Torva was a very powerful Zarosian during the Second Age and a master of melee combat. He was recruited to Nex's army after he single-handedly defeated a pack of ripper demons that had attacked his village and showed no fear when he faced Hazeel, who had become frustrated with the resistance he was showing. Fighting in many battles, he died of natural causes, an old man. Torva armour was based on armour that he wore into battle. According to Nex's journal, Torva taught Nex how to manipulate human psychology, allowing her to convert her courage into inspiration for her fellow soldiers.
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| - Torva was a very powerful Zarosian during the Second Age and a master of melee combat. He was recruited to Nex's army after he single-handedly defeated a pack of ripper demons that had attacked his village and showed no fear when he faced Hazeel, who had become frustrated with the resistance he was showing. Fighting in many battles, he died of natural causes, an old man. Torva armour was based on armour that he wore into battle. According to Nex's journal, Torva taught Nex how to manipulate human psychology, allowing her to convert her courage into inspiration for her fellow soldiers.
- torva kamat on ehkä pelin parhaat ne on hyvät armadyl godswordin tai chaotic maulin kaa ja niihin tarvii attack 1 str 80 def 80 mut silloku kaikki levut 99 hittaa hmmeti hyvi muistakaa ostaa armadyl godswordtai chaotic maul Muuten hyvä, mutta chaotic maulia ei voi ostaa... joku hiton 8v jonne varmaan kirjotti ton koko jutun -.-
- * torva ; (Dé latín tubŭla, tubo). f. Kaha kon hexura de tronko de pirámide o de kono invertío i abierta por’ abaho, aentro dela kuá z’ exan granoh u otroh kuerpoh, pa ke kaigan poko a poko entre lah piezah der mekanihmo, dehtináo a triturahloh, molehloh, limpiahloh, klazifikahloh o pa fazilitá zu dehkarga. 2. En loh zepiyoh o uhnah, parte zuperió kon hexura de tronko de pirámide invertío i kon’ una abertura pa dehá pazá lah monedah, papeletah, bolah, ezt...
- Torva was a female who studied to become a Jedi during the Galactic Civil War.
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| - Torva was a very powerful Zarosian during the Second Age and a master of melee combat. He was recruited to Nex's army after he single-handedly defeated a pack of ripper demons that had attacked his village and showed no fear when he faced Hazeel, who had become frustrated with the resistance he was showing. Fighting in many battles, he died of natural causes, an old man. Torva armour was based on armour that he wore into battle. According to Nex's journal, Torva taught Nex how to manipulate human psychology, allowing her to convert her courage into inspiration for her fellow soldiers.
- torva kamat on ehkä pelin parhaat ne on hyvät armadyl godswordin tai chaotic maulin kaa ja niihin tarvii attack 1 str 80 def 80 mut silloku kaikki levut 99 hittaa hmmeti hyvi muistakaa ostaa armadyl godswordtai chaotic maul Muuten hyvä, mutta chaotic maulia ei voi ostaa... joku hiton 8v jonne varmaan kirjotti ton koko jutun -.-
- * torva ; (Dé latín tubŭla, tubo). f. Kaha kon hexura de tronko de pirámide o de kono invertío i abierta por’ abaho, aentro dela kuá z’ exan granoh u otroh kuerpoh, pa ke kaigan poko a poko entre lah piezah der mekanihmo, dehtináo a triturahloh, molehloh, limpiahloh, klazifikahloh o pa fazilitá zu dehkarga. 2. En loh zepiyoh o uhnah, parte zuperió kon hexura de tronko de pirámide invertío i kon’ una abertura pa dehá pazá lah monedah, papeletah, bolah, ezt...
- Torva was a female who studied to become a Jedi during the Galactic Civil War.