| - Below is an archive of all Daily Challenges which have been available in BTD5 from July 1st, 2016 to December 31st, 2016. Only special conditions are mentioned with an exception – towers and which are not mentioned are not available. So, if not specified:
* File:Monkey Dollar.png50 as standard reward.
* Easy is from wave 1 to 50, 200 lives
* Medium is from wave 1 to 65, 150 lives
* Hard is from wave 1 to 85, 100 lives
* All Special Agents available for Monkey Money
* No Special Agents given for free
* Standard starting cash $650 ($50,000 in Deflation) (of course, double starting cash with Double Cash)
* Full upgrades available for towers unless specified (below) (Example 1) Dart Monkey (2-3) – means that max. 2nd upgrade in path 1 allowed and max 3rd upgrade in path 2 is available for the Dart Monkey. (Example 2) Dart Monkey (4-3) – means that max. 4th upgrade in path 1 allowed and max 3rd upgrade in path 2 is available for the Dart Monkey tower type, but not both for the same tower, so maximum for a tower is 4-2 or 2-3
* You can buy as many of the towers available as you want, unless specified: Max. x Towers or Special Agents at a time means, that a sum of a number of Towers and a number of Special Agents in a particular mission can't be higher than x. No more than x of any Tower and Special Agent type means, that you can only put x of every Tower and Special Agent available in a particular mission. Example formatting: 1.
* Jul 30, 2012 - "Name of challenge" (Track, Difficulty) - Dart Monkey (4-2), Super Monkey (3-4), Banana Farm (0-0), Road Spikes, Pineapple, given X free Beekeepers and X Bloonsday Devices, {{CustomRBE|A becomes B, B becomes C, M.O.A.B.s, B.F.B.s, and Z.O.M.G.s become E}}, starting cash, survive waves from X to Y, 40 lives, max. 9 Towers at a time, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, no Special Agents allowed, reward increased to {{Monkey Money}}60 1.
* Jul 1, 2016 - "The Great Division" (The Great Divide, Medium) - Ninja Monkey, Monkey Buccaneer, Super Monkey, given 2 free Portable Lakes, $8,500 starting cash, survive waves 35 to 65, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward increased to File:Monkey Dollar.png75 2.
* Jul 2, 2016 - "Final Farewell" (Castle, Medium) - Dart Monkey (0-0), Tack Shooter (0-0), Boomerang Thrower (4-2), Ninja Monkey, Super Monkey (4-2), Monkey Apprentice, $6,850 starting cash, survive waves 31 to 67, 67 lives, reward increased to File:Monkey Dollar.png67 3.
* Jul 3, 2016 - "Cheaper to the Right" (Tree Tops, Hard) - Glue Gunner, Monkey Apprentice, Banana Farm, Monkey Sub, given 1 free Portable Lake, custom RBE (M.O.A.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $10,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 50, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type 4.
* Jul 4, 2016 - "Popping Mad" (Fireworks, Medium) - Dart Monkey, Banana Farm (4-2), Dartling Gun (1-4), given 3 free Angry Squirrels, $17,500 starting cash, survive waves 50 to 65, max. 10 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 5.
* Jul 5, 2016 - "Bloons Backgrounds" (Dune Sea, Hard) - Dart Monkey, Boomerang Thrower, Bomb Tower, Ice Tower, Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Ace, Super Monkey, Banana Farm, given 1 free Meerkat Spy, $13,500 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 65, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, all Special Agents allowed, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png65 6.
* Jul 6, 2016 - "Don't Stand on the Boat!" (Maze, Medium) - Tack Shooter (3-4), Boomerang Thrower (3-1), Ice Tower (1-2), Glue Gunner (1-4), Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Ace (3-0), Super Monkey (1-2), Monkey Village (3-1), Banana Farm, Monkey Sub (1-2), $4,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 7.
* Jul 7, 2016 - "Handle With CARE" (Express Shipping, Hard) - Sniper Monkey, Boomerang Thrower, Ice Tower, Monkey Village, custom RBE (Zebras become Leads, Rainbows become Ceramics), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 8.
* Jul 8, 2016 - "NGAH!" (Skull Peak, Medium) - Ice Tower (2-4), Super Monkey (2-4), Monkey Apprentice (2-4), Dartling Gun (2-4), custom RBE (B.F.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $12,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 65, max. 6 Towers at a time, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 9.
* Jul 9, 2016 - "Bad Chemistry" (Express Shipping, Hard) - Sniper Monkey (3-3), Boomerang Thrower (3-3), Ninja Monkey (3-3), Ice Tower (3-3), Monkey Buccaneer (3-3), Super Monkey (3-3), Spike Factory (3-3), Monkey Sub (3-3), given 1 free Portable Lake, $11,800 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 75, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 10.
* Jul 10, 2016 - "Spikes Not Required" (Tunnels, Easy) - All towers with some exceptions (no Tack Shooters, Spike Factory or Road Spikes), towers limited to 3-3, given 1 free Meerkat Spy and 1 Portable Lake, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 80, max. 10 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 11.
* Jul 11, 2016 - "Meltical Sugar Wave" (Candyland, Medium) - Boomerang Thrower (2-2), Bomb Tower, Glue Gunner, Monkey Apprentice (1-4), Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun, custom RBE (Blacks become Rainbows, Leads become Rainbows, Zebras become Rainbows), $7,000 starting cash, survive waves 25 to 50, max. 7 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 12.
* Jul 12, 2016 - "Desert Adventure" (Death Valley, Hard) - All towers available with some exceptions (no Road Spikes or Pineapple), $10,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 47, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 13.
* Jul 13, 2016 - "Battle of Doom" (Castle, Medium) - Ice Tower, Super Monkey (1-2), Monkey Apprentice (2-4), Mortar Tower (4-2), Dartling Gun (3-2), $6,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 70, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 14.
* Jul 14, 2016 - "Super Glue Factory" (MOAB Desert, Medium) - Glue Gunner, Super Monkey, Spike Factory, $2,500 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 60, max. 5 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 15.
* Jul 15, 2016 - "Bloonarius Spawns Again" (Snowflake, Medium) - All towers available with some exceptions (no Road Spikes or Pineapples), towers limited to 4-3, custom RBE (Bloons between Red Bloons and Black Bloons become White Bloons, M.O.A.B.s become B.F.B.s), $4,550 starting cash, survive waves 25 to 50, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 16.
* Jul 16, 2016 - "Smarty" (Tree Tops, Medium) - Boomerang Thrower (3-1), Ninja Monkey, Ice Tower, Monkey Apprentice (4-2), Monkey Sub (4-2), given 2 free Tribal Turtles and 1 Portable Lake, $4,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 60, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png75 17.
* Jul 17, 2016 - "Circles of Three" (Bloon Circles, Medium) - Tack Shooter, Sniper Monkey, Ice Tower, Glue Gunner, Dartling Gun, Spike Factory, $3,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, max. 3 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 18.
* Jul 18, 2016 - "Unfair Side" (Death Valley, Easy) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Ninja Monkey (4-0), Glue Gunner (4-3), Super Monkey (0-2), $10,500 starting cash, survive waves 37 to 50, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png80 19.
* Jul 19, 2016 - "Solar" (Space Truckin, Medium) - Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Super Monkey, Banana Farm, Dartling Gun (4-1), Spike Factory (1-4), given 1 free Bloonsday Device, custom RBE (B.F.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $10,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 75, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 20.
* Jul 20, 2016 - "Triple Syllable" (Battle Knot, Medium) - Dart Monkey (3-4), Tack Shooter (3-4), Bomb Tower (3-4), Ice Tower (3-4), Glue Gunner (3-4), Monkey Ace (3-4), $6,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 60, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png65 21.
* Jul 21, 2016 - "A Prickly Affair" (The Eye, Medium) - Dart Monkey (2-3), Tack Shooter (3-3), Sniper Monkey (3-3), Boomerang Thrower (3-3), Ninja Monkey (4-0), Bomb Tower (2-0), Ice Tower (3-3), Glue Gunner (0-0), Monkey Buccaneer (1-2), Monkey Ace (3-3), Super Monkey (0-0), Monkey Apprentice (2-2), Monkey Village (3-2), Banana Farm, Mortar Tower (3-3), Dartling Gun (2-1), Spike Factory (2-4), Monkey Sub (2-2), given 1 free Portable Lake, $4,000 starting cash, survive waves 10 to 60, max. 20 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 22.
* Jul 22, 2016 - "RIP Ink Blot" (Bloon Circles, Medium) - Tack Shooter (3-3), Ninja Monkey (3-3), Bomb Tower (3-3), Mortar Tower (3-3), Monkey Sub (3-3), given 1 free Portable Lake, custom RBE (Reds become Blues, Greens become Yellows, Pinks become Blacks, Whites become Leads, Ceramics become M.O.A.B.s), $1,750 starting cash, survive waves 18 to 40, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png65 23.
* Jul 23, 2016 - "For the Want of a Plant" (Castle, Hard) - Tack Shooter (2-4), Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Ninja Monkey (2-4), Mortar Tower (2-4), given 1 free Bloonberry Bush, $6,000 starting cash, survive waves 31 to 46, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png60 24.
* Jul 24, 2016 - "Quintet for Down The Drain" (Down The Drain, Medium) - All towers with some exceptions (no Road Spikes or Pineapple), $650 starting cash, survive waves 1 to 40, max. 4 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png60 25.
* Jul 25, 2016 - "Cramped" (Skull Peak, Hard) - Monkey Buccaneer (4-2), Monkey Ace (4-2), Banana Farm (4-2), Mortar Tower (4-2), Dartling Gun (2-4), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 38 to 78, max. 4 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png80 26.
* Jul 26, 2016 - "The Upper Level" (Castle, Hard) - Tack Shooter, Sniper Monkey, Ninja Monkey, Bomb Tower, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 60, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 27.
* Jul 27, 2016 - "Detour" (Candyland, Medium) - All towers with some exceptions (no Road Spikes or Pineapple), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 25 to 42, max. 2 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 28.
* Jul 28, 2016 - "Zathura" (Space Truckin, Hard) - Dart Monkey, Boomerang Thrower (2-3), Super Monkey (0-3), Monkey Village (2-2), given 2 free Tribal Turtles, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 70, max. 6 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 29.
* Jul 29, 2016 - "Leg Room" (3 Times Around, Hard) - Dart Monkey (3-3), Tack Shooter (4-2), Sniper Monkey (4-3), Boomerang Thrower (4-2), Ninja Monkey, Ice Tower (2-2), Glue Gunner (4-2), Monkey Apprentice (3-3), $2,000 starting cash, survive waves 24 to 74, max. 5 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 30.
* Jul 30, 2016 - "Dua Lipa" (Archipelago, Medium) - Boomerang Thrower, Ice Tower, Monkey Sub, $3,500 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 60, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 31.
* Jul 31, 2016 - "Six Vowels" (Crypt Keeper, Easy) - Bomb Tower, Monkey Apprentice, Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun, Spike Factory, Monkey Sub, $1,443 starting cash, survive waves 14 to 43, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 32.
* Aug 1, 2016 - "Crazy Mortar" (Candyland, Easy) - Tack Shooter (3-4), Boomerang Thrower (3-1), Ice Tower (1-3), Glue Gunner (1-1), Monkey Ace (3-0), Mortar Tower (2-3), Monkey Sub (1-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 45, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 33.
* Aug 2, 2016 - "Duplication" (Pyramids, Medium) - Dart Monkey (0-3), Tack Shooter (3-0), Ninja Monkey (4-2), Monkey Buccaneer (4-0), Monkey Ace (0-3), Banana Farm (3-0), Dartling Gun (2-4), Spike Factory (1-0), $10,500 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 65, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png75 34.
* Aug 3, 2016 - "Spring Cleaning" (Hill Giant, Medium) - Tack Shooter (3-3), Sniper Monkey, Glue Gunner (4-2), Spike Factory (4-3), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 60, max. 5 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 35.
* Aug 4, 2016 - "Deadly Armoured Inflater of the Core" (Tunnels, Medium) - Ice Tower, Monkey Buccaneer (4-2), Mortar Tower, Spike Factory, given 1 free Portable Lake, custom RBE (All bloons except Ceramic Bloons and B.F.B.s (and Z.O.M.G.s) ranked +1), $15,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 65, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 36.
* Aug 5, 2016 - "Purely Trash" (Down The Drain, Easy) - Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey, Ice Tower, Glue Gunner, Monkey Apprentice, custom RBE (Reds to Yellows become Greens, Pinks to Whites become Blacks, Zebras become Leads, Rainbows become Ceramics), $17,000 starting cash, survive waves 35 to 60, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 37.
* Aug 6, 2016 - "Is the Order a Monkey?" (Hill Giant, Hard) - Dart Monkey, Sniper Monkey, Ice Tower, Monkey Village, Banana Farm, custom RBE (Reds to Zebras ranked +1), $5,555 starting cash, survive waves 20 to 60, max. 8 Towers at a time, no more than 5 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 38.
* Aug 7, 2016 - "All-Game Management" (Hill Giant, Hard) - Dart Monkey, Bomb Tower, Monkey Ace, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 39.
* Aug 8, 2016 - "High Shooters" (Space Truckin, Hard) - Sniper Monkey, Bomb Tower, Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Ace, Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun, Spike Factory (0-4), Monkey Sub (2-4), custom RBE (Leads become Zebras, B.F.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $3,000 starting cash, survive waves 28 to 60, max. 5 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 40.
* Aug 9, 2016 - "Sugar Rush" (Candyland, Medium) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Ninja Monkey, Glue Gunner (2-3), Super Monkey, Dartling Gun (3-3), Spike Factory, $4,000 starting cash, survive waves 20 to 65, max. 8 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png90 41.
* Aug 10, 2016 - "The Path To Power" (Switch, Medium) - Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Super Monkey (2-4), Banana Farm (4-2), Dartling Gun (3-2), custom RBE (B.F.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 60, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 42.
* Aug 11, 2016 - "Red Wedding" (Spooky Castle, Medium) - Dart Monkey, Sniper Monkey, Ninja Monkey, Ice Tower, Dartling Gun, Monkey Sub, $8,000 starting cash, survive waves 35 to 65, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 43.
* Aug 12, 2016 - "Sharp From Above" (Mount Magma, Hard) - Dart Monkey, Tack Shooter, $11,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 50, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png80 44.
* Aug 13, 2016 - "Ice Spy" (Rink Revenge, Medium) - Sniper Monkey, Ice Tower, Super Monkey (2-2), Dartling Gun (3-2), Monkey Sub (2-4), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 45.
* Aug 14, 2016 - "Strengths and Weaknesses" (Tunnels, Easy) - Tack Shooter (3-0), Sniper Monkey (4-3), Boomerang Thrower (3-2), Ninja Monkey (0-3), Bomb Tower (2-3), Monkey Buccaneer (0-4), Monkey Ace (3-3), Monkey Apprentice, Spike Factory (2-0), given 1 free Portable Lake, custom RBE (Blues become Yellows, Greens become Yellows, Rainbows become Zebras, M.O.A.B.s become B.F.B.s), $2,000 starting cash, survive waves 24 to 55, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 46.
