| - In the government of the Golden Empire, the position of Procurator was created as part of the 65 Reforms. Procurators were Royal governors assigned to supervise entire sectors of 100 inhabited worlds. Ruling on behalf of the Sovereign, Procurators supervised the Consuls who ruled individual worlds in their sectors. By 150 ABY, the Golden Empire had become too large for Rin Sakaros to rule with her existing model. The Empire had over 1,300 inhabited planets, which meant it had over 2,600 Consuls and Tribunes. Rin was persuaded that she was going to begin missing things; even she could not adequately address the daily and ongoing concerns of 2,600 beings. In the interest of ensuring her people had a government dedicated to their welfare, Rin proposed the creation of sector-level government at the Consular Assembly of that year. A year of debate ensued, with Consuls, Tribunes, and even private citizens weighing in on both sides. Rin and her agents spent the year educating the public about the benefits the Queen foresaw in the new system, and by the Assembly in 151 ABY, the majority of the Empire had been persuaded to support the reforms. After the Assembly of that year, Rin promulgated the law and appointed the first Procurators.