Attributes | Values |
| - World 1: 鎮守府海域
- World 1: 鎮守府海域
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| - 南西諸島の防衛ライン上の敵侵攻艦隊を捕捉、全力出撃でこれを撃滅せよ!
An enemy invasion fleet is pressing on the defensive line in the Nansei Islands. Sail out in full force and destroy them!
- 製油所地帯沿岸部の海上輸送ラインを防衛せよ!
Protect the supply lines from our coastal refineries!
- Organize a small seek-and-destroy ASW fleet to clean up the submarine-infested waters near the naval base!
- 南西諸島沖に接近する敵前衛艦隊を捕捉、迎撃せよ!
Intercept the enemy's vanguard fleet in the seas off the Nansei Islands!
- 製油所地帯沿岸部の海上輸送ラインを防衛せよ!
- 鎮守府正面近海の警備に出動せよ!
Mobilize for a patrol of the waters outside the naval base!
- なるべく小編成の対潜哨戒部隊を編成し、鎮守府近海に出没する敵潜水艦を発見・制圧せよ!
- Thiết lập hạm đội với những Kanmusu có khả năng chống ngầm và phòng không xuất chúng, bảo vệ tuyến đường vận chuyển
- 南西諸島沖に接近する敵前衛艦隊を捕捉、迎撃せよ!
Đánh chặn và cầm chân hạm đội tiên phong của
đối phương đang cố tiếp cận các đảo ngoài khơi
bờ biển Tây Nam!
- Form a fleet consisting of ships that excel at anti-submarine warfare and in anti-aircraft capabilities, and protect the transport ship routes!
- 南西諸島の防衛ライン上の敵侵攻艦隊を捕捉、全力出撃でこれを撃滅せよ!
- 鎮守府正面近海の警備に出動せよ!
- 対潜及び防空能力に優れた艦艇を基幹戦力とした艦隊を編成、輸送船団航路の護衛にあたれ!
- 対潜及び防空能力に優れた艦艇を基幹戦力とした艦隊を編成、輸送船団航路の護衛にあたれ!
- なるべく小編成の対潜哨戒部隊を編成し、鎮守府近海の出没する敵潜水艦を発見・制圧せよ!
0 -> A/empty
| - * Fleet consists of 1 CL + 5 [DD + DE], 6 [DD + DE] or 2 AO 4 [DD + DE]
* Random routing if none of the requirements are met
C/battle -> F/battle
| - * Fleet contains BB
* Fleet contains SS
* Amount of CL in fleet is ≧ 3
* Amount of ships in the fleet is ≧ 5
E/empty -> I/battle
| - * Guaranteed if the fleet contains at least a CVL, AV, LHA or CAV AND the fleet does not meet the requirements to off route to G.
B/battle -> D/battle
| - * Random routing if the amount of ships in fleet is ≧ 5
D/battle -> H/empty
| - * Amount of ships in fleet is ≧ 5
M/resource -> J/battle
| - * Fleet with at least 1 CL/CT + 3 DD or 4 DD AND pass the LoS check
D/battle -> I/battle
| - * Amount of ships in fleet is ≦ 4
B/storm -> C/resource
| |
A -> B,C
| |
I/battle -> F/battle
| |
G/resource -> K/battle
| - * Random routing if none of the requirements to go to node F are met
D/resource -> G,C/resource
| |
M/resource -> L/battle
| - * Does not meet the requirements to go to node J
* Fail the LoS check
E/empty -> G/battle
| - * 70-90% chance of off routing if:
** Fleet contains no CVL, AV, LHA or CAV
** Amount of CVL ≧ 2
** Amount of AV ≧ 2
** Amount of CAV ≧ 2
I/battle -> J/battle
| |
0 -> C/battle
| - * Fleet contains CA, BBV or CVL
* Amount of DD + DE in fleet is ≦ 3
* Random routing if none of the requirements are met
0 -> A,C/resource
| |
B/storm -> E
| |
C/resource -> F
| |
0 -> A,B/storm
| |
0 -> A,B,G/resource
| |
C/resource -> D/resource,E
| |
B/battle -> C/battle
| - * If the amount of ships in fleet is ≦ 4, the routing is guaranteed
* If the amount of ships in fleet is ≧ 5, the routing is random
C/battle -> E/empty
| - * Does not meet any of the requirement to go to F
G/resource -> F/battle
| - * Fleet consists of 1 CL + 5 [DD + DE]
* Random routing if none of the requirements are met