| - File:Shell Shock HawkDove v2 13 BB2.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Shellshock is a driven Con. His never say die attitude has gotten more of his comrades out in more or less one piece than probably most other cons. He is a firm believer in his quote and because of that he is a very dangerous opponent. He likes to draw fire from the Autobots just so he can laugh at their feeble attempts to drop him. He is usually the last one off the field of battle so that he can cover the retreat of the rest. Shellshock is a persistent pain in the aft for any that get in his way because he just won't stop. His Mauler tank form can easily run over and crush the smaller opponents and his turret can bring his weapons to bear even against flying opponents. One of his biggest flaws is that he is overconfident in his abilities, which has gotten him into trouble on occasion.
- ShellShock is a tall black stickman who is part of the Rock Hard Gladiators and will beat the heck out of an enemy! He is good at fighting but even though he lost an RHG battle to Wallis. He is still a dangerous competitor!
- Shellshock inflicts damage on a target and reduces their MP by 8%, 10% or 15% respectively.
- Shellshock is an annual pay-per-view event (PPV) produced by Premium Championship Wrestling for the month of April. Shellshock is one of the PCW PPVs that weren't copied from YCW or ICW.
- was a robot that specialized in ammunition. He was one of the four Exterminator members. His brain was destroyed by a cruise missile during the Obani Moon wars, and was replaced with a coffee machine's AI chip. As a result, Shellshock was immune to pain (but not damage) and made a great cappuccino. He was very large and muscular, had a plethora of weapons, talked with an extremely distinct Austrian accent, and used insults such as "girly men" and "sissies" on almost everybody. His best friend was Reactor, whom he carpooled with In the events when he was sudenly Dr. Nefarious brought him back from time and he will hunt down the Lombax with his bear hands and reunited with his best Friend again
- Aliases: None Age: 19 Alignment: Good Race: Metahuman Goal: To protect innocents, help homeless kids and bring equality to humans and metahumans
- 250px|right|thumb|Shellshock Shellshock oli yksi DreadZonen tuhoajista. Hänen päähänsä osui ohjus, kun hän taisteli Obanin kuiden välisessä sodassa. Hän sai uudet aivot kahvikoneelta. Ratchet tuhosi hänet Kronosilla, jossa Shellshock oli joukkoinensa kaapannut haltuunsa Kronosin Pimeyden Katedraalin. Kun Ratchet oli tuhonnut hänet, Ace Hardlight, joka näki taistelun TV:n kautta Gleeman Voxin toimistossa, sanoi Shellshockin olleen liian hidas ja tyhmä ollakseen tuhoaja, ja tämä olisi pitänyt panna eläkkeelle vuosia sitten.Luokka:VihollisetLuokka:TuhoajatLuokka:Robotit
- Shellshock was an infected Shaclaw seen wandering the Alderaanian region of King's Pass during the Rakghoul Pandemic on the planet. It was defeated by the combined forces of The Hyland Organization for Rakghoul Neutralization and the two galactic powers of the era.
- Vizmar, more commonly known by his nickname Shellshock, was a general in Carapar's army.
- Shellshock, de son vrai nom Ivan Von Shellshocktonberg est un robot de guerre qui apparaît dans Ratchet : Gladiator. Il est connu pour avoir été un membre des Exterminators, l'équipe de gladiateurs d'élite du jeu holovidéo DreadZone. Il est le premier boss du jeu.
- Shellshock is a Shady Koopa who is fought in the Major League of the Glitz Pit. He has a similar personality to that of King K, and is shown to have some kind traits. Once Mario climbs to rank six in the' Glitz Pit, one of his adoring fans leaves him a cake which restores all Heart Points, FP, and Star Power to the maximum. Because of Shellshock's hunger, there is no saving it for another match. If Mario does not eat the cake as soon as it is given to him, he will discover it has already been eaten by Shellshock. If Mario wisely refuses to eat the second cake given to Mario, Shellshock will eat it as well. After Mario and his partner return from their battle, they will find Shellshock lying on the floor in a semi-paralyzed state, moaning and groaning in utter anguish, due to cake poisoning
- A tortoise monster created by Squatt and Baboo, Shellshock had a traffic light atop its body which created speed and freeze spells. For hand weapons, he had a hook, brass knuckles, and a baseball bat with a ball, as well as a large cannon in his shell. He froze most of the Rangers with his red traffic light beam and made Trini unable to stop running with his green "go" beam. He was exceptionally powerful but lost some of his power when Trini shorted out his traffic light using the deandra flowers. In the end, he was destroyed by the Dragonzord and Tyrannosaurus Dinozord, with his creators watching, a combined finisher of the Tyrannosaurus ground breath (which didn't quite finish him off) and a double barrage of Dragonzord missiles, which was the only time Dragonzord actually finished off a
- Shellshock has a personality similar to that of King K., and is shown to have some kind traits. Once Mario climbs to rank six in the' Glitz Pit, one of his adoring fans leaves him a cake which restores all Heart Points, FP, and Star Power to the maximum. Because of Shellshock's hunger, there is no saving it for another match. If Mario does not eat the cake as soon as it is given to him, he will discover it has already been eaten by Shellshock due to him being fond of sweets as he also mocks Mario saying he liked it. If Mario wisely refuses to eat the second cake given to Mario, Shellshock will eat it as well. After Mario and his partner return from their battle, they will find Shellshock lying on the floor in a semi-paralyzed state, moaning and groaning in utter anguish, due to cake poison