| - The habit of combining one- or two-word titles with a subtitle for foreign release so the public will have a better idea what the work is about. It's a way to give people who haven't heard about the original work an idea of the premise without making it unknown to the people who do know the original work by name. Sometimes the subtitle is a direct translation of the original title (if it is kept in the original language), making the name redundant, or it may be something that explains the plot. Usually a case of Woolseyism or Macekre and a case of foreign Colon Cancer. See also Completely Different Title. Examples of The Foreign Subtitle include: :
* Big Brother: Velky Bratr :
* Alien: Den 8. passager ("The Eighth Passenger"; you'll see most translations added this subtitle)
* Superman II: På Nye Eventyr ("[On] new adventures") :
* Pulp Fiction: Tarinoita väkivallasta ("Stories about violence") :
* Alien, Le huitième passager (The Eighth Passenger)
* Cars: Quatre Roues (Four Wheels) (France)
* The Dark Knight: Le Chevalier Noir
* FX, Effets de choc (Shocking (special) Effects)
* And FX, Effets Spéciaux, la série (Special Effects)
* Grey's Anatomy: À cœur ouvert (from chirurgie à cœur ouvert which means open heart surgery).
* Masked Rider: Le Justicier de l'espace (The Hero of Space)
* NCIS: Enquêtes spéciales (Special investigations)
* The Patriot: Le chemin vers la liberté (The path towards freedom)
* Thunderbirds: Les Sentinelles de l'Air (The Guardians Of The Sky). This is the live action film. The TV series itself was called Les Sentinelles de l'Air in French, so the subtitle was added to unite the English and French titles of the franchise.
* Wanted: Choisis ton destin (Choose your destiny, this is the movie we're talking about here)
* The X-Files: Aux frontières du réel (At the Borders of Reality). Here again, to tie with the series's French title. :
* Alien – Das unheimliche Wesen aus einer fremden Welt (The sinister creature from a foreign world)
* The Crow - Die Kraehe (The crow)
* The Da Vinci Code - Sakrileg (sacrilege). Sakrileg is the German title of the novel, and apparently when the movie came out, they wanted to make sure that the people know which (best-selling) book it is the film of.
* DuckTales: Neues aus Entenhausen (News from Duckburg)
* Superman II - Allein gegen alle (Alone against all)
* Superman III - Der stahlerne Blitz (The iron thunderbolt)
* Mean Girls – Girls Club - vorsicht, bissig! (dangerous, bites). Yes they invented a new, English title. They do this a lot. Don't ask.
* The Village - Das Dorf (a word-on-word translation, making the thing completely idiotic since most Germans know what 'village' means.)
* Everything on this list. :
* Alien vs. Predator- A Halál a Ragadozó ellen (The Death VS the Predator)
* DuckTales - Kacsamesék (Duck Stories)
* JAG - Becsületbeli ügyek (Points of Honor)
* Monk - Flúgos nyomozó (The Wacky Detective)
* Psych - Dilis detektívek (Goofy Detectives)
* Totally Spies! - Született kémek (Born Spies)
* Toy Story - Játékháború (Toy Wars)
* Primeval - Őslények kalandorai (Adventurers of Prehistoric Creatures)
* Battlestar Galactica - Csillagközi Romboló (Interstellar Destroyer)
* Terminator - A halálosztó (The Death Giver) :
* Cars: Motori ruggenti (Roaring Engines)
* Cold Case: Delitti irrisolti (Unsolved crimes)
* ER: Medici In Prima Linea (Physicians Ready For Action)
* Scrubs: Medici Ai Primi Ferri (Barely Physicians, ferri meaning surgical tools)
* Nightmare: Dal profondo della notte (From the depths of the night)
