| - The Cresian liturgical calendar is based on the Kelosian calendar on . The sidereal day of Crystaldeep is 1.603100 dd, and the sidereal year is 589.665507892 dd. Assuming a prograde rotation, the solar day is 1.607470165 dd. A tropical year is 589.642459865 dd or 366.813937075 solar days. This calendar has ten months and a ten-day week. The first, fourth, seventh months have 36 days. The second, third, fifth, sixth, eighth, and ninth months have 37 days. The last month has 36 days on non-leap years and 37 days on leap years. 06-01 is considered the midyear's day.
| - The Cresian liturgical calendar is based on the Kelosian calendar on . The sidereal day of Crystaldeep is 1.603100 dd, and the sidereal year is 589.665507892 dd. Assuming a prograde rotation, the solar day is 1.607470165 dd. A tropical year is 589.642459865 dd or 366.813937075 solar days. The Cresian liturgical calendar has 366,814 solar days every 1000 liturgical years, giving it 814 leap years for every 186 non-leap years. A leap year has 367 days, while a non-leap year has 366. Years that are divisible by 5 are non-leap years, unless Y รท 1000 has a remainder of 75n. For example, 59000, 59075, 59150, 59225, 59300, 59375, 59450, 59525, 59600, 59675, 59750, 59825, 59900, and 59975 were leap years. This calendar has ten months and a ten-day week. The first, fourth, seventh months have 36 days. The second, third, fifth, sixth, eighth, and ninth months have 37 days. The last month has 36 days on non-leap years and 37 days on leap years. 06-01 is considered the midyear's day. The days of the week are named after other planets of the : , , , , and . L1 and L2 are considered days of rest and called midweek and weekend, respectively. L2 is a holy day in Cresianism. An example of a month starting on C1: