| - Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Shiho est une kunoichi de Konoha travaillant au sein de l'Unité de Décryptage de Konoha.
- is a kunoichi from Konohagakure who works in the Konoha Cryptanalysis Team.
- Categoría:PersonajesShiho (シホ, Shiho) es una miembro profesional que trabaja en el Escuadrón de Criptoanálisis de Konoha.
- Arima Shiho (有馬 詩歩) is a scout character.
- Shiho is a girl whom Light Yagami once dated.
- Shiho (シホ, Shiho) es una miembro profesional que trabaja en el Escuadrón de Criptoanálisis de Konoha.
- Shiho is an Einherjar from Valkyrie Profile. She is a Sorceress and can be recruited in Chapter 5 or 6.
- Shiho was a peasant vassal of Shiba Shonagon. He ran the silver smithy known as the Star of Silver in Ryoko Owari Toshi, and the profits made there allowed Shonagon to live a comfortable life. One of Shiho's workers at the smithy was a crafter maiden of great talent, Takako.
- Shiho (志保 Shiho) played Tomoko Nozama in Kamen Rider Fourze, a role she also portrayed in Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen.
- Shiho (志保 Shiho), is a Japanese actress and model. She is known for playing Tomoko Nozama in Kamen Rider Fourze. Coincidentally, she was born on the 18th anniversary of the premiere of Kamen Rider Amazon. By extension, she shares her birthday with Amazon star Yōji Matsuda, who was born exactly 25 years before she was.
- Shiho (さんぽう, 四宝) es uno de los zorritos demonio que pertenece al Clan de los Zorritos Mágicos que sigue a Shippo. Es un personaje menor del anime InuYasha.
- Shiho ist eine Dechiffrierin aus Konohagakure, die zusammen mit Shikamaru Nara versucht, den Geheimcode von Jiraiya zu entschlüsseln, den er nach seinem Kampf mit Pain auf Fukasakus Rücken hinterließ. Jedoch geht dies laut ihr nicht ohne den Codeschlüssel. Außerdem weist sie Shikamaru darauf hin, dass womöglich eine Person, die Jiraiya nahe stand, den Schlüssel kennt. Nachdem sie sich mit Naruto Uzumakis Hilfe eine Weile mit dem Problem auseinandergesetzt hat, kommt sie endlich zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Zahlen Seite, Zeilen und Wörter eines Buches von Jiraiya angeben. So kann sie den ersten Teil der Botschaft entschlüsseln. Während den Arbeiten scheint sie sich in Shikamaru verliebt zu haben.
- Shiho (詩穂(しほ) Shiho) is the guitarist and one of the vocalists of the band Love Crysis. She made her first appearance in the episode Live House!. Shiho and her bandmembers Maki and Aya invite the band of Maki's friend Ritsu Tainaka, Ho-kago Tea Time, to play at a live house as the first live performance outside of the band's school.
- È una ragazza che fa parte della squadra di decriptamento di Konoha. Compare per la prima volta quando deve aiutare Shikamaru a decifrare il codice che Jiraiya ha lasciato sulla schiena di Fukasaku, poco prima di venire ucciso da Pain. Sembra provi qualcosa per Shikamaru, dato che quando lavora con lui arrossisce visibilmente.