* Ghost Whisperer: Presenze (Presences)
* JAG: Avvocati in divisa (Lawyers in uniform)
* Masked Rider: Il Cavaliere Mascherato (The Masked Knight)
* NCIS: Unità anticrimine (Crime fighting unit)
* Ocean's Eleven: Fate il vostro gioco (Make Your Play)
* Full Monty: Squattrinati organizzati (Pennyless but organized)
* Ghost: Fantasma
* Candyman: Terrore dietro lo specchio (Terror behind the mirror)
* 17 Again: Ritorno al liceo (Back to high school)
* The Addiction: Vampiri a New York (Vampires in New York)
* All You've Got : Unite per la vittoria ([females] United for victory)
* Halloween: La Notte Delle Streghe (Night Of Witches)
* The Hitcher: La Lunga Strada Della Paura (The Long Road Of Fear)
* Carrie: Lo Sguardo Di Satana (Satan's Look)
* Leverage: Consulenze Illegali (Illegal Consulences)
* Deja Vu: Corsa contro il tempo (Race against time) (the 2006 film with Denzel Washington)
* The Departed: il bene e il male (Good and evil)
* Hitch: Lui sì che capisce le donne (He really understands women)
* SuXBad: Tre menti sopra il pelo (Three minds on a hair", pun over the Italian romantic movie "Tre metri sopra il cielo")
* Cool Runnings: Quattro sotto zero (Four below zero, a pun on temperature and the four members of the Jamaican bobsled team)
* Sister Act: Una svitata in abito da suora (A nutty woman dressed as a nun)
* White Collar: Fascino Criminale (Criminal Charm, a pun on the fact that Neal is really hot and the fact that he uses such charm to get things done his way)
* Epic Mickey: La Leggendaria Sfida di Topolino (The Legendary Challenge of Mickey Mouse)
* Die Hard 3: Hard to Kill
* [[Live Free or Die Hard Die Hard 4: To Live or to Die :
* Chō Eiyū Densetsu (Super Hero Legend) Dynastic Hero
* Cloverfield: Hakaisha (Destroyer)
* FIFA: World Class Soccer games]
* Harry Potter to Nazo no Prince (and the Mysterious Prince)
* Help: 4-nin wa Idol (We Are Idols)
* Jūryoku Sōkō (Gravitational Armored) Metal Storm
* Kill Bill Vol. 2: The Love Story
* Knight Rider Next [2008 version]
* Mortal Kombat: Shinken Kōrin Densetsu (The Legendary Ascent of the Divine Fist)
* Mortal Kombat 2: Kyūkyoku Shinken (The Supreme Divine Fist)
* Pirates of (the) Caribbean: Norowareta Kaizoku-tachi (The Cursed Pirates)
* Sonic Generations: Shiro no Jikuu (White Time-Space) [console version]
* Sonic Generations: Ao no Bouken (Blue Adventure) [Nintendo 3DS version]
* Nemesis: S.T.X (Star Trek X)
* Super Contra: Erian no Gyakushu (The Alien Strikes Back) [arcade version]
* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Super Kame Ninja (Super Turtle Ninjas) [the Konami arcade game]
* Tokushu Butai (Special Forces) Jackal [Konami arcade game]
* Tropic Thunder: Shijou Saitei no Sakusen (The Worst Mission in History)
* X-Men: Final Decision
* Wolverine: X-Men Zero
* X Men First Class: First Generation
* MTV Jersey Shore: Macaroni Yarou no New Jersey Life (The New Jersey Life of Macaroni Rascals)
* Dantes Inferno: Shinkyoku: Jigoku-hen (Divine Comedy: Inferno Episode) :
* Alien: Den åttende passasjer (The eighth passenger)
* Enchanted: Eventyr i New York (Fairytale in New York) :
* Alien, o Oitavo Passageiro (The Eighth Passenger)
* Alien S: O Resgate (The Rescue)
* Blade, O Caçador de Vampiros (The Vampire Hunter)
* Blade Runner: O Caçador de Andróides (The Android Hunter)
* Blow Up: Depois Daquele Beijo (After That Kiss) (Brazil)
* Cloverfield: Monstro (Monster) (Brazil); Portugal inverts the trope: Nome de Código: Cloverfield (Codename: Cloverfield).
