| - Wow now that sounds like a reasonable answer, that the reason there are bots is because it's chinese or korean players who are probably working in sweatshops trying to make real life money which breaks one of the rules of runescape. That might explain the asian usernames, they probably put down their names as usernames. And it also explains why they don't talk back, either they're away from the computer or they just don't understand. I don't like macro users but this news update kinda makes me feel bad for reporting a macro, but I have to, they're doing it for the wrong cause. -- da_j0ka_king 5:12, 1 May 2007 (UTC)
| - Wow now that sounds like a reasonable answer, that the reason there are bots is because it's chinese or korean players who are probably working in sweatshops trying to make real life money which breaks one of the rules of runescape. That might explain the asian usernames, they probably put down their names as usernames. And it also explains why they don't talk back, either they're away from the computer or they just don't understand. I don't like macro users but this news update kinda makes me feel bad for reporting a macro, but I have to, they're doing it for the wrong cause. -- da_j0ka_king 5:12, 1 May 2007 (UTC) This sweatshop phenomenon is quite common in other MMORG's such as WoW. There are even websites that track conversion rates. It is possible that sweatshops make more real world money from "gold farming" at RS compared to some of the other MMORG's. --Miw 12:25, 1 May 2007 (UTC) Macroers utilize "SCAR", a script running program which uses Turing-based scripts (I know they're Turing based because I took Computer Science in Grade 11 just to get a credit and we made games with Turing) and color detection. You use an eyedropper tool on the Runescape game and select colors for whatever you're gonna auto, one color would be the giant rune essence boulder, one would be the varrock bank for (For those idiotic ess miners). If Jagex can put a stop to the color detection and the Turing-based scripts, find a way to counter them then the macroers would die out like the dinosaurs....and Rosie O'Donnell's career. {{Signatures/Total Rune}}17:03, 1 May 2007 (UTC) It's pascal, not Turing. There's no way to completely kill of scar because it actually simulates mouse clicks. It's the only cheating program that has survived for more than a few months. Luckily it's also a much less powerful one than some of the java bots that have come out. --Wowbagger421 18:49, 1 May 2007 (UTC) Hmm...If it is colour detection, then surely a slowly changing colour, glowing rune essence (the mine, not the item), would be better than the pure essence? JalYt-Xil-Vimescarrot 19:11, 1 May 2007 (UTC) The reason for the color picker is actually because the colors do change slightly every time a player logs out. --Wowbagger421 02:28, 2 May 2007 (UTC) bloody hell! im chinese and i play runescape! freaking jagex is sterotyping again! why couldnt they say foriegn people! its like saying people from mexico are ALL illegal imagrants! Chasngcars 20:42, 1 May 2007 (UTC) Chasng they said the VAST majority of macros is from China and Korea that dosent mean all people from there are macros. --Whiplash 20:52, 1 May 2007 (UTC)