* Aug 15, 2016 - "Standard Model of Monkey Physics" (Fireworks, Hard) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Glue Gunner (1-3), Monkey Apprentice (2-0), Banana Farm (2-2), Dartling Gun (3-2), Monkey Sub (2-2), given 1 free Portable Lake, $7,000 starting cash, survive waves 35 to 65, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 47.
* Aug 16, 2016 - "Fire 'n' Water" (Water Hazard, Medium) - Tack Shooter (4-2), Ice Tower, Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Apprentice (2-4), Mortar Tower (3-3), Spike Factory (3-2), Monkey Sub, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 8 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 48.
* Aug 17, 2016 - "Down and to the Right" (Bloon Circles, Medium) - Boomerang Thrower, Glue Gunner, Monkey Apprentice, Dartling Gun, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 49.
* Aug 18, 2016 - "Desktop Bloons Defender" (The Eye, Medium) - Dart Monkey (2-2), Sniper Monkey (3-2), Bomb Tower (4-2), Ice Tower (3-2), Glue Gunner (2-3), Monkey Buccaneer (3-2), Monkey Ace (2-3), Monkey Village (2-2), Spike Factory (1-4), given 2 free Portable Lakes, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 12 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png75 50.
* Aug 19, 2016 - "Secure Monkey Layer" (Switch, Easy) - Boomerang Thrower (4-0), Ninja Monkey (2-4), Bomb Tower (1-4), Ice Tower (1-2), Glue Gunner (1-4), Monkey Buccaneer (3-0), Monkey Apprentice (4-0), Monkey Village (1-3), Spike Factory (4-2), Monkey Sub (2-4), given 1 free Portable Lake, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 63, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png75 51.
* Aug 20, 2016 - "Back to Basics" (Scorched Earth, Medium) - Dart Monkey (2-2), Tack Shooter (2-2), Sniper Monkey (2-2), Boomerang Thrower (2-2), Ninja Monkey (2-2), Bomb Tower (2-2), Ice Tower (2-2), Glue Gunner (2-2), Monkey Buccaneer (2-2), Monkey Ace (2-2), Super Monkey (0-0), Monkey Apprentice (1-2), Monkey Village (2-2), Banana Farm (2-2), Mortar Tower (2-2), Dartling Gun (2-2), Spike Factory (1-0), Monkey Sub (2-1), given 1 free Portable Lake, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 60, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 52.
* Aug 21, 2016 - "It Melts!" (Candyland, Medium) - Tack Shooter (4-2), Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Bomb Tower, Ice Tower (4-2), Glue Gunner (4-2), Monkey Ace (2-4), Super Monkey (4-2), Monkey Apprentice (2-4), Monkey Village (4-2), Mortar Tower, Spike Factory (4-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 53.
* Aug 22, 2016 - "The Shining" (Maze, Hard) - Tack Shooter, Sniper Monkey, Ninja Monkey, Ice Tower, Monkey Apprentice, Monkey Village, given 1 free Super Monkey Storm, $55,000 starting cash, survive waves 70 to 85, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 54.
* Aug 23, 2016 - "Sharp Cannon" (The Eye, Easy) - Tack Shooter (3-3), Mortar Tower, Spike Factory (1-4), $5,700 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 50, max. 7 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 55.
* Aug 24, 2016 - "Boom Beach" (Dune Sea, Medium) - Sniper Monkey, Bomb Tower, Monkey Buccaneer (2-3), Monkey Ace (0-4), Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun (2-4), Monkey Sub (2-4), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 8 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png60 56.
* Aug 25, 2016 - "Inverse Tohka" (The Great Divide, Medium) - Dart Monkey, Ninja Monkey, Ice Tower, Monkey Apprentice, Monkey Village, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 85, no more than 8 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 57.
* Aug 26, 2016 - "Castle Bloons Defense" (Castle, Easy) - Dart Monkey (4-3), Sniper Monkey (2-3), Bomb Tower, Monkey Buccaneer (2-3), Monkey Apprentice (2-4), Mortar Tower (4-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 64, max. 14 Towers at a time, no more than 4 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png55 58.
* Aug 27, 2016 - "Castle Machines" (Castle, Medium) - Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Spike Factory (0-4), $5,500 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 47, no more than 4 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png65 59.
* Aug 28, 2016 - "Weakened" (Country Road, Medium) - Dart Monkey (1-1), Sniper Monkey (0-2), Boomerang Thrower (0-1), Ice Tower (0-1), Monkey Apprentice (0-0), Dartling Gun (0-0), $600 starting cash, survive waves 1 to 30, max. 6 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png60 60.
* Aug 29, 2016 - "Avalanche Zone" (Slalom, Hard) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Tack Shooter (3-2), Ice Tower (3-2), Glue Gunner (3-2), Monkey Buccaneer (3-2), Monkey Village (2-1), Dartling Gun (2-2), Spike Factory (1-2), Monkey Sub (2-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 15 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 61.
* Aug 30, 2016 - "Nerves of Lead" (Park, Hard) - Tack Shooter (3-4), Sniper Monkey (0-2), Boomerang Thrower (3-1), Ninja Monkey (4-2), Ice Tower (1-3), Glue Gunner (1-4), Monkey Ace (3-0), Super Monkey (1-2), Dartling Gun (3-1), Spike Factory (1-4), Monkey Sub (3-2), Road Spikes, given 10 free Angry Squirrels, custom RBE (Leads become Zebras, Rainbows become Leads), $3,500 starting cash, survive waves 20 to 50, 450 lives, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png70 62.
* Aug 31, 2016 - "Spotters, Strike Ships, and Snipers" (MOAB Desert, Medium) - Dart Monkey (2-3), Sniper Monkey (4-2), Bomb Tower (2-2), Monkey Sub (2-3), $5,500 starting cash, survive waves 35 to 73, max. 19 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 63.
* Sep 1, 2016 - "Sound Voltex" (Runway, Medium) - Tack Shooter (2-4), Ninja Monkey (4-0), Ice Tower (3-4), Monkey Ace (2-4), Super Monkey (2-2), Monkey Apprentice (4-0), Banana Farm (4-2), Mortar Tower, Road Spikes, Exploding Pineapple, given 1 free Bloonsday Device, $20,000 starting cash, survive waves 25 to 55, max. 15 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 64.
* Sep 2, 2016 - "Mobile Boost" (Candyland, Medium) - Dart Monkey (2-3), Boomerang Thrower (3-0), Bomb Tower (4-2), Ice Tower (2-4), Super Monkey (1-1), Spike Factory (3-2), $15,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 63, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 65.
* Sep 3, 2016 - "Jungle Boogie" (Jungle, Medium) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Sniper Monkey (2-3), Boomerang Thrower (3-2), Ninja Monkey (4-2), Bomb Tower (4-3), Glue Gunner (2-3), Monkey Village (2-1), $4,500 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 66.
* Sep 4, 2016 - "Jack Frost" (Down The Drain, Easy) - Bomb Tower, Ice Tower, Glue Gunner, Monkey Village, Banana Farm, given 2 free Meerkat Spies, $6,000 starting cash, survive waves 20 to 65, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 67.
* Sep 5, 2016 - "Endgame" (Skull Peak, Hard) - Dart Monkey (4-3), Tack Shooter (2-4), Monkey Buccaneer (3-4), Monkey Ace (2-4), Super Monkey (3-3), Monkey Apprentice (4-2), Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun, Monkey Sub (2-4), custom RBE (M.O.A.B.s become B.F.B.s, B.F.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $29,000 starting cash, survive waves 51 to 77, max. 11 Towers at a time, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png55 68.
