This is a list of secret spots in the game.
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- This is a list of secret areas (only avaible by using /join) in AdventureQuestWorlds.
- There are 32 Secret Areas in Saints Row 2. Upon reaching each location for the first time, a "(location name) found" message is displayed on-screen, but they are not indicated on the Map, and there are no visual indicators apart from the initial on-screen message. They are counted in both the Diversions menu, and the Statistics Menu, but there is no reward for finding them all. Some of the locations are encountered during the main storyline, but many are unlikely to be visited without deliberate exploration.
- Secret Areas are areas not accessible during Low-rank quests, gathering quests or after exiting one in a High-rank quest. The gathering spots yield rare items including; Felyne Fur Rubies, Ancient stones, Ruststones, rare Herbs, rare Seeds, Bugs and Ores. The chances one would start in secret area is 1%. Often there will be a mining, bug catching or fishing spot. Those unfortunate enough to land in a secret area without pickaxes and/or bugnets will have to settle with just the gathering spots and possible monsters in the area.
- Secret Areas are small, hidden areas within a stage that, when found, give you a small amount of exp. They usually have a chest (Suspicious Box) and an enviormental healing item (such as a Coconut Tree or Aloe). The chest can be attacked. Doing this will normally open the box and drops items; one for each member of the party. Sometimes, however, the chest will attack back. When this happens, you must defeat the chest for your items; it'll only drop one, no matter the number of players in your party.
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| - This is a list of secret spots in the game.
- This is a list of secret areas (only avaible by using /join) in AdventureQuestWorlds.
- Secret Areas are areas not accessible during Low-rank quests, gathering quests or after exiting one in a High-rank quest. The gathering spots yield rare items including; Felyne Fur Rubies, Ancient stones, Ruststones, rare Herbs, rare Seeds, Bugs and Ores. The chances one would start in secret area is 1%. Often there will be a mining, bug catching or fishing spot. Those unfortunate enough to land in a secret area without pickaxes and/or bugnets will have to settle with just the gathering spots and possible monsters in the area.
* Volcano
* Desert
* Swamp
* Jungle
* Snowy Mountains
* Great Forest
* Old Desert
* Tundra (Only accessible whilst Deviljho and Jade Barroth are present)
- There are 32 Secret Areas in Saints Row 2. Upon reaching each location for the first time, a "(location name) found" message is displayed on-screen, but they are not indicated on the Map, and there are no visual indicators apart from the initial on-screen message. They are counted in both the Diversions menu, and the Statistics Menu, but there is no reward for finding them all. Some of the locations are encountered during the main storyline, but many are unlikely to be visited without deliberate exploration.
- Secret Areas are small, hidden areas within a stage that, when found, give you a small amount of exp. They usually have a chest (Suspicious Box) and an enviormental healing item (such as a Coconut Tree or Aloe). The chest can be attacked. Doing this will normally open the box and drops items; one for each member of the party. Sometimes, however, the chest will attack back. When this happens, you must defeat the chest for your items; it'll only drop one, no matter the number of players in your party. It is generally looked down upon to go straight for a secret, leaving the rest of the party to deal with any monsters.