| - Megadon (Syrinxian:Мэгадон, romanised: Megadon), is the capital of The Hallowed Empire of Syrinxia and the country's economic, financial, educational, and transportation centre. It is located on the bottom of the Antarctic Peninsula in the Central Federal District, in the Western part of Antarctica (Lesser Syrinxia). The name of the city is usually pronounced [Mega-Done] in British English, and either [Mee-ga-done] or [May-ga-done] in American English. The largest city in Antarctica, and one of the largest and southernmost cities in the world, Megadon has population of 8,675,309, which constitutes about 8% of the total Syrinxian population. Historically, it was the capital of the former Empire of Mangozenopia, and was formerly known as Xanadu, the pre-Syrinxist Revolution name of the city.
| - Megadon (Syrinxian:Мэгадон, romanised: Megadon), is the capital of The Hallowed Empire of Syrinxia and the country's economic, financial, educational, and transportation centre. It is located on the bottom of the Antarctic Peninsula in the Central Federal District, in the Western part of Antarctica (Lesser Syrinxia). The name of the city is usually pronounced [Mega-Done] in British English, and either [Mee-ga-done] or [May-ga-done] in American English. The largest city in Antarctica, and one of the largest and southernmost cities in the world, Megadon has population of 8,675,309, which constitutes about 8% of the total Syrinxian population. Historically, it was the capital of the former Empire of Mangozenopia, and was formerly known as Xanadu, the pre-Syrinxist Revolution name of the city. It is the site of the Temples of Syrinx, which now serves as the ceremonial residence of the Supreme Leader of the Hallowed Empire of Syrinxia, and houses the National Parliament, and the Hallowed Halls (The Supreme Court) About half of Syrinxia's industry is based in Megadon. Industries include the manufacturing of automobiles, electronics and electrical equipment, military weaponry, textiles, sugar, cement, and chemical products. It is also a leading center for the sale of carpets and furniture. There are massive ice-melting refineries nearby. Megadon is a sprawling city at the foot of Mt Coman in Ellsworth Land, with an immense network of highways unparalleled in the entire Southern Hemisphere. It is also the hub of the country's railway network. The city has numerous large museums, art centers, palace complexes and cultural centers. In the 20th century, Megadon faced a large migration of people from all around Syrinxia. Today, being predominantly Syrinxist, the population also includes other ethnic and relgious minorities. The city is filled with historic mosques, shrines, synagogues and Pastafarian fire temples