* Cobra: O Braço Forte da Lei(Portugal) In Brazil it's a weird case: Stallone Cobra (blame it on the poster).
* Con Air - Fortaleza Voadora (Aerial Fortress) (Portugal)
* Con Air: A Rota da Fuga (The Escape Route) (Brazil)
* DuckTales: Os Caçadores de Aventuras (The Hunters of Adventures) (Brazil)
* Dungeons and Dragons: A Aventura Começa Agora (The Adventure Begins Now)
* FX: Assassinato Sem Morte (Murder without Death)
* Forrest Gump': O Contador de Histórias (The Story Teller)
* Ghost: Do Outro Lado da Vida (From the Other Side of Life)
* Hairspray: Em Busca da Fama (Seeking Fame)
* Karate Kid: A Hora da Verdade (The Moment of Truth)
* Karate Kid II: A Hora da Verdade Continua (The Moment of Truth Continues)
* Kick Ass: Quebrando Tudo (Breaking It All)
* Predator 2: A Caçada Continua (The Hunt Goes On)
* Pulp Fiction: Tempo de Violência (Time of Violence)
* Resident Evil: O Hóspede Maldito ("The Cursed/Damned Guest")
* Rocky, Um Lutador (A Fighter)
* Rocky II: A Revanche (The Rematch)
* Rocky III: O Desafio Supremo (The Supreme Challenge)
* A Serbian Film: Terror Sem Limites (Limitless Horror)
* Space Jam: O Jogo do Século (Game of the Century) (Brazil)
* Superman II: A Aventura Continua (The Adventure Goes On)
* The Commitments': Loucos Pela Fama (Crazy About Fame)
* The Incredibles - Os Super-Heróis (Portugal)
* Top Gun: Ases Indomáveis (Indomitable Aces) (Brazil)
* Toy Story: Os Rivais (Portugal)
* Toy Story: Um Mundo de Aventuras (A World of Adventures) (Brazil)
* Toy Story 2: Em busca de Woody (The Search for Woody) (Portugal)
* Up: Altamente! (Awesome!) (Portugal)
* Up: Altas Aventuras (High Adventures) (Brazil) :
* Quiz Show: El dilema ("The Dilemma")
* Serenity: Furia imparable ("Unstoppable Fury")
* Alma de héroes: la leyenda de Seabiscuit ("Heroic Soul: the Legend of Seabiscuit")
* Adaptation: El ladrón de orquídeas ("The Orchid Thief")
* Alien, el octavo pasajero ("The Eighth Passenger")
* Aliens: El regreso ("The Return")
* Antwone Fisher: El triunfo del espíritu ("The Spirit's Triumph")
* Arlington Road: Temerás a tu vecino ("You Will Fear Your Neighbor")
* Boogieman: La puerta del miedo ("The Door of Fright")
* Cloverfield: Monstruoso ("Monstruous")
* Encantada: La historia de Giselle ("Enchanted: Giselle's Tale")
* Kill Bill: La vengaza (The Revenge)
* Watchmen: Los vigilantes ("The Watchmen")
* Resident Evil: El huésped maldito ("The Cursed Guest")
* Terminator: El exterminador
* Top Gun: Pasión y gloria ("Passion and Glory")
* Poltergeist: Juegos diabólicos ("Devilish Games")
* Superman II: La aventura continua ("The Adventure Continues")
* Thundercats: Los felinos cósmicos ("Cosmic Cats")
* Up: Una aventura de altura ("A High Adventure")
* LA Law: Se hará justicia ("Justice will be Served")
* Kick-Ass: Un superheroe sin superpoderes ("A superhero without superpowers")
* Sunshine: Alerta solar ("Solar Alert")
* Game of Thrones: Ganas o Mueres ("You Win or You Die")
* Battleship: Batalla Naval ("Naval Battle")
* Sucker Punch: Mundo Surreal (Surreal World)
* Recess: The Animated Series :
* Alien den åttonde passageraren (The eighth passenger)
* Superman II - Äventyret fortsätter (The adventure continues)
* Stålmannen - går på en krypto-NIT ("Superman III Draws a krypto-blank") :
* Das Boot: The Boat
* Inverted in M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder (M: A City Looks for a Murderer) :
* One Piece: Hǎizéi Wáng (Pirate King) :
* Kakurenbo: Hide and Seek
* Kai no Bōken: The Quest of Ki
* Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei: The Power Of Negative Thinking. Actually an intelligent choice, considering that every chapter title is also a Literary Allusion Title.
