| - Marijuana is one of the less potent psychoactive drugs. It causes euphoria, thirst, hunger and occasionally paranoia, and it can also cause your thought processes to become one long string of Fridge Logic and/or Fridge Brilliance moments (which may or may not be remembered once the effects wear off). It also takes a little while to get used to it--often, people doing it their first time don't feel any effects at all. Even very high doses won't cause hallucinations in 99% of the population. You wouldn't know that from the movies, though. Dean Bitterman or the Doting Parent is tricked or cajoled into smoking up, or more likely eating a pot brownie. Five minutes later, they're riding a unicorn through a rainbow, or arguing with the plants, or being chased by musical notes in time to the background music. Expect to hear Steppenwolf's "Magic Carpet Ride" or "White Rabbit" by Jefferson Airplane. It's almost as if they've taken a powerful hallucinogen. Yes, in their universe, marijuana is LSD. It is worth mentioning that large doses of marijuana can produce hallucinations in some people. The array of effects experienced from any dose vary considerably from person to person. Research into this effect may be partly responsible for the myth, along with journalists that ignored how large a dose the "psychonauts" used and what counts as a hallucination to experimental psychologists. May be a case of Did Not Do the Research, especially in older works. Seldom played straight in recent decades, but there are exceptions. Often overlaps with Scare'Em Straight. Sub-Trope of G-Rated Drug. Continuing on this trend, often when the effects of LSD are shown, they are powerfully overstated. Even on low doses, characters will experience detailed hallucinations and Datura-esque delusions, when in reality a single tab of LSD will usually only give someone visual distortions that are readily distinguished from reality. This page also covers the use of exaggerated or inaccurate effects in other drugs, as well. Alcohol has a history of being portrayed as hallucinogenic; this has its own trope in Pink Elephants. Examples of Marijuana Is LSD include: