| - ...Where to begin? A popular Flash cartoon created by David Firth, Salad Fingers is a notoriously surreal and disturbing series set in a seemingly post-apocalyptic world. The title character is a grotesque recluse with long green fingers, a seemingly sexual Fetish for rusty objects, masochistic tendencies, several Companion Cubes, a very loose grip on reality, and a habit of (possibly unintentionally) killing or otherwise harming everyone he meets. It's pretty much considered Not Safe For Humanity.
| - ...Where to begin? A popular Flash cartoon created by David Firth, Salad Fingers is a notoriously surreal and disturbing series set in a seemingly post-apocalyptic world. The title character is a grotesque recluse with long green fingers, a seemingly sexual Fetish for rusty objects, masochistic tendencies, several Companion Cubes, a very loose grip on reality, and a habit of (possibly unintentionally) killing or otherwise harming everyone he meets. It's that kind of series. Warning: Watching Salad Fingers will cause insomnia, pants-wetting, zombie invasions, an extreme dislike of rust, more insomnia, yelling, "What were you sniffing when you made this," at the computer screen, hiding under your bed for the next three months, an intense need to commit suicide, an intense need to commit homicide, and an intense need to warn people to not watch this cartoon. I warned you It's pretty much considered Not Safe For Humanity.