| - Sonic thinks about how awful things have been lately as he heads down the Great Oak Slide to Knothole. Once he emerges on the other side, Sonic finds himself trapped in a net. Geoffrey St. John and the Secret Service members place Sonic under arrest for stealing the Sword of Acorns. Frustrated, Sonic spins out of the net and refuses to obey their orders. Elias arrives and asks Sonic if he will answer to his authority instead. In Robotropolis, the Shadowbots escort the Overlanders through the city. Hope tells her grandmother, Lady Agnes, that she doesn't feel safe in the city. Colin Kintobor, their leader, barks back that it's safer to stay in the city than to be attacked by monkeys and hedgehogs. Dr. Eggman addresses the crowd via a holographic projection, assuring them that the city is a safe haven and inviting Colin and his family to stay at the city's palace. Meanwhile, beneath the city, Kodos gloats over his acquisition of the Sword of Acorns. He loudly yells that he'll never need anyone's help again while Uma Arachnis watches him silently from a distance. In Knothole, Sonic asks Elias where Sally is. Elias refuses to let Sonic see her, but offers to act as a liaison for him. Agitated, Sonic storms off. Sonic continues to mull over his situation when Mina appears, overjoyed to see that he hasn't been arrested. Due to her super speed, Mina accidentally crashes into Sonic. They quickly laugh the situation off when Antoine and Bunnie return from Mercia with the High Sheriff in tow. Antoine says that he needs to talk to King Max about his father, but Nate Morgan interrupts their conversation to explain that Elias is currently the head of state for the Kingdom of Acorn due to the king's paralysis. Sonic glumly tells his friends that the king was hurt during the raid on Robotropolis because of his negligence and that he lost the Sword of Acorns to Eggman. Nate tries to relieve Sonic of some of his guilt, accusing the king's presence in the battle of being a foolish decision, but Sonic runs off. Meanwhile, Uma Arachnis steals the Sword of Acorns from Kodos while he sleeps. Sally and Queen Alicia are informed by Geoffrey that Sonic stole the Sword of Acorns and refuses to explain his actions. Sally is conflicted, unsure of what to do. The group decides that the queen and princess should busy themselves with other things while Geoffrey and Elias decide what to do about Sonic. Once they are alone, Geoffrey begins berating Elias and calls him a failure of a leader. He offers the prince the position of a puppet politician: Elias will be the acting monarch while Geoffrey advises him on what decisions to make from behind the scenes. Upset with himself, Elias silently agrees. In the Robotropolis palace, Eggman welcomes Colin, Hope and Agnes. Colin tries to embrace his long lost brother, but Eggman refuses to touch him, claiming to be a germaphobe. Colin explains that, after Snively's mother passed away, he married another woman. His spouse didn't survive their trip through space and the two women with him are his mother-in-law and stepdaughter. Meanwhile, in Knothole, Sonic rushes to Elias and demands to be punished for his crimes. As Sonic is a public hero, Elias refuses to arrest him. Instead, he revokes Sonic's knighthood and bans him from leaving Knothole Village.