The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (also known as The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes!) is an American animated television series by Marvel Animation in cooperation with Film Roman based on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers. The show debuted on Disney XD in Fall 2010 starting with a 20 part micro-series. Marvel Entertainment, LLC and Disney XD announced that a "new Marvel Universe" programming block named Marvel Universe which includes Season 2 of Avengers and the animated Ultimate Spider-Man series that began broadcasting in April 2012.
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| - The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
- The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
| - The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes es una serie de dibujos animados estadounidense creada por Marvel Animation y Film Roman basada en el equipo de superhéroes de Marvel los Vengadores.
- The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (also known as The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes!) is an American animated television series by Marvel Animation in cooperation with Film Roman based on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers. The show debuted on Disney XD in Fall 2010 starting with a 20 part micro-series. Marvel Entertainment, LLC and Disney XD announced that a "new Marvel Universe" programming block named Marvel Universe which includes Season 2 of Avengers and the animated Ultimate Spider-Man series that began broadcasting in April 2012.
- The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes! is an American animated television series by Marvel Animation in cooperation with Film Roman, based on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers. The show debuted both on Disney XD and online in the fall of 2010, starting with a 20-part micro-series. Marvel Entertainment, LLC and Disney XD announced a "new Marvel Universe" programming block, named Marvel Universe, which began broadcasting in April 2012 and included the second season of Earth's Mightiest Heroes! and the animated series Ultimate Spider-Man.
- The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes is a show on Disney XD, based on the Marvel comics series The Avengers. The series begins with a mysterious, massive breakout at each of the world's four super-villain prisons, releasing a horde of super-powered criminals upon the world. Brought together by the massive threat posed by the escaped Graviton, the team known as the Avengers are born - they are the Earth's Mightiest Heroes! The series has a character sheet. For tropes related to a single character, please go there. Also visit this crowner to help vote on the best episode.
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| - Los Vengadores: Los héroes más poderosos de la Tierra
| - George Rizkallah
- Jonathan Polk
- Robert Walz
- Steve Ingram
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| - George Rizkallah
- Jonathan Polk
- Robert Walz
- Steve Ingram
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