| - Mute is an expert-level illusion spell in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It renders the target completely unable to cast spells for 15 seconds.
- mute2.PNG mute.PNG mute 1.PNG 靜音術 Pronunciation: Jing Yin Shu A spell that disables a person's ability to speak by taking away his voice. This spell can be reversed with Relief.
- Headquarters: London, UK Founded: 1978
* Rock
* Pop
* Electronica
* Dance
* New Wave
* Avant Garde
- "Mute" is an original SeeU song.
- Mark R. "Mute" Chandar is a Defending Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege. He features a medium armor and mobility rating and is capable of placing the GC90 "Moni" Signal Disruptor which jams communications for remotely detonated gadgets such as Breach Charges or Drones.
- Image:Silence (Status Effect).png Mute is a harmful that makes the player unable to speak until it wears off. Afflicted characters are unable to cast spells for the duration of the effect. It will not prevent players from speaking in any chat channel, nor will it stop abilities that would seem to rely on sound or voice, such as Whistle or Warcry. When Examining the Image:Silence (Status Effect).png in the status section of the display the description "You are surrounded by a powerful veil of silence"
- A muted player will not be able to talk in-game (except through Quick Chat) or on the Forums, however, they can still play the game as usual and trade with other players. If a player is on their last chance, and they commit an offence, they will be permanently muted or possibly permanently banned. Also, if a player is muted for website advertising or real world trading, they may become banned by Jagex right away. Mutes may be appealed if the player is past the green zone. Many permanent mutes have been reported to expire after a period of one year. A mute can also get quashed by a Jagex Moderator.
- Description: A Derby Ability for pets in the Derby Races. Rarity: Rare Effect: Remove Cheer from Next Pet Behind for 8 seconds Cooldown: 45 seconds Pets that can get Mute: Documentation on how to edit this page can be found at Hints, Guides and Discussions should be placed in the Discussion tab.
- Mute is an Autobot tape who works with Blaster.
- ミュートと読む。対象物を見えなくする・聴こえなくする設定。 特定のアバターやプリムを選択してパイ・メニューから Muteを選ぶことで対象物を自分から見えなくしたり、その相手の発言が聴こえないようにしたりする設定。実際に相手が消えるわけではなく、自分から見えなくなるだけという点には注意が必要。 なお店舗などにおいて販売機を誤って Muteしてしまい、購入処理をしても相手から品物が届かない!とクレームをつける事例がまれに見受けられる。この場合、オーナーが返事をしたとしてもクレームをつけた側で Muteが利いて弾いてしまうので「いつまでたっても返事すら来ない!」という悪循環に陥ることがある。このあたりは UIの改良が望まれる点である。 ※誤って Muteしてしまったばあいはメニューの View - Mute List から Muteしているもの・人の一覧を出して、「Unmute(ミュート取り消し)」をすればよい。
- The term mute might refer to:
* Mute (disorder)
* Mute (function)
- Mute was a silver-wedge-shaped robot that competed in the Roaming Robots events. It was built for Robot Wars where it finished 2nd in the New Blood Tournament and also reached its semi-final in Robot Wars Series 7. Its weapons were 2 flippers, the front was a forward-hinge-one similar to that of Firestorm and Cassius, the rear was like a lifter. In Roaming Robots it has managed to make the 2004 UK Championships finals where it was beaten by Terrorhurtz. Mute had been retired until 2012, where it came back to fight in the 2012 Team Championships with the Saints N' Sinners.
- The MUTE Network (or MUTE-net) is a peer-to-peer and friend-to-friend file sharing network developed with anonymity in mind. The MUTE client is open source software released under the Public domain and includes support for the Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows computer operating systems. Unlike the relatively popular Freenet anonymous P2P network, Mute's search functionality is similar to classical peer-to-peer applications.
- A mute is a form of punishment set by Habbo moderators. Mutes occur when a player has said something which a moderator considers offensive with a structure policy of Habbo provided. They can be automaticlly issued, following a list of offensive phrases and keywords that triggers the Habbo muting system. Mutes are generally 10 minutes, during that time the player cannot speak.
- Mute is one of the status conditions in ADOM. It can only affect the PC.
- Mute a target.100% base chance to set File:DOS Status Effect Muted.pngMutedCannot use Spells or ScrollsRemoved by:File:DOS Skill Cleansing Water.png Cleansing WaterFile:DOS Skill Doctor.png Doctor
- An anonymous file-sharing network: "MUTE protects your privacy by avoiding direct connections with your sharing partners in the network. Most other file sharing programs use direct connections to download or upload, making your identity available to spies from the RIAA and other unscrupulous organizations."
- Mute is a status caused by the spell Hush and resricts the muted character from using magic.