* Sep 6, 2016 - "Robloonson Crusoe Revisited" (Archipelago, Hard) - Dart Monkey (3-3), Tack Shooter (3-3), Sniper Monkey (3-3), Boomerang Thrower (3-3), Ninja Monkey (4-2), Glue Gunner (3-3), Monkey Buccaneer (2-4), Monkey Apprentice (3-3), Banana Farm (3-3), Mortar Tower (3-3), Spike Factory (2-4), Monkey Sub (3-3), given 1 free Tribal Turtle, $4,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, 1 lives, max. 9 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png60 69.
* Sep 7, 2016 - "Black Dart" (Brick Wall, Hard) - Tack Shooter (2-4), Sniper Monkey, Boomerang Thrower (4-0), Ninja Monkey, Super Monkey (0-4), Spike Factory (1-4), custom RBE (B.F.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 70.
* Sep 8, 2016 - "Makes No Difference To Me" (Rink Revenge, Medium) - Sniper Monkey (2-4), Ninja Monkey (2-4), Bomb Tower (2-4), Ice Tower (2-4), Glue Gunner (2-4), Monkey Buccaneer (2-4), Monkey Ace (2-4), Mortar Tower (2-4), Spike Factory (2-4), Monkey Sub (2-4), custom RBE (B.F.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $12,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 60, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 71.
* Sep 9, 2016 - "Rock Hard" (The Great Divide, Hard) - Ninja Monkey, Bomb Tower (2-3), Monkey Apprentice (2-3), Mortar Tower (4-2), Monkey Sub (2-3), given 1 free Portable Lake, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 10 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png75 72.
* Sep 10, 2016 - "The Longer, The Better" (Snake River, Hard) - Dart Monkey (1-1), Tack Shooter (1-1), Sniper Monkey (2-2), Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey (1-1), Bomb Tower (0-0), Ice Tower (0-0), Glue Gunner (1-1), Monkey Buccaneer (3-3), Monkey Ace (0-0), Super Monkey (1-1), Monkey Apprentice, Monkey Village (2-2), Banana Farm (1-1), Mortar Tower (1-1), Dartling Gun (1-1), Spike Factory (2-2), Monkey Sub (0-0), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, max. 8 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png65 73.
* Sep 11, 2016 - "Luxurious Race" (Drag Strip, Medium) - Sniper Monkey, Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey, Bomb Tower, Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Ace, Super Monkey, Banana Farm, given 1 free Portable Lake, $25,000 starting cash, survive waves 50 to 85, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 74.
* Sep 12, 2016 - "Gas Pedal" (Drag Strip, Medium) - Tack Shooter (4-2), Sniper Monkey (2-3), Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Ninja Monkey (4-2), Super Monkey (3-3), Monkey Village (2-1), Dartling Gun (3-2), Spike Factory (4-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 7 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png125 75.
* Sep 13, 2016 - "Split Personality" (The Great Divide, Medium) - Dart Monkey (2-3), Boomerang Thrower (4-0), Ninja Monkey, Ice Tower (2-4), Super Monkey, Monkey Apprentice, Mortar Tower (0-4), given 1 free Angry Squirrel, custom RBE (Blacks become Whites, Whites become Blacks), $6,700 starting cash, survive waves 20 to 65, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 76.
* Sep 14, 2016 - "High Desert Revenge" (Death Valley, Easy) - Super Monkey, Banana Farm, Dartling Gun, Spike Factory, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png95 77.
* Sep 15, 2016 - "Piercing Only" (Pyramids, Easy) - Dart Monkey (4-2), Boomerang Thrower (2-0), Ninja Monkey (4-0), Super Monkey (2-0), Monkey Apprentice (1-0), Monkey Village (0-1), Dartling Gun (0-1), Spike Factory (1-0), Monkey Sub (1-0), $7,500 starting cash, survive waves 35 to 62, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 78.
* Sep 16, 2016 - "Thawed Out" (Rink Revenge, Medium) - Tack Shooter (4-2), Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Monkey Apprentice (1-3), Mortar Tower (4-3), Dartling Gun (3-2), Spike Factory (2-3), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png85 79.
* Sep 17, 2016 - "Me, Myself and I" (Archipelago, Easy) - Dart Monkey, Sniper Monkey, Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey, Ice Tower, Glue Gunner, Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Ace, Super Monkey, Monkey Apprentice, Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun, Monkey Sub, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 50, 1 lives, max. 1 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 80.
* Sep 18, 2016 - "Three Monkeys" (Downstream?, Medium) - Dart Monkey, Sniper Monkey, Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey, Ice Tower, Glue Gunner, Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Ace, Super Monkey, Monkey Apprentice, Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun, Monkey Sub, $26,000 starting cash, survive waves 50 to 65, max. 3 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png70 81.
* Sep 19, 2016 - "Dune 7" (Dune Sea, Medium) - Dart Monkey (4-2), Tack Shooter (2-4), Bomb Tower (4-1), Monkey Apprentice (4-2), Mortar Tower, Spike Factory (4-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png75 82.
* Sep 20, 2016 - "Cursed Treasure: Undead Towers" (Crypt Keeper, Medium) - Ninja Monkey (2-4), Ice Tower (4-2), Monkey Ace (3-2), Monkey Apprentice (2-2), Monkey Village (2-4), Monkey Sub (2-1), given 1 free Beekeeper, $9,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 83.
* Sep 21, 2016 - "Crypt Night " (Crypt Keeper, Easy) - Dart Monkey (0-0), Ninja Monkey (4-2), Bomb Tower (3-3), Ice Tower (2-3), Spike Factory (3-2), Monkey Sub (2-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 63, max. 16 Towers at a time, no more than 4 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png90 84.
* Sep 22, 2016 - "Farm Rush" (Slalom, Medium) - Dart Monkey, Tack Shooter, Sniper Monkey, Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey, Bomb Tower, Ice Tower, Glue Gunner, Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Ace, Super Monkey, Monkey Apprentice, Monkey Village, Banana Farm, Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun, Spike Factory, Monkey Sub (4-3), custom RBE (Ceramics become Z.O.M.G.s), $650 starting cash, survive waves 1 to 40, max. 10 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png75 85.
* Sep 23, 2016 - "Dreadbloon's Armour" (Scorched Earth, Medium) - Tack Shooter (0-4), Boomerang Thrower (0-4), Ninja Monkey (0-4), Bomb Tower (2-4), Super Monkey (0-4), Monkey Village (4-0), Banana Farm (0-4), Dartling Gun, Spike Factory (0-4), custom RBE (Rainbows become Ceramics), $2,000 starting cash, survive waves 10 to 40, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 86.
* Sep 24, 2016 - "It's An Orange!" (Bloon Circles, Medium) - Tack Shooter, Boomerang Thrower (2-2), Monkey Apprentice (0-4), Monkey Village (4-0), given 1 free Angry Squirrel, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 25 to 60, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 87.
* Sep 25, 2016 - "Mountain Revenge" (Rink Revenge, Medium) - Monkey Ace, Banana Farm (2-0), Dartling Gun, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 5 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 88.
* Sep 26, 2016 - "Eye Pain" (The Eye, Hard) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Tack Shooter (3-4), Boomerang Thrower (4-0), Ninja Monkey, Glue Gunner (4-2), Super Monkey (0-3), Dartling Gun (2-2), Spike Factory, $3,200 starting cash, survive waves 24 to 42, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 89.
* Sep 27, 2016 - "Fuller House" (Death Valley, Medium) - Dart Monkey, Tack Shooter, Sniper Monkey, Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey, Bomb Tower, Ice Tower, Glue Gunner, Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Ace, Super Monkey, Monkey Apprentice, Monkey Village, Banana Farm, Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun, Spike Factory, Monkey Sub, Road Spikes, Exploding Pineapple, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 25 to 75, max. 5 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 90.
