| - In World of WarCraft, only one PvE role is played by mature, reasonable, intelligent, witty, urbane and skilled human beings. That role is called DPS, or Damage per Second. There are other roles – other characters that have tried for years to convince everyone else that they were the valuable ones, that they had it so damn hard, that they held it all together in their stalwart, godly hands while the rest of creation burned. These other roles are liars. That’s funny, right? They’re funny guys.
| - In World of WarCraft, only one PvE role is played by mature, reasonable, intelligent, witty, urbane and skilled human beings. That role is called DPS, or Damage per Second. There are other roles – other characters that have tried for years to convince everyone else that they were the valuable ones, that they had it so damn hard, that they held it all together in their stalwart, godly hands while the rest of creation burned. These other roles are liars. The lyingest, most dishonestest, bullshittingest role of them all is called the Tank. You’ll notice there’s no acronym for them, and it’s fairly obvious why. If their name had more than one word, they’d probably just get confused trying to abbreviate it. Shit needs to be simple for these guys. I can respect that. I’ve worked with “special” kids before, if you get me. It’s pretty much the same thing here. Sometimes, if a Tank is feeling particularly witty, they’ll take time from placing brightly coloured icons above monsters’ heads and tell you how they’ve graduated from your role, because “DPS just wasn’t interesting enough.” That’s funny, right? They’re funny guys.