out Loud is één van de meest bekende internetwoorden in de gamewereld. Het wordt gebruikt bij grappen of mensen die er humor van iets inzien of in de game (bijvoorbeeld): John: Depenisvanjezus Matt: LOL
- "LOL" eli Lots Of Laugh on yleensä ivallisenä käytetty huudahdus. Habbossa sitä käyttää useat käyttäjät, esim vaihtoloissa, discoissa tai muissa tilanteissa.
- LOL ist die Abkürzung für "laughing out loud" oder für "lautlos online lachen" und wird hauptsächlich benutzt um die Dummheit anderer offenzulegen. Um Geld und wertvolle Zeit und somit Bandbreite im Internet einzusparen, entwickelte die Firma AOL einen ganzen Haufen von Abkürzungen für bekannte Denunzierungen. Die Idee des sparsamen Umgangs mit Ressourcen haben etliche Jugendliche aufgenommen: Anstatt zu lachen (Muskelkontraktionen, Stimmbandbelastungen, Zwerchfellschwingungen, vermehrter Luftausstoß) wird nur ein müdes LOL von sich gegeben.
- "LOL" is the fifth episode of season one of Californication.
- Lol lol'd, lol. This is because when lol lols lol lols hard, lol. I lol'd, you didn't, lol. Once upon a time, inside an lol-ipop encasing a lol-t of spiders, lol, was once a lol called lol. He wasn't a very nice person, Ooooom, so therefore you must not only LOL@HIM but also Koala him. Lol. The moral of this Uber-fairytale is "LOL"
- eredeti jelentése: Laugh Out Loud (hangos nevetés). Akkor használjuk, ha vmi vicceset, érdekeset, mulatságosat stb. látunk, vagy csak egyszerűen nevethetnékünk van. Beírásával lejátszódik az az animáció amit akkor kapunk ha beírjuk a chatablakba hogy /laugh.
- Lol c MDR an englé. Comme dans "o ptn il est mosh lui lol". Ce mot est interdit dans certain pays comme la Gertrudie ou le Leland après la guerre du Lalol. La tribu Lalol ct tamer et el a pété provoknt un tremblement d'tère. Donc voila cé pou sa qon utilise lel maintnant Catégorie:Gwo twou san fon Catégorie:MES YEUX ! Catégorie:Kangabilla Catégorie:Lel Catégorie:Lelie Catégorie:Histoire de la lelie Catégorie:Histoire de la Gertrudie Catégorie:Histoire de la Leland Catégorie:Guerre du Lalol Catégorie:Lalol Catégorie:Lol Catégorie:Trollol Catégorie:Ollolool Catégorie:Olol Catégorie:Ok Catégorie:Sa Catégorie:Me Catégorie:Fé Catégorie:Pa Catégorie:Rir Catégorie:Et l'histoire des Landes Crossiennes et de la Yaourtoslavie, on en fait quoi ?
- hh asjaj7 50px|links|Bitte löschen! Diese Seite wurde zum Löschen vorgeschlagen.Gib bitte eine Begründung für deinen Löschantrag an und vergiss die Signatur nicht. Begründung:Spam. Kategorie:Löschanträge
- lol is a crew on the Midnight Ocean which belongs to the flag Puerile. Image:Crew.png Arr! This article about a crew in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- LoL is an insert song from [[]]. It was performed by Kamen Rider Girls.
* Lyrics = Seiko Fujibayashi
* Composer/Arranger = Ryo
* Singer = Kamen Rider Girls
- To "λολ" δε γεννήθηκε στο Dota ή στο Lineage όπως νομίζουν κάποιοι. Το λολ υπάρχει πολλά χρόνια πριν τα προαναφερθέντα παιχνίδια. Το 1995 όταν άρχισε να διαδίδεται ευρέως στο ίντερνετ (σε εντελώς άλλη μορφή με σήμερα) κυκλοφόρησαν πολλά βιβλία που περιέγραφαν συντομογραφίες και "emoticons" όπως αυτά που σήμερα όλοι γνωρίζουμε. Το lol (όπως και το omg,το gal,το POS,το WTF?,το thx, το :) ,το :P κτλ ) διαδόθηκαν ευρέως στα πρώτα chat.