* Sep 28, 2016 - "Ao Monkey" (Maze, Hard) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Sniper Monkey (3-2), Boomerang Thrower (4-2), Glue Gunner (2-3), Super Monkey (0-0), Monkey Apprentice (2-3), Dartling Gun (2-3), Monkey Sub (2-3), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, 4 lives, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 91.
* Sep 29, 2016 - "Team 540" (Dockside, Hard) - Ninja Monkey, Monkey Buccaneer, $15,000 starting cash, survive waves 46 to 58, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png70 92.
* Sep 30, 2016 - "Bombs Everywhere" (Snowflake, Medium) - Bomb Tower, Mortar Tower, custom RBE (Reds become Blues, Blues become Greens, Greens become Yellows, Yellows become Pinks, Pinks become Blacks, Blacks become Whites, Whites become Leads, Leads become Zebras, Zebras become Rainbows, Rainbows become Ceramics, M.O.A.B.s become B.F.B.s), $2,788 starting cash, survive waves 23 to 46, max. 4 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 93.
* Oct 1, 2016 - "Split Down the Middle" (The Great Divide, Easy) - Dart Monkey, Tack Shooter, Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey (4-3), Bomb Tower (4-3), Ice Tower (4-3), Glue Gunner (4-3), Monkey Buccaneer (3-3), Super Monkey (3-4), Monkey Apprentice (4-3), Monkey Village (2-4), Spike Factory (4-3), Monkey Sub (1-2), given 2 free Portable Lakes, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 8 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 94.
* Oct 2, 2016 - "Cogeenick Primate Camp" (River Rapids, Hard) - Monkey Buccaneer (2-4), Monkey Ace (1-3), Monkey Apprentice (2-4), Dartling Gun, $6,100 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, no more than 6 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 95.
* Oct 3, 2016 - "Monkey Watch" (Clock, Medium) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Ninja Monkey, Ice Tower (4-2), Glue Gunner, Super Monkey (2-4), Monkey Apprentice, Banana Farm, given 1 free Tribal Turtle, $3,000 starting cash, survive waves 20 to 60, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 96.
* Oct 4, 2016 - "Gravity Wars" (Scorched Earth, Hard) - Tack Shooter (2-4), Boomerang Thrower (1-4), Ninja Monkey, Ice Tower, Super Monkey, Monkey Apprentice, Banana Farm (4-2), Mortar Tower, given 1 free Bloonsday Device, custom RBE (Reds to Pinks become Blacks, Blacks and Whites become Leads, Leads to Rainbows become Ceramics), $8,000 starting cash, survive waves 35 to 75, max. 16 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 97.
* Oct 5, 2016 - "Diep.td5" (Snowflake, Medium) - Dart Monkey (4-2), Tack Shooter (2-3), Sniper Monkey (3-2), Boomerang Thrower (4-2), Ninja Monkey (4-0), Super Monkey (1-2), Dartling Gun (3-2), Spike Factory (3-3), $10,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 64, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 98.
* Oct 6, 2016 - "Sorcery vs. Science" (Rink Revenge, Medium) - Boomerang Thrower (3-1), Ice Tower, Monkey Buccaneer (4-1), Super Monkey (1-2), Monkey Apprentice, Monkey Village (3-1), Banana Farm, $6,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, max. 10 Towers at a time, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 99.
* Oct 7, 2016 - "Splodey Darts" (River Rapids, Medium) - Dart Monkey, Bomb Tower (2-1), Monkey Buccaneer (2-3), Monkey Ace (2-4), Dartling Gun (2-4), Monkey Sub (2-4), $2,000 starting cash, survive waves 20 to 65, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png65 100.
* Oct 8, 2016 - "Lush Life" (Downstream, Easy) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Sniper Monkey (4-2), Ninja Monkey (2-4), Bomb Tower (4-1), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 25 to 65, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png70 101.
* Oct 9, 2016 - "Danza Kuduro" (Crypt Keeper, Easy) - Boomerang Thrower (3-3), Ice Tower (3-3), Monkey Buccaneer (3-3), Dartling Gun (3-3), Road Spikes, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 50, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png70 102.
* Oct 10, 2016 - "Like A G6" (Runway, Medium) - Dart Monkey (4-0), Tack Shooter (4-2), Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey (0-4), Bomb Tower (2-1), Glue Gunner (2-2), Super Monkey (2-2), Monkey Apprentice (2-3), Mortar Tower (4-0), Dartling Gun, Spike Factory (1-0), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 6 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 103.
* Oct 11, 2016 - "The Orange Trio" (Pumpkin Patch, Hard) - Tack Shooter, Ninja Monkey (0-0), Glue Gunner (2-2), Monkey Apprentice (2-4), Dartling Gun (3-3), given 1 free Angry Squirrel, $2,500 starting cash, survive waves 31 to 61, max. 3 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png70 104.
* Oct 12, 2016 - "Still Unchanged" (Snowflake, Medium) - Ninja Monkey (4-2), Super Monkey (0-4), Monkey Village, Monkey Sub, $8,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 65, max. 8 Towers at a time, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 105.
* Oct 13, 2016 - "The Heat Is On" (Death Valley, Easy) - Tack Shooter (4-2), Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Bomb Tower (2-3), Monkey Apprentice (1-4), Mortar Tower (4-2), Dartling Gun (3-2), Spike Factory (2-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 64, max. 14 Towers at a time, no more than 4 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 106.
* Oct 14, 2016 - "Non-restrictive" (Snowflake, Medium) - Sniper Monkey, Monkey Buccaneer, Mortar Tower, Monkey Sub, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 35 to 66, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 107.
* Oct 15, 2016 - "Drain Liquidation" (Down The Drain, Easy) - Dart Monkey, Tack Shooter (3-4), Sniper Monkey, Boomerang Thrower (4-0), Ninja Monkey, Bomb Tower, Monkey Ace (3-0), Super Monkey (0-3), Mortar Tower (2-1), Dartling Gun (2-1), Spike Factory (1-4), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 60, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png80 108.
* Oct 16, 2016 - "Rough Waters" (River Rapids, Hard) - All towers with some restrictions (no Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Sub, Road Spikes or Pineapples), $2,500 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 50, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 109.
* Oct 17, 2016 - "Soft Landing" (Clock, Medium) - Boomerang Thrower (4-0), Ninja Monkey (0-3), Bomb Tower (4-0), Monkey Ace (3-0), Monkey Apprentice, Mortar Tower (0-4), Dartling Gun (0-3), Spike Factory (4-3), given 2 free Tribal Turtles, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 110.
* Oct 18, 2016 - "Extraordinary" (Water Hazard, Medium) - Bomb Tower (0-1), Monkey Buccaneer (4-1), Monkey Apprentice (1-2), Dartling Gun (2-2), $1,850 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 64, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 111.
* Oct 19, 2016 - "My Foot Is Too Big!" (River Rapids, Medium) - Monkey Village, Banana Farm, Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun, $7,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 75, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png60 112.
* Oct 20, 2016 - "CMYK" (Spooky Castle, Easy) - Bomb Tower (2-3), Monkey Village (2-3), Spike Factory (2-2), Monkey Sub (4-1), $8,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 60, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 113.
* Oct 21, 2016 - "Skulls" (Skull Peak, Medium) - Glue Gunner, Monkey Buccaneer, Dartling Gun, custom RBE (Zebras become Ceramics, Rainbows become Ceramics, M.O.A.B.s become B.F.B.s), $3,000 starting cash, survive waves 20 to 55, max. 5 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 114.
