The Neverending story is a fantasy novel created by Micheal Ende from Germany. It was first published in 1979. The standard English edition, translated by Ralph Manheim, was first published in 1983.
The Neverending story is a fantasy novel created by Micheal Ende from Germany. It was first published in 1979. The standard English edition, translated by Ralph Manheim, was first published in 1983.
The NeverEnding Story ist ein Lied von Limahl aus dem Jahr 1984 und ein Soundtrack zum Film Die unendliche Geschichte.
If you have never seen this worthless shit heap of a movie, then you have saved yourselves the temptation to gouge your eyes. For those of you who spent two hours of your lives prematurely donating your souls to Satan then I sympathize with you. Many don't know that the Neverending Story was originally called the Neverending Shit, but the author realized (after 30 grams of PCP and LSD) that people would rather hear about pedophile dragons and racist elves than large turds.
The Neverending Story (German: ="de" xml:lang="de" >Die unendliche Geschichte) is a German fantasy novel by Michael Ende, first published in 1979. The standard English translation, by Ralph Manheim, was first published in 1983. The novel was later adapted into several films.