The Battle of the Blackwater was a large and fierce land and sea battle in the War of the Five Kings that took place in A Clash of Kings. It began after Stannis Baratheon sailed for Blackwater Bay, where King's Landing rests.
Attributes | Values |
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| - The Battle of the Blackwater was a large and fierce land and sea battle in the War of the Five Kings that took place in A Clash of Kings. It began after Stannis Baratheon sailed for Blackwater Bay, where King's Landing rests.
- The Battle of the Blackwater, also called the Battle of Blackwater Bay, was the largest battle in the War of the Five Kings to date. The battle was an attempt by Stannis Baratheon, brother of the late King Robert Baratheon, to take King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, and to seize the Iron Throne from King Joffrey Baratheon. It required a naval assault and an attack on the city gates by land. Tyrion Lannister, acting Hand of the King, led the defense of the city. He successfully destroyed a large portion of Stannis's fleet through the use of wildfire, but was unable to prevent Stannis's army from landing and gaining the walls of the city. However, late-arriving reinforcements under Lord Tywin Lannister, Lord Mace Tyrell, and Ser Loras Tyrell defeated Stannis's army, resulting
| - 15(xsd:integer)
- 20(xsd:integer)
- 30(xsd:integer)
- Bannermen
- Crownlands
- ( )
- The King on the Iron Throne
- -----
30px|center|link=House LannisterTywin Lannister's Host
- '''The King in the
- Houses of The Narrow Sea
- Houses of TheStormlands
- Lysene Sellsails
- Narrow Sea'''
| - 20(xsd:integer)
- 200(xsd:integer)
- 4000(xsd:integer)
- 5000(xsd:integer)
- 25000(xsd:integer)
- ~20,000
- ~5,000
- At least 1,000 Soldiers of House Lannister
- Over 60,000Lannister/Tyrell reinforcements
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| - Massive
*Most of the fleet
*"Black Betha"
*Thousands of
- Goldcloaks and
- Heavy
*Thousands of
- soldiers; most of the Stormland's military power
*Matthos Seaworth
*Many Highborn hostages taken
- Lannister soldiers;
*Light losses to the Relief force
*Ser Mandon Moore
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| - King Stannis Baratheon
*Ser Davos Seaworth, Hand of the King
**Matthos Seaworth
*Ser Imry Florent
*Salladhor Saan
- King Joffrey Baratheon
*Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the King
**Captain of the Archers
*Commander Bronn of the City Watch
*Sandor Clegane
*Ser Mandon Moore
*Ser Boros Blount
*Lord Tywin Lannister
*Ser Loras Tyrell
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| - Decisive Lannister - Tyrell victory
- Decisive House Baratheon of King's Landing victory.
Decisive House Lannister - House Tyrell victory,
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| - 20(xsd:integer)
- 200(xsd:integer)
- 1000(xsd:integer)
- 4000(xsd:integer)
- 5000(xsd:integer)
- 25000(xsd:integer)
- ~20,000
- ~5,000
- At least
- *Black Betha
- Over 60,000 Lannister and Tyrell
- reinforcements
| - Several fleeing Smallfolk and Stannis sympathizers executed
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| - The Battle of the Blackwater, also called the Battle of Blackwater Bay, was the largest battle in the War of the Five Kings to date. The battle was an attempt by Stannis Baratheon, brother of the late King Robert Baratheon, to take King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, and to seize the Iron Throne from King Joffrey Baratheon. It required a naval assault and an attack on the city gates by land. Tyrion Lannister, acting Hand of the King, led the defense of the city. He successfully destroyed a large portion of Stannis's fleet through the use of wildfire, but was unable to prevent Stannis's army from landing and gaining the walls of the city. However, late-arriving reinforcements under Lord Tywin Lannister, Lord Mace Tyrell, and Ser Loras Tyrell defeated Stannis's army, resulting in a decisive Lannister-Tyrell victory in King Joffrey's name.
- The Battle of the Blackwater was a large and fierce land and sea battle in the War of the Five Kings that took place in A Clash of Kings. It began after Stannis Baratheon sailed for Blackwater Bay, where King's Landing rests.