* Oct 22, 2016 - "Bloonopoly" (The Great Divide, Medium) - Dart Monkey (0-0), Tack Shooter (2-2), Sniper Monkey (2-2), Boomerang Thrower (2-2), Ninja Monkey (3-2), Bomb Tower (2-3), Ice Tower (1-1), Glue Gunner (1-1), Monkey Buccaneer (3-2), Monkey Ace (3-3), Super Monkey, Monkey Apprentice (3-2), Monkey Village (4-3), Banana Farm (4-3), Mortar Tower (2-3), Dartling Gun (3-3), Spike Factory (2-3), Monkey Sub (2-2), given 2 free Portable Lakes, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 22 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 115.
* Oct 23, 2016 - "Bank Robbery" (Snake River, Hard) - Dart Monkey (2-2), Sniper Monkey (3-3), Ninja Monkey, Bomb Tower (4-1), Monkey Buccaneer (4-3), Super Monkey (1-2), Monkey Village (3-2), Banana Farm (0-3), Mortar Tower (4-3), Dartling Gun (2-2), Monkey Sub (0-4), given 1 free Angry Squirrel, custom RBE (Yellows become Blacks, Pinks become Blacks, Whites become Blacks, B.F.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $4,250 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, max. 8 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png75 116.
* Oct 24, 2016 - "Egoism" (Lobby, Easy) - Dart Monkey (3-3), Tack Shooter (3-3), Sniper Monkey (3-3), Boomerang Thrower (3-3), Ninja Monkey (3-3), Bomb Tower (3-3), Ice Tower (3-3), Glue Gunner (3-3), Monkey Buccaneer (3-3), Monkey Ace (3-3), Super Monkey (3-3), Monkey Apprentice (3-3), Monkey Village (3-3), Banana Farm (3-3), Mortar Tower (3-3), Dartling Gun (3-3), Spike Factory (3-3), Monkey Sub (3-3), custom RBE (Blues become Greens, Yellows become Pinks, Leads become Zebras, Zebras become Rainbows, Rainbows become Ceramics, M.O.A.B.s become B.F.B.s), $440 starting cash, survive waves 1 to 50, 40 lives, max. 4 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 117.
* Oct 25, 2016 - "Can't Remember to Forget You" (Spooky Castle, Hard) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Ninja Monkey, Bomb Tower (4-0), Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Ace, Monkey Apprentice, Spike Factory (1-4), Monkey Sub (2-4), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 50, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png110 118.
* Oct 26, 2016 - "Three Towers Grace" (Crypt Keeper, Hard) - Dart Monkey, Tack Shooter, Sniper Monkey, Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey, Bomb Tower, Ice Tower, Glue Gunner, Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Ace, Super Monkey, Monkey Apprentice, Monkey Village, Banana Farm, Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun, Spike Factory, Monkey Sub, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 46, max. 3 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png80 119.
* Oct 27, 2016 - "White & Nerdy" (Drag Strip, Medium) - Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Ice Tower, Monkey Buccaneer (3-3), Super Monkey (2-4), Dartling Gun (4-2), Spike Factory (1-1), Monkey Sub (2-2), given 1 free Portable Lake, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 10 Towers at a time, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png85 120.
* Oct 28, 2016 - "Make-believe" (Candyland, Easy) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Sniper Monkey (2-4), Ninja Monkey (2-4), Monkey Buccaneer (2-4), Monkey Ace (2-4), Monkey Sub (2-4), $6,500 starting cash, survive waves 35 to 70, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 121.
* Oct 29, 2016 - "Simple Stroll" (Country Road, Apopalypse) - Dart Monkey (1-1), Sniper Monkey (1-1), Boomerang Thrower (1-1), Ninja Monkey (1-1), Ice Tower (1-1), Glue Gunner (1-1), Monkey Buccaneer (1-1), Monkey Ace (1-1), Super Monkey (1-1), Monkey Apprentice (1-1), Mortar Tower (1-1), Dartling Gun (1-1), Monkey Sub (1-1), given 1 free Meerkat Spy, $650 starting cash, survive waves 1 to 40, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 122.
* Oct 30, 2016 - "Running Monkey" (Sprint Track, Medium) - Dart Monkey (1-4), Boomerang Thrower (4-1), Ninja Monkey (1-4), Ice Tower (1-3), Monkey Ace (1-3), Monkey Apprentice (4-1), Monkey Sub (3-1), $9,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 60, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 123.
* Oct 31, 2016 - "Golden Sharks" (Water Hazard, Medium) - Bomb Tower (2-4), Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Sub (4-3), $15,000 starting cash, survive waves 49 to 85, 100 lives, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 124.
* Nov 1, 2016 - "Cause and Effect" (Rink, Medium) - Boomerang Thrower (3-3), Ice Tower (3-3), Monkey Buccaneer (3-3), Monkey Ace (3-3), Monkey Apprentice (3-3), Monkey Sub (3-3), custom RBE (Reds to Zebras ranked +3), $3,333 starting cash, survive waves 3 to 33, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png93 125.
* Nov 2, 2016 - "Piñata Park" (Park Path, Hard) - Tack Shooter, Ice Tower, Monkey Ace, Monkey Village, Exploding Pineapple, $1,700 starting cash, survive waves 13 to 65, max. 5 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 126.
* Nov 3, 2016 - "Like A Red Nose" (The Eye, Hard) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Sniper Monkey (1-0), Boomerang Thrower (2-2), Ninja Monkey, Super Monkey (1-1), Dartling Gun (2-4), Monkey Sub (1-0), given 1 free Portable Lake, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 64, max. 10 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png110 127.
* Nov 4, 2016 - "Spray Em" (Dockside, Medium) - Tack Shooter, Glue Gunner, Banana Farm, Spike Factory, Monkey Sub, custom RBE (Zebras become Ceramics, Rainbows become Ceramics, B.F.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $7,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 70, no more than 5 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 128.
* Nov 5, 2016 - "Versus!" (Dune Sea, Hard) - Dart Monkey (4-3), Sniper Monkey (3-3), Boomerang Thrower (0-4), Ice Tower (2-2), Glue Gunner (1-1), Monkey Buccaneer (3-4), Mortar Tower (2-4), Dartling Gun (2-4), Monkey Sub (2-3), $5,500 starting cash, survive waves 31 to 60, 110 lives, max. 7 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png75 129.
* Nov 6, 2016 - "Cursed Treasure: Orcish Towers" (Country Road, Hard) - Dart Monkey (4-3), Sniper Monkey (4-2), Glue Gunner (3-2), Monkey Village (3-1), Banana Farm (3-2), Dartling Gun (2-1), Monkey Sub (2-3), given 1 free Portable Lake, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 130.
* Nov 7, 2016 - "Toxic" (Down The Drain, Easy) - Glue Gunner (4-2), Super Monkey (2-4), Monkey Village (2-1), Banana Farm (2-0), Dartling Gun (2-2), Monkey Sub (4-2), given 1 free Meerkat Spy, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, no more than 4 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 131.
* Nov 8, 2016 - "The Bloons Bros." (Dockside, Hard) - Sniper Monkey (1-2), Glue Gunner (3-2), Super Monkey (1-2), Monkey Apprentice (3-2), Dartling Gun (2-1), Spike Factory (1-4), given 1 free Angry Squirrel and 1 Tribal Turtle, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 70, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 132.
* Nov 9, 2016 - "Luna Shooter" (Space Truckin, Medium) - Tack Shooter (3-3), Sniper Monkey (3-3), Bomb Tower (3-3), Glue Gunner (3-3), Monkey Buccaneer (3-3), Monkey Ace (3-3), Monkey Village (3-3), Mortar Tower (3-3), Dartling Gun (3-3), Spike Factory (3-3), $1,800 starting cash, survive waves 15 to 60, max. 4 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 133.
* Nov 10, 2016 - "Weak Monkeys and Bomb Towers" (Snowflake, Easy) - Dart Monkey (2-0), Sniper Monkey (2-2), Bomb Tower (1-1), $4,238 starting cash, survive waves 21 to 50, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png55 134.