- LOL is a 2012 remake of the hugely popular 2008 French film LOL (Laughing Out Loud) that stars Miley Cyrus. In a world connected by Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, Miley Cyrus stars as a teen girl navigating through the peer pressures of high school romance and friendship, while dodging her protective mother (Demi Moore), in Lionsgate and Mandate Pictures fresh coming-of-age comedy LOL.
- Acronym of Laughing Out Loud
- Hey, fags. This Wiki is dead and controlled by furries. If Netbattle has more life breathed into it, I'm going to make a better one controlled by the KGB. That is all.
- Laugh Out Loud | OR | Laughing Out Loud
- Man sagt immer lol wen man etwas lustig findet. ;)
- Brian Prior Justin Beiber sucks dog but. EDIT-Sorry, couldn't resist :P ROFL 06:45, May 28, 2011 (UTC)
- One time poop.
- LOL is an acronym most commonly used in Text Speak.
- This is a Disambiguation page
- "lol" is an internet abreviation for the phrase "laugh out loud", it was brought into common use due the blantant laziness of todays society. The phrase is often used in Instant messaging services and internet forums. "lol" will stop fights breaking out and relationships failing when friends/couples are discussing topics through an internet connection, if it were not for the existence of "lol", everyone would hate everyone and society would fall apart. You should respect lol, for not doing so leads to your doom.
- The term "lol" is an extremely popular internet term shortened from "Laughing Out Loud."
- Lol's name was chosen in a Power to the Players poll in which the brother of Morningstar would play a role in an upcoming quest, with players being able to vote on the troll's name. Other options included Off-hand morningstar, Clarence's foot, and rubber duck.
- LOL (spesso abbreviato in "lolz", "lulz", "lawlz" o più semplicemente looooooooooooooooooool) è un famoso acronimo usato spesso nelle chat e nelle discussioni intraprese coi bimbiminkia e i noob in ambiti di messaggistica istantanea (MSN) e nelle discussioni a sfondo pedopornografico con l'intenzione di esprimere divertimento facendo uso di abbreviazioni inutili. Data la sua diffusione, spesso è rappresentabile in moltissime forme grafiche, impossibili da enumerare! File:Quote rosso1.png LoL File:Quote rosso2.png ~ Ogni persona su LoL LOL
- lol.......... (funny convo's)
- lolz.
- LOL is a multiplayer exclusive video game for the Nintendo DS. It is the only game that was published by Skip Ltd. and has received very average grades from critics. The interface of the game is similar to PictoChat. It was known in Europe as Bakushow.
- [[Special:Contributions/| This page is a candidate for deletion. If you disagree with its deletion, please explain why at Category talk:Candidates for deletion or improve the page and remove the {{delete}} tag. Remember to check what links here and the [ the page history] before deleting.]] 23:52, January 21, 2011 (UTC) lol lol lol
- lol-Laugh out loud. This phrase is often used to express that the writer/speaker believes that something is funny.This is most commonly used in instant messaging systems and in text messages inclding email.
- LOL means Laugh Out Loud. Originally it was a L33t-only term, but when it spread, it came otside teh 1337$p33|< circlez. 7|-|!5 5|-|0|_|1|) 3X|*4|\||)3|). [ 3|)!7 7|-|!5 |*493 |*10X.]
- From the Dutch word Lølen, the term LOL (pronounced as one word, with a long "o", as in "Dude, I was lolling so hard that I fell over.") is commonly used throughout the internet as a means to show empathy, standing for 'Lots of love'. It can also mean 'I have nothing better to say'. LOL is not to be confused with lol, which is just a man with his arms raised.
- Lol är ett uttryck för "Laugh out loud" - "Skrattar högt"
- LOL is a commonly used term online and in text messages. It is an abbreviation for "Laughing Out Loud" or "Laugh Out Loud." "lol" written in lower case may denote a softer laugh.
- LOL on akronyymi ja nettislangi. Se kirjoitetaan yleensä lol tai LOL, mutta jotkut kirjoittaa sen myös löl, öpö ja joskus jopa lul (tosi harvinaista että joku sanoo lul). Se tarkoittaa Laughing Out Loudia, eli suomeksi nauraa kovaan ääneen tai paljon naurua. Suurin osa luulee että se tarkoittaa Lots Of Laugh, vaikkei se tarkoita. Samaa asiaa ne kylläkin tarkoittavat. Jotkut käyttävät (hyvin hyvin hyvin harvoin) LOL-sanaa "lots of love":na se on kuitenkin todella harvinaista.
