| - More coming soon!
- Bermuda is an island that has the balls to call itself part of North America. Things go to Bermuda and disappear. Amelia Earhart went to Bermuda once, and look what happened to her - she never came back!
- The flag of Bermuda features a British red Ensign with the Union Flag in the upper left corner, and the coat of arms of Bermuda in the lower right. The flag is different from most British overseas territory due to it being in a ed ensign form; most other British overseas territories use a version of the blue ensign. This article is a stub since the designers of the Bermuda flag aren't named here. You can help My English Wiki by [ adding them].
- Bermuda (pron.: /bɜrˈmjuːdə/), also referred to as the Bermudas or the Somers Isles, is a British overseas territory in the North Atlantic Ocean, located off the east coast of the United States. Its nearest landmass is Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, about 1,030 kilometres (640 mi) to the west-northwest. It is about 1,239 kilometres (770 mi) south of Cape Sable Island, Nova Scotia, and 1,770 kilometres (1,100 mi) northeast of Miami. Its capital city is Hamilton. More information on the Wikipedia page [1] See also Bermuda National Library
- A small island ghoul community in the atlantic. It is about 650 miles off the coast of north carolina. It's main communtiy has grown in somer set since the bombs dropped. This community is in isolation except for it's naval ship which was converted into a trade vessel.
- Add links to other sites here
* - spoofs, snippets, campaigns and a great forum
* - the main daily newspaper of Bermuda
* - mostly dull government website with the occasional useful bit
* Bermuda Review
- Bermuda ist die Bezeichnung einer Inselgruppe im Altlantischen Ozean auf der Erde. Die Inselgruppe wird im Lied Let's Get Away from It All erwähnt. (TNG: ) Als die USA im Jahr 1968 eine nukleare Waffenplattform mithilfe einer Rakete in den Orbit um die Erde bringen wollen, überwachen Stationen in Südafrika und den Bermudas deren Flug. (TOS: )
- Kategorie:Radioaktiver Stub Das Bermuda ist ein Tiefseemonster, das sich im dreieckigen Teil der Karibik aufhält und zur Nahrungssuche an die Oberfläche kommt. Diese Wesenseinheit lebt von Schiffen bzw. deren Mannschaft. Alle Versuche, das Wesen dabei zu beobachten endeten im völligen Verlust der Forschungsteams. Es ist bekannt, dass es selbst Flugzeuge, die in geringer Höhe fliegen, erreichen kann und diese so auf nimmer wiedersehen verschwinden.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 7DD8C6
- Founded as a company colony, Bermuda is now rich tourist destination.
- Bermuda is een eilandengroep in het noorden van de Atlantische oceaan. Bermuda ligt aan één van de uiteinden van de Bermudadriehoek. Toen de Verenigde Staten van Amerika in 1968 een nucleair wapenplatform lanceerden werd de raket door grondstations in Zuid Afrika en Bermuda in de gaten gehouden. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth")
- Bermuda was an island in the Atlantic Ocean, one of many British colonies around the world.
- Bermuda was a group of islands located in the North Atlantic Ocean of planet Earth. Bermuda was mentioned in the song Let's Get Away from It All from 1941. This song was featured in the Dixon Hill holographic novels. (TNG: "Manhunt" ) When the USA launched an orbital platform armed with nuclear weapons in 1968, ground stations in South Africa and on Bermuda monitored the flight of the rocket carrying the platform. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth" )
- Bermuda is a British overseas territory located in North America.
- Для уменьшения большого объема двойного дублирования темы - ссылка на англорусскую Википедию:
* english: Bermuda
* русский: Бермудские острова
- Bermuda es un pais en America Norde, un isola en la Mar Atlantica norde. La area es sirca 53.3 cilometres cuadrada. La cuantia de popla, en la anio 2007, es sirca 66,163 persones. La site capital es Hamilton. La lingua major es engles.
- Bermuda is a British overseas territory in the Atlantic Ocean. Hamilton is the capital, St Georges is the largest city. There are no ice rinks and no ice hockey is played, but a team called the Bermuda Triangles was formed to play in the 2008 World Pond Hockey championships, they finished 59th out of 120 teams.