| - Wing Commander: Fleet Action, by William R. Forstchen, is the third spin-off novel published for Chris Roberts' Wing Commander science fiction flight simulator franchise of computer games, produced by Origin Systems. Published in 1994 and set after the events of Stasheff's previous novel, End Run, Fleet Action concerns a false armistice offered by the Kilrathi Empire, and the efforts of a few Terran Confederation soldiers to circumvent it.
| - Wing Commander: Fleet Action, by William R. Forstchen, is the third spin-off novel published for Chris Roberts' Wing Commander science fiction flight simulator franchise of computer games, produced by Origin Systems. Published in 1994 and set after the events of Stasheff's previous novel, End Run, Fleet Action concerns a false armistice offered by the Kilrathi Empire, and the efforts of a few Terran Confederation soldiers to circumvent it. Because of the novel's popularity, a fan-made project, Wing Commander: Standoff, has brought the novel into gameplay using Wing Commander Prophecy's "Vision" engine. As of April 10, 2009, the project has been completed.