Ronto was a male Klatooinian pilot who served in the Galactic Alliance Remnant during the Second Imperial Civil War. During the Battle of Mon Calamari in 137 ABY, his fighter was destroyed and he subsequently ejected. He managed to enter the planet's atmosphere and land safely, but was then captured by the Empire. He was released from captivity and returned to the Galactic Alliance Remnant space with the help of Monia Gahan and Imperial Knights Treis Sinde and Sigel Dare. In 138 ABY, he was killed during the allied attack on the Sith-occupied Coruscant.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Ronto (Klatooinian)
- Ronto (Klatooinian)
| - Ronto byl klatooinianský pilot a člen eskadry Rogue, který sloužil ve flotile Pozůstatku galaktické aliance. thumb|left|146pxRoku 137 PBY během bitvy o Mon Calamari byla jeho stíhačka zničena v souboji s imperiálními TIE Predatory. Ronto se stačil katapultovat a v záchranné kapsi přistál na planetě Dac. Tam byl zajat a dostal se do cely na místní imperiální základně. Jeho a další vězně brzy osvobodila Monia Gahan spolu s Imperiálními rytíři Treis Sinde a Sigelem Darem. Poté ukradli osobní raketoplán Darth Azarda a vrátili se k alianční flotile.
- Ronto was a male Klatooinian pilot who served in the Galactic Alliance Remnant during the Second Imperial Civil War. During the Battle of Mon Calamari in 137 ABY, his fighter was destroyed and he subsequently ejected. He managed to enter the planet's atmosphere and land safely, but was then captured by the Empire. He was released from captivity and returned to the Galactic Alliance Remnant space with the help of Monia Gahan and Imperial Knights Treis Sinde and Sigel Dare. In 138 ABY, he was killed during the allied attack on the Sith-occupied Coruscant.
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| - *Pozůstatek galaktické aliance
*eskadra Rogue
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| - *Galactic Alliance Remnant
**Galactic Alliance Core Fleet
***Rogue Squadron
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| - Ronto byl klatooinianský pilot a člen eskadry Rogue, který sloužil ve flotile Pozůstatku galaktické aliance. thumb|left|146pxRoku 137 PBY během bitvy o Mon Calamari byla jeho stíhačka zničena v souboji s imperiálními TIE Predatory. Ronto se stačil katapultovat a v záchranné kapsi přistál na planetě Dac. Tam byl zajat a dostal se do cely na místní imperiální základně. Jeho a další vězně brzy osvobodila Monia Gahan spolu s Imperiálními rytíři Treis Sinde a Sigelem Darem. Poté ukradli osobní raketoplán Darth Azarda a vrátili se k alianční flotile. Poté, co Sithové nad Dacem vypustili virové spory, podílel se Ronto pod velením mistra Jedi Droka na sabotáži obranných systémů moncalamarských loděnic, aby Aliance mohla provést evakuaci planety. Roku 138 PBY zemřel Ronto při útoku na Sithy okupovaný Coruscant.
- Ronto was a male Klatooinian pilot who served in the Galactic Alliance Remnant during the Second Imperial Civil War. During the Battle of Mon Calamari in 137 ABY, his fighter was destroyed and he subsequently ejected. He managed to enter the planet's atmosphere and land safely, but was then captured by the Empire. He was released from captivity and returned to the Galactic Alliance Remnant space with the help of Monia Gahan and Imperial Knights Treis Sinde and Sigel Dare. Under the command of Jedi Master Drok, Ronto would help sabotage the defenses of the Mon Calamari Shipyards in preparation of the planet's evacuation after the Sith released Viral spores that would purge Dac of all life. In 138 ABY, he was killed during the allied attack on the Sith-occupied Coruscant.