* Kodomo no Omocha: Child's Toy
* When They Cry: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, in an example of a Foreign Supertitle. "When They Cry" is the franchise title, and does appear as a supertitle for the original games, but is removed for The Anime of the Game, and was put back on by Geneon.
* The name that is most used here is Higurashi - When they cry (and Umineko - When they Cry for the sequel).
* Bokurano: Ours
* Samurai Harem: Asu no Yoichi!
* The Masked Rider: Kamen Rider ZO
* Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac - Only applies to Viz's version of the manga.
* Ai Yori Aoshi: True Blue Love
* Yume Miru Kusuri: A Drug That Makes You Dream
* The translation of the Shugo Chara! manga leaves the title intact, which is probably why the legal streaming version of the anime calls it My Guardian Characters, AKA Shugo Chara.
* Onimusha: Warlords
* Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
* Onimusha 3: Demon's Siege
* Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams is an aversion, since the subtitle already existed in the Japanese title. However, the word Shin (for "new") was omitted for the overseas version.
* Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight, an egregious example since it barely has anything to do with Street Fighter and practically nothing to do with Final Fight
* Mario and Luigi (RPG): Superstar Saga
* Mario and Luigi (2): Partners In Time
* Mario and Luigi (3): Bowser's Inside Story
* Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army (the Japanese subtitle being Raidou Kuzunoha VS the Super-Soldier Army)
* Battle Arena Toshinden
* Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
* Inverted with Golden Sun, which lacked its "The Broken Seal" subtitle in the English release. The other games kept their subtitles, though.
* Also inverted with the seventh Fire Emblem, which was titled Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken ("The Sword of Flame"). This can cause some confusion, as "Fire Emblem" alone could refer to the original Famicom game in the series, Ankoku Ryū to Hikari no Tsurugi ("The Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light"), or the second Game Boy Advance game and the first game in the series released overseas.
* Yamada's First Time - B Gata H Kei.
* Wartech: Senko No Ronde
* Kannazuki no Miko: Destiny of the Shrine Maiden - This was the title of the Geneon release. When Sentai Filmworks acquired it, it was simply reduced to Destiny of the Shrine Maiden.
* Daraku Tenshi: The Fallen Angels
* Inverted with Sin and Punishment, where the "Successor of the Earth" subtitle was omitted in the English release. :
* Bioman 2: Maskman
* Bioman 3: Liveman :
* Fullmetal Alchemist - A Bölcsek Kövének nyomában (The Quest for the Philosopher's Stone)
* Honey and Clover - Méz és lóhere
* Ghost in the Shell - Páncélba zárt szellem
* Trinity Blood - Vér és kereszt (Blood and Cross)
* Yu Yu Hakusho - A szellemfiú (The Ghost Boy) :
* What's My Destiny: Dragon Ball (Z) (At least initially, it later became better known by its original title.) :
* Sailor Moon (first season): The Moon In A Sailor Suit :
* Doraemon: El Gato Cosmico (The Space Cat)
* Kinnikuman: El Hombre Músculo (The Muscle Man) :
* Uzumaki: Spiralerna (The spirals) :
* The Raid: Redemption :
* Taekwon V: Mision Espacial (Mission on Space) :
* Tangled: Was released under its originally planned title of Rapunzel in certain countries. However, for some reason, Disney felt the urge to add a subtitle and Title Drop the changed title in those releases. Thus, Tangled is known as Rapunzel: A Tangled Tale in those countries.