* Nov 11, 2016 - "Mobile DDT Poppers" (Archipelago, Hard) - Ninja Monkey (3-3), Dartling Gun (3-3), Spike Factory (3-3), $7,000 starting cash, survive waves 35 to 63, max. 15 Towers at a time, no more than 10 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 135.
* Nov 12, 2016 - "Patterns" (Switch, Medium) - Tack Shooter, Glue Gunner (2-4), Monkey Apprentice (4-2), Banana Farm, Dartling Gun, Spike Factory (2-4), $4,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 5 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png85 136.
* Nov 13, 2016 - "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" (Tree Tops, Easy) - Sniper Monkey (3-2), Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Ninja Monkey (4-2), Ice Tower (2-3), Glue Gunner (2-2), Super Monkey (2-2), Dartling Gun (2-3), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 11 Towers at a time, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 137.
* Nov 14, 2016 - "Double Battle - Catch the Cheese" (Maze, Hard) - Tack Shooter, Sniper Monkey (4-2), Boomerang Thrower (3-2), Ninja Monkey, Monkey Sub (1-2), custom RBE (Reds become Pinks, Blues become Pinks, Greens become Yellows, Leads become Rainbows, Zebras become Rainbows, M.O.A.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $1,500 starting cash, survive waves 10 to 46, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 138.
* Nov 15, 2016 - "Life is Strange" (Clock, Medium) - Sniper Monkey (4-2), Ninja Monkey, Bomb Tower, Ice Tower, Glue Gunner, Super Monkey (4-2), Monkey Apprentice (4-2), Mortar Tower (2-4), $2,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, max. 5 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 139.
* Nov 16, 2016 - "Really?" (Clock, Medium) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Tack Shooter (2-4), Boomerang Thrower (4-2), Ice Tower (2-4), Glue Gunner (2-4), Monkey Buccaneer (2-4), Super Monkey (2-2), Monkey Apprentice, Spike Factory (2-4), given 1 free Portable Lake, $4,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, max. 8 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png55 140.
* Nov 17, 2016 - "Timber" (Jungle, Medium) - Dart Monkey (4-2), Boomerang Thrower (4-2), Monkey Ace (2-4), Monkey Apprentice, Mortar Tower (4-2), Spike Factory (4-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 7 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 141.
* Nov 18, 2016 - "Wacky Sea" (Archipelago, Medium) - Tack Shooter, Bomb Tower, Ice Tower, Monkey Village, Monkey Sub, $6,500 starting cash, survive waves 35 to 75, max. 9 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 142.
* Nov 19, 2016 - "Aqua Rescue" (River Rapids, Medium) - Ice Tower, Monkey Buccaneer (4-2), Monkey Apprentice (2-0), Spike Factory (1-3), Monkey Sub, $5,500 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, no more than 4 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png80 143.
* Nov 20, 2016 - "VR Bloons Defender Y3K" (Switch, Hard) - Sniper Monkey (3-0), Bomb Tower (3-2), Ice Tower (2-2), Super Monkey (2-3), Monkey Apprentice (2-3), Dartling Gun (2-1), $3,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 8 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png80 144.
* Nov 21, 2016 - "Veteran Cards" (Slalom, Hard) - Sniper Monkey (4-3), Ninja Monkey (2-2), Ice Tower (3-2), Glue Gunner (4-2), Monkey Apprentice (2-4), Banana Farm (2-3), Mortar Tower (3-4), Monkey Sub (2-3), custom RBE (B.F.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png55 145.
* Nov 22, 2016 - "Graves of Dario and Riddel" (Crypt Keeper, Medium) - Dart Monkey, Sniper Monkey, Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey, Glue Gunner, Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Ace, Super Monkey, Monkey Apprentice, Monkey Village, Banana Farm, Monkey Sub, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 75, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 146.
* Nov 23, 2016 - " Subterranean Sewers' Revenge" (Down The Drain, Easy) - Dart Monkey (3-3), Tack Shooter (4-3), Bomb Tower (2-3), Ice Tower (3-1), Glue Gunner (2-2), Monkey Buccaneer (3-2), Monkey Ace (1-3), Super Monkey (3-1), Monkey Apprentice (4-1), Monkey Village (2-2), Banana Farm (4-0), Mortar Tower (3-4), $6,500 starting cash, survive waves 21 to 60, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png60 147.
* Nov 24, 2016 - "Monkey Temple" (Jungle, Medium) - Super Monkey, Monkey Village (2-4), Dartling Gun, $20,000 starting cash, survive waves 50 to 85, 200 lives, max. 40 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png85 148.
* Nov 25, 2016 - "Funky Farm" (Country Road, Medium) - Monkey Buccaneer (3-2), Monkey Village (2-2), Banana Farm (4-0), Spike Factory (2-4), Road Spikes, Exploding Pineapple, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 35 to 60, max. 6 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png80 149.
* Nov 26, 2016 - "Burning Ring of Fire" (Bloon Circles, Hard) - Tack Shooter (4-2), Monkey Apprentice (0-4), Mortar Tower (4-3), $10,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 63, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png125 150.
* Nov 27, 2016 - "Team-Up" (Snowflake, Medium) - Tack Shooter (3-2), Sniper Monkey (3-2), Ice Tower (2-3), Glue Gunner (2-3), Monkey Village (3-2), Banana Farm (2-3), Spike Factory (2-3), Monkey Sub (3-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 65, max. 12 Towers at a time, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 151.
* Nov 28, 2016 - "Hydro Dam" (River Rapids, Medium) - Bomb Tower, Monkey Buccaneer, Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun, $9,500 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 80, no more than 5 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 152.
* Nov 29, 2016 - "Circles" (Down The Drain, Easy) - Tack Shooter, Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey (4-2), Bomb Tower (4-2), Ice Tower, Monkey Ace (2-3), Banana Farm (2-0), Mortar Tower (4-2), Spike Factory (2-4), Monkey Sub (4-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, no more than 4 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 153.
* Nov 30, 2016 - "Never Favoured" (Country Road, Medium) - Dart Monkey (4-3), Super Monkey (1-3), Monkey Village (3-4), Dartling Gun (3-3), Spike Factory (3-2), Monkey Sub (4-3), $1,950 starting cash, survive waves 20 to 78, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png65 154.
* Dec 1, 2016 - "Finding Dory" (Archipelago, Medium) - Tack Shooter (2-4), Monkey Buccaneer (2-3), Monkey Ace (3-2), Monkey Sub (4-2), given 3 free Tribal Turtles, $10,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 74, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png90 155.
* Dec 2, 2016 - "Elemental Nuclear Assault " (Lava Fields, Hard) - Tack Shooter (4-2), Ice Tower, Monkey Ace (2-4), Monkey Apprentice, Monkey Village (4-2), Mortar Tower (4-2), Monkey Sub (4-2), given 1 free Portable Lake, $8,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 75, max. 12 Towers at a time, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 156.
* Dec 3, 2016 - "Heatseeker" (Death Valley, Medium) - Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Ninja Monkey (4-2), Bomb Tower (2-4), Glue Gunner (3-2), Monkey Ace (4-2), Monkey Apprentice (1-4), Monkey Village (2-1), Dartling Gun (3-2), Spike Factory (2-2), Monkey Sub (2-4), given 1 free Portable Lake, custom RBE (B.F.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 16 Towers at a time, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 157.
* Dec 4, 2016 158.
* Dec 5, 2016 - "Bloon Olympics" (Sprint Track, Hard) - Sniper Monkey (1-3), Boomerang Thrower (3-4), Ninja Monkey, Ice Tower, Monkey Ace, Super Monkey (1-2), Monkey Apprentice (4-3), Banana Farm (4-3), Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun (4-1), Spike Factory, $2,000 starting cash, survive waves 20 to 70, max. 6 Towers at a time, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 159.
