| - Krona Kruneeghol belonged to the ancient Maltusian race and, as a scientist, sought to create intergalactic order, believing the only logical way was through knowledge. His thirst for understanding consumed him as he implemented perverse experiments to the detriment of the cosmos. Krona's ideas often clashed with those of his fellow Maltusians, including his protest over his brethren's contempt for emotions during their progress into becoming the Guardians of the Universe. At some point, Krona was attacked by the ManHunters, the emotionless, robotic force created by the Guardians of the Universe, and he was able to fend them off. Afterward, Krona believed that the Manhunters are flawed, as an emotionless police force, and decided to prove his theory by discreetly reprogramming them to commit a massive genocide of Sector 666; specifically the planet Ryut, where only five individuals, known as the Five Inversions, survived the massacre, and founded the Empire of Tears. Among those five was Atrocitus, who would later found the Red-Lantern Corps, swearing vengeance on the Guardians, as he mistakenly believed them responsible for the devastation of his world. The massacre also caused the Guardians to abandon the Manhunters and form the Green-Lantern Corps. Krona continued his forbidden experiments that involved witnessing the beginning of time itself, which was considered by the Maltusians a great taboo. He succeeded in his experiment and managed to glimpsed the hand of creation depositing the speck that would become the entire cosmos. His machine exploded at that instant, and the universe was shattered, causing the creation of the Multiverse as the universe replicated into an infinite number of parallel universes. At this same moment, the Antimatter Universe was created, unleashing evil into the cosmos, and giving birth to the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor. Krona's actions finally caught the attention of his fellow Maltusians, who expelled him from their ranks and punished him for his crimes by converting him to a state of energy, which was sent to circle all the universe for eternity. It was the actions of Krona that caused the Maltusians, who felt guilty for not having stopped Krona early on, to split into various groups (the Guardians of the Universe, the Controllers, and the Zamarons). Though banished, Krona vowed revenge and could only wait an opportunity to escape. Following Krona's banishment, a map belonging to him was left behind on Maltus which highlighted a great of source of power on the world of Okaara. This map was discovered by Larfleeze and his band of thieves which led them to uncovering the Orange Lantern Power Battery. Krona would eventually escape his fate, and he later tried to start his experiment all over again, since the original machine had exploded before he could finish watching the universe being created. He was stopped by the Green-Lanterns of Earth, Hal Jordan and Alan Scott, and banished into his energy form again.