- As silent a Cybertron as you will ever find. Has not spoken a word in over five millennia. Often found standing, or sitting around listening to various pieces of music from all manner of different worlds. His calm attitude can be seen in everything he does, be it in a relaxed atmosphere or under pressure. In his cassette mode can be inserted into any data reading device to extract data, providing he can get past any encryption. In robot mode uses a combination of melee weapons to deal with foes, while utilizing his acoustical knowledge to control sound for a variety of purposes. In addition to his sound control abilities, he is able to project a variety of holographic creations. His lack of speaking is an obvious flaw which can place him in difficult positions.
- Mute is a special move used only by Princess Toadstool in the game Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Toadstool can learn this move through leveling up and requires 4 FP to use. To use Mute, the player must rotate the control pad quickly.
- Andrew Reid (Mute) was born of a human mother on Earth, but his father was of Inhuman origin. The Inhumans look down upon procreation with species outside of their own, so he abandoned them both immediately. Drew is a very active, social young man, but finds it hard to make and keep friends due to his disability. Drew is a Gamma Level mutant, and his mutation took away his ability to hear and speak. Unfortunately, whenever Drew makes a sound he destroys something. Because of this he rarely speaks, and thus gained the nickname "Mute." Image:94528 zach l.jpg
- A mute is a form of damage control, used by in-game Player moderators, as well as a form of admonition used by Jagex moderators, and Customer Support to those who are guilty of breaching the hardest-weighted Rules of Conduct.
- Mute (Disadvantage, 4 Points) Characters with the Mute disadvantage are unable to speak.
- Mute was a wedge-shaped robot with front and rear flippers that competed in Series 7 of Robot Wars. Prior to Series 7, Mute finished as runner-up in the New Blood Championship in Extreme Series 2, losing in the final to Storm 2 on a judges' decision. Mute reached the semi-finals of Series 7, eventually being thrown out of the arena by the 2nd seeds Firestorm 5.
- Mute is a fanfiction written and published on FanFiction.Net by Courtanie.
- A Third Generation Reyvateil who is constantly trying to capture Saki, as she was ordered to by Akane. Despite her monstrous appearance, she is quite feminine, and is greatly enraged when anyone tries to say the opposite to her. Later she appears in a much more fitting appearance to her personality. She is also the daughter of Dr. Laude. Mute's Hymn is: EXEC_CUTYPUMP/.
- This is one of the several anti-spam solutions implemented by CIP. When you talk too fast, you will be "muted" for a certain amount of time. For that amount of time, you will be unable to speak. You can be muted in the default channel as well as all public channels and private messages. Also remember that attempts to spam or bypassing the mute function may be considered as breaking the Tibia Rules. Here is a list of the seconds you will get muted for and when. First, you will be muted for 5 seconds. Next, you will be muted for 20 seconds, etc.: E.G.:
- This is one of the several anti-spam solutions implemented by CIP. When you talk too fast, you will be "muted" for a certain amount of time. For that amount of time, you will be unable to speak. You can be muted in the default channel as well as all public channels and private messages. Also remember that attempts to spam or bypassing the mute function may be considered as breaking the Tibia Rules. Here is a list of the seconds you will get muted for and when. First, you will be muted for 5 seconds. Next, you will be muted for 20 seconds, etc.: E.G.:
- A mute is a punishment that Jagex gives to players for breaking the Rules of Conduct. They are an alternative for bans, commonly issued to first-time offenders for minor offences, in the Respect category. Mutes have a duration, similar to bans. During a mute, players may log into RuneScape (unlike a ban), but when the muted player trys to use normal chat, it will not show up on other players' chat windows, and a message will inform the player that they have been muted for breaking the Rules of conduct. However, muted players can still use the Quick Chat system to communicate with other players. Additionally, players who are muted ingame cannot post on the forums. Mutes can be either temporary or permanent. Temporary mutes are more common and may have durations ranging from as little as 24
- Monette, a middle-aged traveling book salesman (his first name is never given), goes to confession. When the priest asks him what sin he has committed, Monette admits that while he believes he has sinned in some way, he is not entirely sure exactly what he is guilty of. He then explains the events of the preceding days. While on the road, Monette picked up a hitchhiker, carrying a sign sign proclaiming him to be both deaf and mute. Once in the car, the hitchhiker seemingly falls asleep. Since Monette believes that the man cannot hear him, he decides to vent his problems to him.
- Ilse, a twelve-year-old girl, is orphaned when her parents die in a fire. She is left in the care of others unaware of her true condition. It seems that her parents raised her in ignorance, and did not even teach her to talk. In actuality, Ilse was raised (along with other children in far-away Europe) by parents who subjected her to a language deprivation experiment in which no one spoke (verbally) with her. The intent was to draw out inherent telepathic abilities that the parents believed all people once possessed, but which had been repressed after the development of spoken language.
- A mute is a punishment given to a player by Player Moderators and Jagex Moderators for breaking certain rules. If a player is muted, they will be unable to speak in game for a certain period of time with the exception of using Quick chat. A Player Moderator has the power to issue a 48 hour mute to a player when reporting; only Jagex Moderators have the power to ban a player. It is worth noting that if a player is muted in any one of Jagex's games, they will be muted in every game.