| - Seren was a location in the Eriador region as shown in an expanded map of middle-earth used for role playing games.
- Seren is one of the six gods whose units members can summon in Armies of Gielinor. She is the Goddess of the Elves, and is the only Goddess in the six gods in Armies of Gielinor (excluding the female deities in the Menaphite Pantheon.)
* Black Bear
* Falcon
* Dire Wolf
* Elven Pikeman
* Elven Archer
* Greenwall
* Elf Shieldmaiden
* Elf Songstress
* Elf Lady
* Elf Lord
* Crystaline Shapeshifter
- Seren, along with Zaros, was created by the Elder God Mah. Where Seren represents light energy, Zaros represents dark energy: this binds the two and compels them to each other when in close proximity. Seren is described by Zaros to be driven more by emotion, whilst Zaros by logical reasoning. She had a close relationship with the god of balance, Guthix, who brought her to Gielinor from Tarddiad during the First Age through the World Gate, along with the elves. They settled in Tirannwn and built the great city of Prifddinas which is the oldest surviving settlement on Gielinor.
- Seren is a Redguard living in Dawnstar.
- Seren ist die beste Freundin von Kerstin.
- A place associated with the EWF
* Denforensu came from here.
* It probably lay in Kethaela Source: History of the Heortling Peoples
- Seren was an 11th generation Malkavian active during the Dark Ages.
- Seren was a active member of the german part of the Creatures Community. She is the author of the Purple Flames Norns. The hostet on there own Creatures site: Seren's Norns.
- Dal gallese "Stella". Simbolo dei Cauldron Warrior, si trova sui loro scudi. È una stella bianca a cinque punte su fondo nero.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Seren – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- There is one known altar to Seren found in the elven town of Lletya. It resembles the altars of Saradomin, but made of wood with no symbol in the place where it normally would be.
- Seren ist eine Rothwardonin in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, die ursprünglich aus Hammerfell stammt. Gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann Rustleif leitet sie eine Schmiede in Dämmerstern. Nach Himmelsrand ist sie nach der Hochzeit mit Rustleif gekommen.
- Seren is a character featured in Fable: The Journey. She is the horse that belongs to Gabriel. She pulls his cart during his adventure.
- Seren es una guardia roja residente en Lucero del Alba durante los acontecimientos de The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Se la puede encontrar habitualmente en la forja trabajando.
- Fil:90px-Seren symbol.svg.png Seren er vanligvis betraktet som guden over "The Elves", men det er underforstått i Path Of Glouphrie at hun er det guddommelige aspektet til Anima Mundi. Det er sagt at hun inspirerte alvene til å bygge sin by, Prifddinas. Hun er også den opprinnelige skaperen av Crystal Bow og Crystal Shield. Mer informasjon finnes på henne og historien til denne store krystall byen i en av bøkene om Prifddinas' historie, som finnes i bokhyller i Lletya. Hun har tydeligvis en del av seg i alle alve-krystaller. Det er et kjent alter til Seren, funnet i byen Lletya. Det ligner på alteret til Saradomin, men laget av tre og uten symboler på stedene der det vanligvis ville være.
- Seren žinoma kaip vienintelė dievybė, išskyrus Guthix, atvykusi į Gielinor First Age (Pirmąjame amžiuje). Quest‘e Meeting History (Susitinkant Istoriją) patvirtinama, kad Guthix pasisveikino su Seren ir elfais kai šie atvyko į Gielinor. Seren, matyt, paplatino tarp visų elfų krištolą. Yra vienas žinomas altorius Seren‘ai, randamas elfų Lletya gyvenvietėje, primenantis Saradomin altorių, bet pagamintas iš medienos ir neturi simbolio toje vietoje, kur paprastai jie būna.
- For other uses, see Seren (disambiguation). Seren Island is the last stop for travelers on the way to the dragons' continent of Argonnessen. The beach on the osle's northern shore is called Totem Beach, named for the enormous monuments erected of carved stone in the shape of dragons' heads; the origin of the monoliths is unknown either by the barbarians who inhabit the island or by outside scholars; if the dragon's know who carved them, and they probably do, they aren't telling.
- Luokka:sekavat Seren on Elffien jumala. Häntä palvotaan ympäri Tirannwnia. Hän myös opetti Saradominin joukoille jousi-ammunnan jumalasotien aikana. Huhutaan, että hän olisi ibanin äiti. Hän oli sellainen josta pidettii paljon muttta sitten hän kuoli silloin kun häntä ammuuttiin jalkajousella tai jousi pyssyllä siitä ei ole varmaa tietoa mutta kuoli kumminkkin. miten jumala voisi kuolla? Se kysymys on saanut monet miettimään. Eli voi olla että saradomin kyllästyi sereniin koska hänestä pidetttiin enemmän ja saradomin tahtoi olla kaikista pidetyin jumala. Sen on tehnyt seren ystävineen.
- Seren (pronounced SEH-ren) is the crystalline goddess of the elves, who formerly existed in a fractured state after shattering herself into shards of crystal at the end of the Gielinorian God Wars. As part of the Light Within quest Seren was reformed in the Sixth Age through the Song of Restoration, with elements of her physical body being combined with elven crystal farmed on the elven homeplane of Tarddiad. Seren is the divine aspect of light and of Gielinor's anima mundi according to the gnomes, although all transcendent gods have a degree of power over the anima mundi. She is also responsible for teaching the Rituals of Rejuvenation and Enervation to the Mahjarrat.
- Er wordt gezegd dat Seren de Elven in Gielinor heeft geleidt door de Portal of Life van een andere wereld. De elven zouden voor het eerst voet hebben gedaan in de bossen van Isafdar, in het westen van Gielinor. Seren had daar de legendarische Tower of Voices gebouwd van kristal. Op deze locatie hadden de elven Prifddinas gebouwd, één van Gielinor's eerste steden en de oudste nederzetting die tot de dag van vandaag nog overeind staat. De elven aanbeden Seren voor duizenden jaren en sommige doen dat nog steeds. Toen de God Wars uitbrak hielden de elven zich verborgen in de bossen en achter de bergen van Tirannwn. Seren's rol van god was klein in de God Wars en liet de elven verbergen en zich niet met de God Wars bemoeien. Wanneer Guthix alle goden van Gielinor liet verbannen, was Seren verpl
- Categoria:Divindadesen:SerenSeren é a Deusa de Cristal dos Elfos,e o aspecto divino da luz. Segundo os gnomos, Seren é o aspecto divino do anima- mundi, porém, já foi comprovado que todos os deuses Transcendentes tem uma parcela de poder sobre ele. Seren foi uma das responsáveis pelo ensinamento do Ritual de Rejuvenescimento aos mahjarrats.
- Seren is usually considered the goddess of the crystal, aswell the divine aspect of the Anima Mundi. It is said she inspired the citizens to build the capital city city, Chrisial 'n Gysegr-lân Dirio, the way they did so they could communicate, protect themselves and prosper. She is also the original provider of crystal. More information is provided on her and the history of this great crystal city in one of the books of Chrisial 'n Gysegr-lân Dirio's history found in the bookshelves of the Crystal Palace. She is apparently present within all crystal. There is one known altar to Seren found in the elven town of Aytell. It resembles the altars of Zilyana, but made of crystal with no symbol in the place where it normally would be.