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Lol/preload editintro=Lol/editintro width=25
- 游戏的方式主要是一方选择好人,一方选择坏人,当好人把坏人杀光游戏就结束,当坏人消灭好人的时候游戏因BUG也会结束,但会引起嘴炮大战。目前因为还处于永远的测试版,故还需把对方的控制召唤师的电脑也给推倒才能获胜(通常藏在对方营地里,也被叫做召唤水晶)。
- The time taken to unlock and the costs of all tiers for spells can be seen in this image: View/Hide Image
- LOL is an acronym for "Laugh Out Loud". In lower-case it is "lol".
* Frequently used in place of typing out a laugh ("ha ha ha").
* Very frequently to show that you're being playful, not serious, or are kidding, quite like saying doch in German.
* Upper-case and lower-case typically have slightly different meanings. "lol" is typically a light laugh or chuckle, while "LOL" is a heartier, louder laugh.
* When you type only "LOL" or "lol" in-game, your character will automatically do the /laugh animation & sound. See also Emote. Translations:
- LOL is an acronym for "Laugh Out Loud". In lower-case it is "lol".
* Frequently used in place of typing out a laugh ("ha ha ha").
* Very frequently to show that you're being playful, not serious, or are kidding, quite like saying doch in German.
* Upper-case and lower-case typically have slightly different meanings. "lol" is typically a light laugh or chuckle, while "LOL" is a heartier, louder laugh.
* When you type only "LOL" or "lol" in-game, your character will automatically do the /laugh animation & sound. See also Emote. Translations:
- lol, oftmals auch LOL oder Lol oder löl genannt, ist eine deformierte Art sich auszudrücken, sie bedeutet so viel wie "loughing out loud" und wird häufig von Nerds in Chatrooms verwendet. Andere Ausdrucksformen im Netz-Jargon:
* rofl
* rofl²
* lmao
* omg
* omfg
* afk
* atm
* btw
* gz
* wb
* re
* ?
* *g*
* wtf
* WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!!!!!!!!?
* dito Dann gibt's da natürlich auch noch die verdrehten Smilies (u.a. auch "Smilys" genannt):
- Lol is an acronym which stands for "i dont want you to know that i wasnt playing a bit of attention to what you said so i'm going to pretend like i understood what you said and thought it was funny." The initial initials for this was "IDWYTKTIWPABOATWYSSIGTPLIUWYSATIWF" back in 1955 when the internet was getting popular, but people got tired of typing that and changed it to LOL. Lol is commonly used as a category for other words such as "STFU" or "OMG".
- [[תמונה:lol.jpg|left|thumb|150px|איך בן אדם נראה אחרי שימוש במילה "lol"]] "LOL", לפעמים "lolz" או "lolzorz", חיה על המקשים ך ם ך והיא המילה הכי נפוצה בישראל אחרי "תביא-ת'כסף-או-שאני-יורה-בך". בשאר העולם, היא המילה הכי נפוצה אחרי "גרביל". בתחילת המאה ה-17 השתמשו בה כדי להראות שמה שמישהו אחר אמר היה מצחיק. לדוגמה: כיום, התירגום הזה של המונח ירד לגמרי, והחליפו אותו ב"אין לי משהו אחר לומר אבל אני רוצה שישימו לב אלי כי אני לא הולך לפסיכולוג, אז אני פשוט אשתמש במונח הזה". לכן, דוגמה לאיך משתמשים ב"lol" היום תהיה:
- LOL – śmiech, po którym zapada martwa cisza. Inaczej aktualny stan upojenia śmiechowego. Można powiedzieć, że kogoś wylolowujemy, kiedy gasimy go śmiechem, a lolka to uśmiechnięta lalka. Można sobie zlolować blanta, a miś Kololgol to satyra na niedołężną maskotkę, którą – dla odmiany – dzieci straszyły rodziców. Zwykle używany niezgodnie ze znaczeniem i przeznaczeniem. Czasem dodawane jest do niego słowo „żal”.