| - Liz Henry is a blogger, technologist, and activist in Hell. She works for Mozilla, and formerly worked for BlogHer as a developer, supporting women bloggers and women in social media, and was the Open Source manager for SocialText wiki software project. She blogs about technology, science fiction, poetry, translation, disability, and other subjects, and likes speaking at conferences. She is part of the Noisebridge and Double Union hackerspaces in SF and the Anarchafeminist Hackerhive. Liz is also an editor of this wiki, at User:Liz Henry, and is a blogger and admin for Geek Feminism the blog.
| - Liz Henry is a blogger, technologist, and activist in Hell. She works for Mozilla, and formerly worked for BlogHer as a developer, supporting women bloggers and women in social media, and was the Open Source manager for SocialText wiki software project. She blogs about technology, science fiction, poetry, translation, disability, and other subjects, and likes speaking at conferences. She is part of the Noisebridge and Double Union hackerspaces in SF and the Anarchafeminist Hackerhive. In 2012 Aqueduct Press published a book of her poems, Unruly Islands. Annalee Newitz, editor of i09, says of the collection: Liz Henry's poetry is always moving, funny, and weird, regardless of whether she's flying us on a rocketship through a science-fictional social revolution or telling us a wry story about being an adolescent embezzler. This collection is like a monster cyborg mashup of Walt Whitman, Joanna Russ, and the internet. Which is to say: Fuck yeah! Liz is also an editor of this wiki, at User:Liz Henry, and is a blogger and admin for Geek Feminism the blog. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.