| - The synth's signal flow follows the conventional VCO-VCF-VCA paradigm, but takes it to an extreme using a host of technologies. In signal generation, the user has a choice between virtual analog and sample playback; the latter can use the Variphrase techology to control pitch and time independently. The most striking visual feature of the synth, the Time Trip touch pad, can be used to "play" a sample using a sort of turntabling, where moving the finger around in a circle on the pad causes the sample to play forward or backward at the speed that the finger moves, while the output sounds continuously. Formant control is also possible with some types of samples. The V-Synth is capable of recording samples, and can also exchange samples with a computer over a USB connection.
| - The synth's signal flow follows the conventional VCO-VCF-VCA paradigm, but takes it to an extreme using a host of technologies. In signal generation, the user has a choice between virtual analog and sample playback; the latter can use the Variphrase techology to control pitch and time independently. The most striking visual feature of the synth, the Time Trip touch pad, can be used to "play" a sample using a sort of turntabling, where moving the finger around in a circle on the pad causes the sample to play forward or backward at the speed that the finger moves, while the output sounds continuously. Formant control is also possible with some types of samples. The V-Synth is capable of recording samples, and can also exchange samples with a computer over a USB connection. The voice architecture consists of two oscillators, two COSM filters, a mixer, and a Time Variant Amplfier per voice. Each significant parameter in each component has its own ADSR envelope generator and its own LFO. Three choices of "structure" provide some routing options with regard to where the COSM filters are place in the signal flow. On the output side, effects are grouped into three blocks: chorus, reverb, and "multi effects", which includes flanging, pitch shifting and various forms of wave shaping and distortion. An arpeggiator, with both preset and user-programmable patterns, can be added to any patch, and can drive any of several parameters in the patch.