| - Copper Dragons are huge creatures native from Earth.
- Copper dragons are the second weakest of the metallic dragons. They are born tricksters and jokesters. They are quite devious and clever, but their intent is purely benign. They do not seek to harm 'lesser' creatures, but merely wish to impress them with superior intelligence and wit, and to fool them with clever pranks. A visitor to a copper dragon's lair can expect to be entertained at length, although the dragon will become angry if the visitor does not appear impressed with her tricks, riddles, and stories.
- Copper dragons are distinct via their long wings, ridged tail. Chaotic good, they are more whimsical than most other metallic dragons, often spending more time in combat trying to frustrate and annoy their enemies than kill them outright. The oldest of the coppers can even use humor as a weapon, inciting mass crowds to laugh hysterically, or even to kill a creature with a single joke. For a list of specific copper dragons in Golarion, see .
- Copper dragons breathe a damaging acidic breath and, when hatched, a slowing breath. Upon maturity they exhibit a fear-inducing stature and breath a gaseous breath. They are immune to acid damage. A copper dragon grows up beginning at wyrmling and continuing with adult, old, and finally ancient.
- Copper Dragon are a breed of dragons that were released during Dragon Cave's "7th Birthday" release. Each day from May 22, 2013 to May 28, 2013 a new dragon was released. Copper dragons were the fifth dragons to be released. When sorted by "Breed", they sort as "Copper" on users' scrolls. The different color variants then sort alphabetically: Liver of Sulfur, Rainbow and Verdigris.
| - *Copper dragons are excellent fliers and can go long distances without needing to land and rest.
*While not especially fast, they are highly maneuverable in the air. On land they are swift runners.
*Copper dragons are also masters of stealth, able to slip soundlessly through terrain, either to avoid enemies or while hunting prey.
*Very family oriented. All of the adults spend time educating the young in survival, in hunting and gathering food, and in avoiding predators.
*Copper dragons are a proud breed, and do not tolerate what they consider shameful behavior among their family groups. Theft, dishonesty, bullying and greed are behaviors that are quickly disciplined in their young and punished when committed by adults.
*Because they teach their young so devotedly, copper dragons often mature somewhat faster than other breeds, able to become self sufficient at a younger age.
*An adult male copper will starve before he sees young ones hungry.