| - Adventurers are the player or AI-controlled Characters who fight Monsters, liberate Towns, and are the heroes of the Dokapon Series. In Dokapon The World and Kingdom, they are sorted into different Jobs, or classes.
- Adventurers on LEGO yhtiön tuottama teema joka oli markkinoilla vuodesta 1998 vuoteen 2003 asti. Adventures kertoo seikkailija Johnny Thunderin seikkailuista ympäri maailmaa aarteiden perässä 1900-luvun alkupuolella. Inspiraationsa teema on selvästi saanut Indiana Jonesin seikkailuista sekä muista saman tyylisistä seikkailuelokuvista. Suoria viittauksia inspiraation lähteisiin ei tosin ole.
- Adventurers is a LEGO theme that was introduced in June 1998 and was discontinued in Spring 2003. The main character of the theme is an Australian adventurer, by the name of Johnny Thunder (also known as Sam Grant and Joe Freeman). It includes subthemes such as Egypt, Jungle, Dino Island and Orient Expedition. A ride was made in LEGOLAND California and LEGOLAND Florida, based on the Adventures theme, where the rider must shoot enemies with a laser-pointer gun.
- The Adventurers are your party. They consist of 4 characters, consisting of whatever combination of character types you decide that they should have, be they pre-generated types, or a fully customized character of your own choosing. If a predetermined type is chosen, you will receive a few additional skill points to spend, initially. If you have chosen a custom character, you will receive a lot more. Other than the skills which you can spend your skill points on, there are a number of other important statistics, known as Useful Skills. There are also other important items that appear in the information page of the selected character's statistics. These include Character Traits, Special Items, Mage Spells, Priest Spells, and Abilities. In Avernum 2 onwards, characters also get a Race Bonus,
- Lego Adventurers ist eine LEGO-Themenwelt, welches 1998 erstmals auf den Markt kam. Im Laufe der Jahre erschienen insgesamt vier Unterthemen: Ägypten (1998), Dschungel (1999), Dino Island (2000) und Orient Expedition (2003). Die Hauptfigur war Johnny Thunder der mit seinen Freund Dr. Kilroy und Mrs. Gail Storm die Abenteuer erlebte. In Ägypten gab es die Gegner Baron von Barron und Slyboot. Sie suchten nach den Juwel Re-Gou. Im südamerikanischen Dschungel waren die Gegner Senor Parlomar und Rudo Villano. Sie suchten nach der legendären Sonnenscheibe. Auf Dino Island waren es Baron von Barron und Mr. Cunningham. Sie versuchten Dinosaurier zu fangen. Bei der Orient Expedition suchten sie in Indien, am Mount Everest und in China nach den goldenen Drachen Marco Polos. Die Gegner waren Baron vo