Dhal made his first appearance on 4 July 2016. He is portrayed by an unknown actor.
Dhal was a Human male who worked as an agent to the Republic Strategic Information Service during the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire.
Dhal was a small circular shield from the Ivory Kingdoms made of steel, with a brass rim, usually held in the left hand. Two handles were fastened through the shield onto four protrusions, or bosses, on the front of the shield, with a cushion placed between the handles. Its greatest advantage was that it allowed the warrior to use the hand wielding it for other purposes.
Dhal ist ein dünner, schlaksiger Mann in den frühen Dreißigern. Sein Gesicht, das definitiv weiblich angehaucht ist, enthält schwarze Ringe um die Augen und den Mund. Seine Haare sind ziemlich unangeordnet und er riecht nach Tabak und Kräutern. Er behauptet, mit Geistern sprechen zu können.
Dhal is a shaman for the Watchutu tribe in Peoria in 2197.