* Dec 6, 2016 - "Beachside Dream" (Dune Sea, Hard) - Monkey Buccaneer (3-4), Monkey Ace (0-1), Monkey Apprentice, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 47, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 160.
* Dec 7, 2016 - "Against the Rapids" (River Rapids, Medium) - Ice Tower, Glue Gunner (4-2), Super Monkey (2-2), Spike Factory (4-0), Monkey Sub (4-3), $6,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 60, max. 7 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png150 161.
* Dec 8, 2016 - "4, 3, 2, 1" (Country Road, Hard) - Dart Monkey, Tack Shooter, Boomerang Thrower, Bomb Tower, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 10 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 162.
* Dec 9, 2016 - "Time Draining" (Clock, Hard) - Ninja Monkey, Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun (2-4), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 163.
* Dec 10, 2016 - "Can the Monkey Come Out to Play?" (Brick Wall, Medium) - Ninja Monkey, given 1 free Super Monkey Storm, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 50, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png85 164.
* Dec 11, 2016 - "The 5th Wave" (Dune Sea, Medium) - Sniper Monkey (4-2), Ice Tower (2-4), Glue Gunner (4-2), Monkey Apprentice (2-2), Dartling Gun (2-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 35 to 63, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png80 165.
* Dec 12, 2016 - "A Runway of Six" (Runway, Medium) - Sniper Monkey, Ninja Monkey, Ice Tower, Glue Gunner, Super Monkey, Monkey Village, Spike Factory, $14,000 starting cash, survive waves 45 to 85, max. 6 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 166.
* Dec 13, 2016 - "Night Cap" (Battle Knot, Medium) - Sniper Monkey, Ninja Monkey, Bomb Tower (2-4), Ice Tower, Monkey Ace (2-4), Monkey Apprentice (3-2), Monkey Sub (4-2), given 1 free Portable Lake, custom RBE (M.O.A.B.s become Ceramics, B.F.B.s become Z.O.M.G.s), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 60, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 167.
* Dec 14, 2016 - "Update Additions!" (Archipelago, Medium) - Dartling Gun, Spike Factory, Monkey Sub, $3,500 starting cash, survive waves 25 to 75, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 168.
* Dec 15, 2016 - "Going For The One" (Park, Medium) - All towers (at 1-1), given 1 free Meerkat Spy, custom RBE (Reds to M.O.A.B.s +1 rank), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 46, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 169.
* Dec 16, 2016 - "Am I Wrong" (Dune Sea, Medium) - Dart Monkey (4-0), Tack Shooter, Dartling Gun (3-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 8 Towers at a time, no more than 4 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png80 170.
* Dec 17, 2016 - "The Fat Rat Invaded My TV" (Candyland, Medium) - Dart Monkey (4-3), Sniper Monkey, Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Glue Gunner (2-1), Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Ace, Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun (2-4), Monkey Sub, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png65 171.
* Dec 18, 2016 - "Be The One" (Dockside, Hard) - Dart Monkey, Tack Shooter, Sniper Monkey, Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey, Bomb Tower, Ice Tower, Glue Gunner, Monkey Buccaneer, Monkey Ace, Super Monkey, Monkey Apprentice, Monkey Village, Banana Farm, Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun, Spike Factory, Monkey Sub, given 1 free Super Monkey Storm, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 1 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 172.
* Dec 19, 2016 - "Fancy" (The Eye, Medium) - Ice Tower (4-2), Glue Gunner (4-2), Monkey Buccaneer (4-2), Monkey Ace (4-2), Super Monkey, Mortar Tower (4-2), Dartling Gun, Spike Factory, Monkey Sub (2-4), given 1 free Portable Lake, $16,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 82, max. 11 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 173.
* Dec 20, 2016 - "Sixty-Three" (Battle Knot, Medium) - Dart Monkey, Tack Shooter (3-4), Sniper Monkey (4-3), Boomerang Thrower (0-4), Ninja Monkey (4-0), Bomb Tower (4-1), Ice Tower, Glue Gunner (1-4), Monkey Ace (1-4), Super Monkey (2-0), Monkey Apprentice, Monkey Village (4-1), Banana Farm (4-1), Mortar Tower (4-2), Dartling Gun, Spike Factory, $6,300 starting cash, survive waves 36 to 63, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 174.
* Dec 21, 2016 - "Break the Rules" (Castle, Medium) - Sniper Monkey (4-2), Ninja Monkey, Bomb Tower (4-2), Ice Tower (2-2), Monkey Apprentice (4-2), Mortar Tower (2-4), Monkey Sub (4-2), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 12 Towers at a time, no more than 4 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png85 175.
* Dec 22, 2016 - "I Hate Spooky Castle" (Spooky Castle, Medium) - Bomb Tower, Monkey Ace, Monkey Apprentice, Mortar Tower, Dartling Gun, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 8 Towers at a time, no more than 3 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 176.
* Dec 23, 2016 - "ROYGBIV" (Scorched Earth, Medium) - Boomerang Thrower, Bomb Tower, Super Monkey, Banana Farm, Mortar Tower, $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 50, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 177.
* Dec 24, 2016 - "Six Feet Under" (Six Feet, Hard) - Ninja Monkey (2-2), Bomb Tower (2-4), Monkey Ace (3-3), $2,000 starting cash, survive waves 21 to 50, max. 6 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png75 178.
* Dec 25, 2016 - "The Three Little Monkeys" (Maze, Medium) - Dart Monkey, Boomerang Thrower, Ninja Monkey, $15,000 starting cash, survive waves 40 to 60, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png125 179.
* Dec 26, 2016 - "Tranquil Glade" (Monkey Lane, Hard) - Tack Shooter (4-2), Sniper Monkey (0-3), Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Ninja Monkey (2-2), Bomb Tower (1-3), Monkey Buccaneer (3-2), Monkey Ace, Monkey Apprentice (0-3), Monkey Village (2-4), Mortar Tower (0-4), Dartling Gun (4-0), Spike Factory, given 1 free Portable Lake, $3,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 5 Towers at a time, no more than 1 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png50 180.
* Dec 27, 2016 - "Ten Hits" (Tree Tops, Medium) - Dart Monkey (2-4), Tack Shooter (2-4), Boomerang Thrower (4-2), Ninja Monkey, Monkey Village (3-1), $50,000 starting cash, survive waves 61 to 70, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png75 181.
* Dec 28, 2016 - "You Shock Me All Night Long" (Lightning Scar, Hard) - Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Super Monkey (2-3), Monkey Apprentice (2-2), Spike Factory (4-2), $3,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 65, max. 5 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png80 182.
* Dec 29, 2016 - "Speeds Up" (Clock, Medium) - Sniper Monkey (2-4), Boomerang Thrower (2-4), Ice Tower (4-2), Dartling Gun (4-2), Spike Factory (4-2), $6,000 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 70, max. 4 Towers at a time, no more than 2 of any tower or Special Agent type, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png60 183.
* Dec 30, 2016 - "Rainbow Sequence" (Candyland, Medium) - Dart Monkey (2-2), Tack Shooter (4-2), Boomerang Thrower (1-2), Ninja Monkey (2-4), Ice Tower, Glue Gunner (2-2), Super Monkey (2-0), $5,000 starting cash, survive waves 26 to 60, max. 7 Towers at a time, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png100 184.
* Dec 31, 2016 - "Aim Hard" (Scorched Earth, Medium) - Sniper Monkey, Dartling Gun, $2,500 starting cash, survive waves 30 to 40, reward of File:Monkey Dollar.png60