| - The below stats are used in the D6 system for use with NPC'd New Republic Sea Commandos. They represent the "average" Sea Commando. New Republic Sea Commandos These are the New Republic's commando units trained exclusively for the challenges of surface and subsurface water combat. Dexterity: 3D Blaster 5D+2, Dodge 5D, melee Combat 6D, Melee Parry 4D+1, missile weapons 5D Knowledge: 2D Planetary Systems 4D, Survival: aquatic 5D, willpower 6D Mechanical: 4D Beast riding 5D, communications 5D, repulsorlift operation 6D Perception: 3D Command 5D, con 6D, search 5D+1, sneak 6D
| - The below stats are used in the D6 system for use with NPC'd New Republic Sea Commandos. They represent the "average" Sea Commando. New Republic Sea Commandos These are the New Republic's commando units trained exclusively for the challenges of surface and subsurface water combat. Dexterity: 3D Blaster 5D+2, Dodge 5D, melee Combat 6D, Melee Parry 4D+1, missile weapons 5D Knowledge: 2D Planetary Systems 4D, Survival: aquatic 5D, willpower 6D Mechanical: 4D Beast riding 5D, communications 5D, repulsorlift operation 6D Perception: 3D Command 5D, con 6D, search 5D+1, sneak 6D Strength: 3D Brawling 4D, climbing/jumping 6D+2, lifting 4D, swimming 7D, Stamina 5D Techanical: 3D Blaster repair 5D, computer programming/repair 4D, demolition 6D, security 5D+1 Equipment: blaster rifle (5D damage), 3 concussion grenades (5D damage), 3 stun grenades (7D stun damage), grapple gun (uses missile weapons, three magnetic grapples with 100 meter cable), blast helmet (+1D+2 physical, +2D energy), blast armor (+2D physical, +1D energy), waterproof uniform, survival kit (see Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, page 96), military headset comlink