| - Neleh Charlton was the niece of Liberal Libertarian Praetor Taya Charlton. She was a graduate student at the University of Baltusia in Athosia when she became fed up with the student government. She formed the Libertarian-Left Party. When the election results came in, the party failed to win a single seat, however, Charlton nearly won the seat of Agriculture. She won 31 votes. The Deputy Prime Minister, Valerie Ricard won 35 votes. The Vision Party candidate, Sarah Mall, won the remaining 12 votes.
| - Neleh Charlton was the niece of Liberal Libertarian Praetor Taya Charlton. She was a graduate student at the University of Baltusia in Athosia when she became fed up with the student government. She formed the Libertarian-Left Party. When the election results came in, the party failed to win a single seat, however, Charlton nearly won the seat of Agriculture. She won 31 votes. The Deputy Prime Minister, Valerie Ricard won 35 votes. The Vision Party candidate, Sarah Mall, won the remaining 12 votes. Charlton would later become friends with two of her foes. William Russell, leader of the Impact Party and Quenala Oko, leader of the Vision Party. Oko and Charlton would later marry. Oko and Russell would both form political parties. The New Judicial Alliance and the Baltusian Neo Exsudo Party were formed by the two. When her uncle found out about the newly registered party, she was forced to leave it. She died in 2200 at the age of 43 when her uncle’s political foe, Nussimus Maximus, was elected Praetor. Maximus had her assassinated in fear of a potential leadership challenge.