- The Special Forces are the Modern Age Scouts. They are trained at the Barracks, are stealthed while not moving and detect hidden enemy units, allowing nearby friendly units to attack it. Like with all Scouts, the unit's Line of Sight is increased by 2 tiles per each File:Science.png Science Technology researched.
- The Special Forces were a military squad of armed soldiers, trained to perform unconventional missions, who worked with the Home Office and Anomaly Research Centre. They were used to guard Anomalies and to battle against the creatures if they became a threat to the public or members of the field team. The Special Forces had different divisions, including soldiers, divers and medics. One particular division was known as the SAS (Special Air Service).
- Most military powers possess such units. A few notable exceptions are the Klingon Empire and the Dominion. The soldiers from both consider themselves to be "elite" warriors. (LUG RPG: The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon)
- Special forces (SF) and special operations forces (SOF) are generic terms for highly-trained military teams/units that conduct specialized operations such as reconnaissance, unconventional warfare, direct action and counter-terrorism actions. In the United States, the term special operations forces (SOF) is used instead of special forces as special forces refers to a specific unit, the United States Army Special Forces, commonly called the "Green Berets".
- Special forces are units of armies, or occasionally solo units such as mercenaries or the Army of Vaduz that are different from normal units. Yep, they're just a little bit special. For instance, the 1st Infantry might send in 100 soldiers to a city and take it. The 1st Special Infantry might send 12 soldiers dressed as epileptic clowns armed with seltzer bottles and pies.
- Special forces, or special operations forces are military units highly trained to perform unconventional, often high-risk missions. Special forces, as they would now be recognised, emerged in the early 20th century, with a significant growth in the field during the Second World War.
- The Forces will usually open the battle with a Power Zone on the center row and will renew it when it runs out. Push them off the row -- if they both go on the row at the same time, you may be in trouble, so use Turn Break if possible to prevent that from happening. Of course, this probably can only be done once. Otherwise, keep Stocke's HP above 75 and use Fire for damage and the battle will be easy. Both of the Special Forces have around 400 HP.
- Special Forces is a branch of the United States Army on Earth. It is often confused with Special Operations which encompasses elements of four of the five U.S. Armed Forces.
- The Special Forces was initally formed in the U.S.A. as the United States Special Forces with the goal of stopping international crime gangs, in particular the Red Dragon and Black Dragon clans. By the time of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, the organization has become the Earthrealm Special Forces; while it was still an anti-crime organiation, its mandate had expanded to defending all of Earthrealm against outerdimensional invasions, such as by the Tekunin.
- Special Forces ist ein Film der von Richard Kriegler produziert wurde. Das Plaket des Film befindet sich auf der Map Terminal in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Kategorie:Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Kategorie:Artikel ohne Bild
- Special Forces are unconventional warfare units trained in a variety of skills such as martial arts, marksmanship, stealth, and survival.
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Special Forces/preload editintro=Special Forces/editintro width=25 Special Forces wiki
- The Special Forces kit, also known as Special Ops or Spec Ops to some, is one of seven usable kits in the game Battlefield 2 and one of the five usable kits in Battlefield 2: Modern Combat. The kit is mainly used for destroying key enemy installations such as UAV Trailers and Artillery. The Specialist kit featured in Battlefield: Bad Company functions in a similar fashion to the Special Forces Kit. In later games of the series, the Special Force's function is combined with that of the Sniper kit's to create the Recon kit.
- Master.Class of
* HP:
* Weapon: MP5
* Armor: Flak
* Cost:
* Trained at:
* Speed:
* Owner: Allies
* Forbidden to Americans
* Requires:
- The Special Forces was initially formed in the United States of America as the United States Special Forces with the goal of stopping international crime gangs, in particular the Red Dragon and Black Dragon clans. By the time of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, the organization has become the Earthrealm Special Forces; while it was still an anti-crime organization, its mandate had expanded to defending all of Earthrealm against outerdimensional invasions, such as by the Tekunin.
- As Forças Especiais foi formada inicialmente nos Estados Unidos da América como as Forças especiais dos Estados Unidos com o objetivo de parar as gangues criminosas internacionais, em particular, o Red Dragon e Black Dragon clãs. Na época de Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, a organização tornou-se as Forças Especiais Earthrealm, enquanto ainda era uma organização anti-crime, o seu mandato havia se expandido para defender todos de Earthrealm contra invasões Outerworld, como os Tekunin.
- Das Interplanetare Kampf-Training (IKT) ist die beste Schule der Allianz für Führungseigenschaften und Kampffähigkeiten. Es wird manchmal "N-Schule" oder "Die Villa" genannt und rekrutiert Offiziere aller Truppenteile des Erdmilitärs für knallharte Kurse in der Vila Militär in Rio de Janeiro. Obwohl eine IKT-Qualifikation nicht automatisch einen höheren Rang garantiert, gelten Offiziere, die das Programm abschließen, üblicherweise als geeignet für leitende Positionen.
- by Ralph LaPietra Originally published in Battleplan #3 Airborne units cost 1 more than their normal counterparts. They may be carried by bombers. Each plane may carry 2 airborne infantry or 1 airborne armor. For each dropped unit roll 2D6, eliminating it on a 2 or 12. Airborne units can be used to capture unoccupied enemy territories, otherwise they can't attack alone. The German player may build SS units for 1 IPC extra. SS infantry attacks & defends at 2. SS armor attacks & defends at 3.
- Special Forces are a type of military squad in Tropico 5's Generalissimo DLC. They will replace the Commandos garrisoned in the Defense HQ, after upgrading the building in the World Wars Era. The effectiveness of the Special Forces can be increased with the Military Drills and Right To Arms edicts. By completing a unique quest, the Special Forces can train with either a Soviet Spetsnaz, US Green Beret, or a Dynasty member as their Drill Sergeant, in order to become one of the following specialized units: