Reeksa was a species of carnivorous plant that grew on Iego. It possessed sharpened spikes for teeth and deadly thorns along the edge of its stalks. Reeksa root was a known cure for the fatal Blue Shadow Virus.
Nell'episodio Mystery of a Thousand Moons, si è notato che le teste, una volta tagliate, continuavano a mordere ancora per alcuni istanti.
Reeksa was a species of carnivorous plant that grew on Iego. It possessed sharpened spikes for teeth and deadly thorns along the edge of its stalks. Reeksa root was a known cure for the fatal Blue Shadow Virus.
Reeksa era una planta carnívora originaria de Iego, con agujas afiladas por dientes y espinas mortales por todo su cuerpo.
Nell'episodio Mystery of a Thousand Moons, si è notato che le teste, una volta tagliate, continuavano a mordere ancora per alcuni istanti.
Reeksa was a species of carnivorous plant that grew on Iego. It possessed sharpened spikes for teeth and deadly thorns along the edge of its stalks. Reeksa root was a known cure for the fatal Blue Shadow Virus.
Reeksa era una planta carnívora originaria de Iego, con agujas afiladas por dientes y espinas mortales por todo su cuerpo.