Haradrim, also known as Southrons, were a race of Atani that came from Harad, the southern region of Middle-earth which was directly south of Gondor and Harondor.
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- Haradrim
- Haradrim
- Haradrim
| - Haradrim of Zuiderlingen is een mensenvolk in het land Harad, ten zuiden van Gondor en Mordor. Haradrim waar donker van huidkleur en bedreven ruiters en boogschutters. Ze gebruiken Mûmakil als oorlogsmachine, bestuurd door een zuiderling en op de rug een houten constructie gemaakt genoemd.
- Haradrim, also known as Southrons, were a race of Atani that came from Harad, the southern region of Middle-earth which was directly south of Gondor and Harondor.
- Gli Haradrim, noti anche come Sudroni, sono una stirpe di Uomini che vive nel sud della Terra di Mezzo, soprattutto nella regione di Harad. Benché non tutti siano malvagi, essi sono predisposti alla corruzione delle forze del male e hanno a lungo combattuto contro i Dúnedain di Númenor e di Gondor. Al pari dei loro cugini Esterlings, essi furono alleati dell'Oscuro Signore Sauron sia durante la Seconda che durante la Terza Era. Dopo la Guerra dell'Anello vennero definitivamente sottomessi da Re Elessar, che assieme a Éomer di Rohan condusse una breve campagna militare contro di essi.
- The Haradrim, known in Westron as the Southrons and once as the "Swertings" by Hobbits, were a race of Men from Harad in the region of Middle-earth directly south of Gondor. Before that, in the First Age, the Atani from whom the Haradrim descended were known as Black Men. A part of the histories of the Westlands is given to the fierce people who in the Second and the Third Age of the Sun, came from the hot deserts and forests of sunlands, which lay in the South of Middle-earth. These people were ruled by many and lords, until in time Sauron the Maia corrupted them and called them to war.
- The term Haradrim or Southrons was applied to a large number of very distinct peoples and tribes of southern Middle-Earth.In the closer sense it was used for the cultures of the Haradwaith, a large area which once had been under suzerainty of the kingdom of Gondor and was considered a royal province.The best known Haradrim were the northern Haruze while deep in the south widely varying tribes could be found, among them the Black Barangil peoples of the Utter south who were often considered a culture distinct from the common Haradrim by many scholars.
- Haradrim, (guild=5008)[«ϡ»], is one of the stronger of the Mordor Family guilds, and is known to most members of Alpha server as TPFS. Haradrim members have fought in many conflicts, and prides themselves on being some of the most experienced players on the alpha server. The name Haradrim comes from the Tolkien series Lord of The Rings, and, since Tolkien's Haradrim is in fact evil, the guild's roleplay incorporates this. Haradrim was part of and the second biggest guild in the Mordor_family.
- Die Haradrim (Westron: „Südländer“) waren wilde und als primitiv beschriebene Menschen aus Harad, einem großen Gebiet im Süden von Mittelerde. Im Zweiten Zeitalter zahlten einige der Haradrim Númenor Tribut, doch im Dritten Zeitalter standen sie unter dem Einfluss Saurons und waren eine ständige Bedrohung für Gondors südliche Grenzen. Einige der Haradrim wurden von Schwarzen Númenórern regiert.thumb|Schwarze Schlange, Banner Haradrim
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| - Near Harad, Far-Harad, Haradwaith, the Utter South
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- Haradrim
- Haradrim
- Haradrim, Southrons, Swertings
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| - Harad, compresa la regione di Umbar
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| - Sono feroci guerrieri e sono coliti addomesticare i possenti Mûmakil che utilizzano sia come fonte di cibo che come bestie da soma o da guerra.
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