| - The Clone Wars revealed that not only did the Nightsisters live on Dathomir, but there was also a tribe of Nightbrothers on the other side of the planet. See, apparently, one side of the planet was for the woman-witches, and the other side was for the man-witches. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
- Dathomir Kategória:Planéty
- Dathomir is a planet within the namesake Dathomir System, and oen of the many locations in the Star Wars universe. This obscure planet which can found in the Outer Rim Territories located within the Quelii sector, was a remote, neutral world and the home of the Nightsisters. It was somewhat smaller than the cosmopolitan urban planet Coruscant in size, and had slightly-below-standard gravity, but the planetary day was close to standard, and the planetary year was long, lasting 491 days. Dathomir had 4 moons.
- Dathomir è un pianeta dell'Orlo Esterno che diede i natali alla specie Rancor e alla setta delle Sorelle della Notte.
- Dathomir is covered in lush swamps and small trees. It is inhabited by wild rancors, as well as by Force-sensitive "witches" (also known as the Nightsisters). Shortly after the Jedi Order’s reestablishment, Devynth Anon, with the aide of Jedi Knights Caedmon Cato, Adia Lei Estrina, and Kabraka, began training a class of students on Dathomir. The class of students numbered in the dozens. Notable students from the Dathomir class include: Tiro-Narus Altor, Dracmus Esseles, Ma’thir’aoosa, Marcus Thorne, and Ordo Tyr. Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page.
- Dathomir was a planet in the Outer Rim that was known for its Rancors and its mysterious women called Dathomiri "witches". The exiled of these witches were called Nightsisters and were lead by their clan mother Talzin during the Clone Wars.
- Dathomir ist bewohnt von Zabrak und von sogenannten "Schwestern der Nacht", Hexen, die sich Zauberei, Tränken und der Dunklen Seite der Macht bedienen.
- Dathomir ist bewohnt von Zabrak und von sogenannten "Schwestern der Nacht", Hexen, die sich Zauberei, Tränken und der Dunklen Seite der Macht bedienen.
- Dathomir fue un planeta remoto y neutral, así como el hogar de las Hermanas de la Noche. El planeta, iluminado de rojo por su estrella central, tenía numerosos continentes recubiertos de vegetación, bosques y pantanos. Las Hermanas de la Noche, también conocidas como brujas de Dathomir, vivían en los pantanos y usaban magia potenciada por el propio poder de Dathomir. El planeta también albergaba a los Hermanos de la Noche, zabraks que eran dominados por las Hermanas de la Noche. Durante las Guerras Clon, Dathomir sufrió varios ataques debido a las maquinaciones de la Madre Talzin y su rivalidad con Darth Sidious, llevando a la destrucción de muchos de sus habitantes y asentamientos por parte de la Confederación de Sistemas Independientes.
- Often thought to be the most difficult planet in SWG, Dathomir is home to many famous creatures and NPC's, including Rancors and Nightsisters. The majority of creatures and enemies on this planet are aggressive. Even travelling by speeder is not a 100% safe way to travel. Like the other advanced planets, players may not place houses. Factories and harvesters can be built, however.
- Dathomir oli ulkokehän alueilla sijaitseva planeetta. Dathomir oli myös tunnettu Dathomirin Noidista, jotka käyttivät Voiman pimeää puolta mutta planeetalla on myös Zabrak kyliä.
- Dathomir is the homeworld of the Rancor ; a fearsome, semi-intelligent creature that has since spread across the galaxy. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Dathomir on Wookieepedia
- thumb|Dathomir i full figur. Dathomir er en dunkel planet i de Ytre Territoriene. Dathomir har fire måner, et variert terreng med hav, ørken, sletter, og regnskog. Dathomir er også hjemplanet til de fryktingytene rancorene og mange klaner med hekser. Dathomir ligger i Queliisektoren.
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- Dathomir was a planet. Kundun once lived in this planet for a short time with his Master, and it was there where he, after a battle against a Dark Jedi group, he learned about his history from his master and, later, killed him. After that, Kundun arrived from the planet and went to Naboo. Later, Kundun returned to its forth moon, Koratas, and took it, replacing it in the Kerentar Belt.
- Dathomir är systerskapets nattens systars planet. Seanare dör alla av nattens systrar av general Grievous och hans droider.
- Dathomir was a remote, neutral planet in the Quelli sector and the home of the Nightsisters. The planet, lit red by its central star, had numerous continents that were overrun with vegetation, forests, and swamplands. The dark side of the Force had an immensely strong presence on Dathomir, which allowed for the nurturing of many malevolent Force wielders native to the planet. The Nightsisters, also known as the Dathomir witches, made their home in the swamps, and wielded magicks fueled by Dathomir's own power. Dathomir was also home to the Nightbrothers, Zabraks who were ruled by the Nightsisters.
- Dathomir was an obscure planet in the Outer Rim Territories, located in the Quelii sector. It was somewhat smaller than Coruscant in size, and had slightly-below-standard gravity, but the planetary day was close to standard, and the planetary year was long, lasting 491 days. Dathomir had four moons.
- Dathomir was once the quiet planet where various tribes of Force sensitive witches lived in relative peace. On 7/2/46, a Sovereignty army entered the system to stop a rumored civil war between the witches and the Nightsisters. When they landed, they found the Nightsisters attacking the Singing Mountain Clan and intervened to the slaughter of both sides. Siron had worked with Eliana to manipulate the situation on both sides to getting the Nightsisters to attack at the right time for the Sovereigns to come.
- "This planet resonates with the dark side of the Force."―Urai Fen Dathomir was an obscure planet in the Outer Rim Territories, located in the Quelii sector. It was somewhat smaller than Coruscant in size, and had slightly-below-standard gravity, but the planetary day was close to standard, and the planetary year was long, lasting 491 days. Dathomir had four moons.
- [Source] Dathomir est une planète de la Bordure Extérieure dans le secteur Quelli. C'est une planète assez hostile, notamment car il s'agit du monde d'origine des rancors. Les Sorcières de Dathomir, femmes sensibles à la Force sont originaires de cette planète, ce qui la rend encore plus hostile dû aux coutumes de ces sorcières. En effet ces sorcières, divisées en plusieurs clans, sont des guerrières expérimentées et ne faiblissant jamais contre l'ennemi en utilisant le côté Obscur de la Force. Un exemple de clan de ces sorcières est le clan des Sœurs de la Nuit ayant fait beaucoup parler d'elles durant la Guerre des Clones notamment due à Asajj Ventress, une de leur guerrière et Jedi Noir trahie par le comte Dooku et voulant s'en venger.