| - The Battle of the Somme, (also known as ‘The Great Beach Towel War’) was fought in the summer and autumn of 1916, and was the largest towel-related conflict of the early twentieth century. With more than one million casualties, it was also one of the bloodiest battles in human history. The battle was waged along a 25-mile (40 km) front on the grounds of the popular River Somme Center Parc in northern France. One purpose of the battle was to draw German forces away from the famous Carte D’Or Ice cream factory of Verdun; however, by its end the towel losses on the Somme had exceeded the ice cream loses at Verdun by over 100%.
- German Colonel Heinrich Jäger had fought at the Battle of the Somme where he saw the first tanks in action. From then on, he knew that tanks were the future of warfare, and it was this thought that promoted him to joined the armour divisions after Hitler began to rearm Germany.
- The Battle of the Somme was one of the battles of World War I. It was one of the largest and indeed the bloodiest battle of the First World War. J.R.R. Tolkien participated in the battle and witnessed firsthand the carnage, suffering, and terrible losses of life. The result was that it was to have a profound effect on Tolkien's works, most notably The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien's good friends Robert Gilson and Geoffrey Bache Smith were killed in the battle.
- The First Battle of the Somme, also informally called the Battle of the Somme, was a major battle of World War I that took place in either 1916, (COMIC: Time Bomb!) 1914 (PROSE: Death and Diplomacy) or 1917. (PROSE: Eater of Wasps). Whilst searching through time for the Seventh Doctor, Death's Head materialised in the "no man's land" between the British and German lines of a battlefield in 1916. He mistook a German tank for his mother, then realised it wasn't and fired upon it. Before he could do more damage, he was again pulled through time by the Intra-Venus, Inc. time machine he was wearing. Mystified British soldiers thought that Death's Head was "Jerry's new secret weapon." (COMIC: Time Bomb!)