| - Darth Ragnok, whose birth name was Mikoyan, was a human male who served Darth Krayt and his Sith Empire as a Sith Executioner, but later ended up defecting and joining the Imperial Knights. Born in Wayland's capitol city of New Nystao, he was found by Darth Azard in 122 ABY, and was taken as his Sith apprentice. Ragnok showed a great understanding of the Dark Side of the Force, but preferred to use different types of lightsabers over The Force. He also had no sense of good or evil, and right or wrong. Ragnok believed they were just points of views, and thought everything he did was justified in the end. Among other things, Ragnok was a cunning strategist as well as tactician.
| - Darth Ragnok, whose birth name was Mikoyan, was a human male who served Darth Krayt and his Sith Empire as a Sith Executioner, but later ended up defecting and joining the Imperial Knights. Born in Wayland's capitol city of New Nystao, he was found by Darth Azard in 122 ABY, and was taken as his Sith apprentice. Ragnok showed a great understanding of the Dark Side of the Force, but preferred to use different types of lightsabers over The Force. He also had no sense of good or evil, and right or wrong. Ragnok believed they were just points of views, and thought everything he did was justified in the end. Among other things, Ragnok was a cunning strategist as well as tactician. It was noted that Ragnok almost always was fully covered in a suit of armor, for both intimidation and anonymity. The habit was dug into him during his training as an Executioner. What surprised most people when he took his armor off (or at least revealed his face) was how young Ragnok was. Even after he defected to Roan Fel's side and became an Imperial Knight, Ragnok wore a custom set of armor. However, it was unknown where he got various sets of armor he wore, though many speculated he recovered them from the ruins of Emperor Palpatine's secret Mount Tantiss storehouse on his homeworld. Ragnok had a rather cold personality, for unknown reasons. When he fought alongside Darth Maladi, she made it clear she had feelings for him, but he ignored her. Ragnok ended up dueling Maladi later on. His true loyalties seemed conflicted, originally thinking that Darth Krayt had the right to the Imperial throne but then changing his mind to Fel.