| - Survivor: Cook Islands is a fanfic based on the thirteenth season of the reality series Survivor. The show premiered on September 4, 2006. The two-hour season finale aired on January 23, 2007, followed by the Reunion show live from CBS Television City in Los Angeles. During this season of Survivor, the contestants were divided into four tribes by race and one ethnicity; African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, and Caucasian-American. Besides random division or team-choosing by the contestants, tribes had previously been divided by gender and/or age. The respective tribes' names were Manihiki, Puka Puka, Aitutaki and Rarotonga. These four tribes were named after islands located in the Cook Islands. In the second episode, the Rarotonga tribe was dissolved. In the sixth episode, the Puka Puka tribe was dissolved and the tribes were switched after Candice Woodcock elected to switch to rejoin her original ally, Jonathan. In the ninth episode, the two tribes merged at eleven for the first time in Survivor history and formed the Moturakau history. The concept of Exile Island returned (mostly in the post-merge portion of the game). There was also a a hidden immunity idol located somewhere on each tribe's island after only two tribes remain. The first idol was used once by Candice Woodcock to prevent her from being eliminated, though it unintentionally resulted in the elimination of her ally, Cristina Coria. The other idol was found by Sekou Bunch but never played at Tribal Council. In the end, J.P. Calderon defeated Jessica "Flica" Smith by a vote of 6-1 to become the Sole Survivor. J.P. Calderon, Jessica Smith, Sekou Bunch, Jonathan Penner and Candice Woodcock all returned to Survivor All Stars: Belize where they belonged to Rapota tribe. Woodcock ended to win the season, while Calderon, Smith, Bunch and Penner ended 14th, 17th, 16th and 7th respectively.