| - A ring of spies are attempting to gain the plans of or trying to steal the next X-50 jet being built by Ferris Aircraft Company for the US Military. In order to do so, they coat test-pilot Hal Jordan with a spy-eye device that lets them view whatever Hal is doing. Viewing him recharging his power ring they begin to suspect that he is really Green Lantern. When they see the combination to the safe where the plans are being stored, the spies seek to steal it unaware that Hal has used his power ring to coat the plans so that if stolen he would be made aware.
Having to cancel a date with Carol when the plans to get stolen, Hal goes into action as Green Lantern, and captures the spies trying to steal the plans. Learning how they found out the safe combination, Hal turns the crooks over to the police and spends the night sleeping in a bubble in space. When the remaining spies check the spy-eye and find that they can only view Green Lantern, they are convinced that the Green Lantern is Hal Jordan. The next day as Hal is testing the X-50 jet, he invisibly leaves the plane to recharge his power ring and use it to change Pieface into a duplicate Green Lantern. When Hal is captured by the spies, they are shocked when Green Lantern appears to save him, little knowing it is Pieface. After the spy ring is busted up, and his secret identity protected once more, Hal reveals to Pieface what he had done, as Pie has no recollection of what had happened.